The British Columbia Building Code | Section 8.1. | General

Division B: Acceptable Solutions Part 8 – Safety Measures at Construction and Demolition Sites
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Division B
Section 8.1. General
8.1.1. Scope Scope
1) The scope of this Part shall be as described in Subsection 1.3.3.of Division A.
2) This Part applies to fire safety and the protection of the public during the construction, alteration or
demolition of every building, including any incompleted or abandoned building.
3) Fire safety at construction and demolition sites shall conform to CAN/CSA S350-M, “Code of Practice for
Safety in Demolition of Structures,” and Section 5.6. of Division B of the British Columbia Fire Code. Reserved Demolition Procedures
1) Measures shall be taken during demolition to protect the public in conformance with Section 5.6. of
Division B of the British Columbia Fire Code.
8.1.2. Application Application
1) Where a building is undergoing construction, alteration or demolition, measures shall be taken at the building
site in conformance with this Code. (See NoteA- Protection from Risk
1) Precautions shall be taken to ensure that no person is exposed to undue risk.
Division B: Acceptable Solutions Part 8 – Safety Measures at Construction and Demolition Sites
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Division B
Section 8.1. General
8.1.1. Scope Scope
1) The scope of this Part shall be as described in Subsection 1.3.3.of Division A.
2) This Part applies to fire safety and the protection of the public during the construction, alteration or
demolition of every building, including any incompleted or abandoned building.
3) Fire safety at construction and demolition sites shall conform to CAN/CSA S350-M, “Code of Practice for
Safety in Demolition of Structures,” and Section 5.6. of Division B of the British Columbia Fire Code. Reserved Demolition Procedures
1) Measures shall be taken during demolition to protect the public in conformance with Section 5.6. of
Division B of the British Columbia Fire Code.
8.1.2. Application Application
1) Where a building is undergoing construction, alteration or demolition, measures shall be taken at the building
site in conformance with this Code. (See NoteA- Protection from Risk
1) Precautions shall be taken to ensure that no person is exposed to undue risk.