The British Columbia Building Code | Section 8.2. | Protection of the Public
Division B: Acceptable Solutions Part 8 – Safety Measures at Construction and Demolition Sites
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Division B
Section 8.2. Protection of the Public
8.2.1. Fencing and Barricades Covered Way Exceptions
1) Where the construction may constitute a hazard to the public, work shall not commence on the construction,
alteration or repair of a building until a covered way has been provided as described in Article to protect the
public, except where
a) the work is done within a solid enclosure,
b) the building is at a distance of 2 m or more from a public way used by pedestrians, or
c) site conditions warrant a distance greater than provided in Clause(b). Covered Way Construction
1) A covered way shall
a) have a clear height of not less than 2.5 m,
b) have a clear width of not less than 1.5 m or the width of the public way, whichever is the lesser,
c) be designed and constructed to support safely all loads that may be reasonably expected to be applied to it,
but in no case less than 2.4 kPa on the roof,
d) have a weathertight roof sloped towards the site or, if flat, be equipped with a splash board not less than
300 mm high on the street side,
e) be totally enclosed on the site side with a structure having a reasonably smooth surface facing the public way,
f) have a railing 1 070 mm high on the street side where the covered way is supported by posts on the street
side, and
g) be adequately lighted when the public way is lighted. Fencing, Boarding or Barricades
1) When a construction or demolition activity may constitute a hazard to the public and is located 2 m or more
from a public way, a strongly constructed fence, boarding or barricade not less than 1.8 m high shall be erected
between the site and the public way or open sides of a construction site.
2) Barricades shall have a reasonably smooth surface facing the public way and shall be without openings, except
those required for access.
3) Access openings through barricades shall be equipped with gates that shall be
a) kept closed and locked when the site is unattended, and
b) maintained in place until completion of the construction or demolition activity. Special Hazards
1) Where any special hazard exists from which it is not possible to protect the public by other means, persons
shall be employed to prevent the public from entering the danger zone at any time of the day or night. Work Shutdown
1) When work on a construction site is suspended or ceases so that it will not be occupied during normal
working hours, the hazardous part of the construction site shall be protected by
a) covering all windows, doors and other openings located within 3 m of the ground which may give access to
the building with a securely fastened barricade, or
b) a fence or barricade constructed according to the requirements of Article8.2.1.3.
Part 8 – Safety Measures at Construction and Demolition Site Division B: Acceptable Solutions
Division B
8.2.2. Excavation Water Removal
1) Excavations shall be kept reasonably clear of water. Protection of Adjoining Property
1) If the stability of adjoining buildings may be endangered by the work of excavating, adequate underpinning,
shoring and bracing shall be provided to prevent
a) damage to, or movement of, any part of the adjoining building, and
b) the creation of a hazard to the public.
8.2.3. Use of Streets or Public Property Safe Passage Past Site
1) Except as provided in Article, provisions shall be made at all times for the safe passage of pedestrian
and vehicular traffic past the site.
2) Material or equipment shall not be placed on any street or other public property except as authorized.
3) Except as provided in Sentence(4), where a sidewalk exists adjacent to the site it shall be kept clear of
obstructions at all times.
4) Where construction operations necessitate the obstruction of a sidewalk, a temporary sidewalk shall be
provided and it shall be kept clear of obstruction at all times. Overhead Activities
1) Operations such as the hoisting of major components onto a tall building or other overhead activities that
constitute a hazard to pedestrians below from which the public cannot be protected by barricades, covered ways or
similar means shall not be carried out until the street or other public way is closed. Barricades
1) Excavations in streets or public property shall
a) be adequately barricaded, and
b) have warning signs or lights installed on each section of the barricades referred to in Clause (a). Restoration and Repair
1) All sidewalks, streets or other public property that have been damaged shall be restored to a safe condition.
2) All obstructions on sidewalks, streets or other public property shall be removed when the need for such
obstructions is ended. Warning Lights
1) Warning lights shall be placed and shall be in operation during the hours of darkness at all obstructions on
streets or other public ways.
8.2.4. Direction of Vehicular Traffic Hazards to Vehicular Traffic
1) Where a hazard to vehicular traffic on a public way is created by work on a construction site, the following
shall be provided to direct the traffic:
a) one or more workers,
b) warning signs,
c) barriers,
Division B: Acceptable Solutions Part 8 – Safety Measures at Construction and Demolition Sites
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Division B
d) lane control devices, or
e) flashing lights or flares located at a suitable distance from the hazard. Flags Used for Directing Traffic
1) A flag used to direct traffic shall be
a) red,
b) not less than 450 mm by 500 mm,
c) mounted on a staff not less than 1 m long, with the long side of the flag attached securely to the staff along its
entire length, and
d) maintained in a clean and untorn condition when being used. Signs Used for Directing Traffic
1) A sign used to direct traffic shall be
a) diamond-shaped and of material not less rigid than 6 mm thick plywood,
b) not less than 450 mm by 450 mm in size and mounted at one corner on a substantial pole not less
than 1.2 m long,
c) red on one side with black corner areas so that the red area is a regular 8-sided figure, and with the word
“STOP” in clearly distinguishable white letters not less than 150 mm high located centrally on the sign,
d) yellow on the other side with the word “SLOW” in clearly distinguishable black letters not less than 150 mm
high located centrally on the sign, or symbols recognized by the International Traffic Code, and
e) maintained in a clean condition when being used. Worker Directing Traffic
1) A worker who is directing traffic shall
a) be equipped as required by Article,
b) be instructed in the signals to be used in controlling traffic,
c) be provided with a copy of written instructions on the correct methods for traffic direction, and
d) direct traffic by using either a flag or sign. Clothing While Directing Traffic
1) A worker while directing traffic shall wear the following clothing which shall be fluorescent and coloured
either blaze orange or red:
a) a vest, or
b) sleeves that extend from above the elbow to the wrist.
8.2.5. Waste Material Control of Waste Material
1) Waste material or other material shall not be permitted to fall freely from one storey to another. Removal of Waste Material
1) Waste material shall be removed as quickly as possible by means of
a) appropriate containers,
b) an enclosed shaft or chute conforming to Sentence, or
c) a hoisting apparatus if large pieces or objects are involved.
Part 8 – Safety Measures at Construction and Demolition Site Division B: Acceptable Solutions
Division B Enclosures for Waste Material
1) Waste material cleared as provided in Sentence shall be deposited in an enclosure
a) so arranged as to prevent waste material from being projected beyond the confines of the enclosure, and
b) not accessible to the public. Chutes for Waste Material
1) The chute described in Clause shall be closed if it is inclined more than 45° to the horizontal.
Part 8 – Safety Measures at Construction and Demolition Site Division B: Acceptable Solutions
Division B Enclosures for Waste Material
1) Waste material cleared as provided in Sentence shall be deposited in an enclosure
a) so arranged as to prevent waste material from being projected beyond the confines of the enclosure, and
b) not accessible to the public. Chutes for Waste Material
1) The chute described in Clause shall be closed if it is inclined more than 45° to the horizontal.