The British Columbia Building Code | Section 3.7. | Health Requirements
Division B: Acceptable Solutions Part 3 – Fire Protection, Occupant Safety and Accessibility
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Division B
Section 3.7. Health Requirements
3.7.1. Height of Rooms Room and Space Height
1) The height of every room and space shall be sufficient so that the ceiling or ceiling fixtures do not obstruct
movement or activities below.
2) The unobstructed height in dwelling units shall conform to Subsection9.5.3.
3.7.2. Plumbing Facilities Plumbing and Drainage Systems
1) Except as permitted in Sentence(2), if the installation of a sanitary drainage system is not possible because of
the absence of a water supply, sanitary privies, chemical closets or other means for the disposal of human waste shall
be provided.
2) Waterless urinals are permitted to be used in buildings provided with a water supply. Water Closets
1) Except as permitted by Sentence(4), water closets shall be provided for each sex assuming that the occupant
load is equally divided between males and females, unless the proportion of each sex expected in the building can be
determined with reasonable accuracy. (SeeNoteA-
2) If a single universal washroom is provided in accordance with the requirements of Section3.8., the total
number of persons in the building used to determine the number of water closets to be provided, is permitted to be
reduced by 10 before applying Sentence(6),(7),(8),(12),(13) or(14).
3) Except as permitted by Sentence(2), if only one universal washroom is provided in accordance with
Section3.8., the water closet in this room shall not be taken into consideration in determining the number of water
closets required by this Article, unless a single water closet is permitted in accordance with Sentence(4).
4) Both sexes are permitted to be served by a single water closet if the occupant load in an occupancy referred to in
Sentence(6),(10),(12),(13),(14) or(16) is not more than10.
5) Urinals are permitted to be substituted for two thirds of the number of water closets required by this
Articlefor males, except that if only 2 water closets are required for males, one urinal is permitted to be substituted
for one of the water closets.
6) Except as permitted by Sentences(4),(7) and(8), the number of water closets required for assembly
occupancies shall conform to Table3.7.2.2.-A.
Water Closets for an Assembly Occupancy
Forming Part of Sentence
Number of Persons of Each Sex
Minimum Number of Water Closets
Male Female
1 - 25 1 1
26 - 50 1 2
51 - 75 2 3
76 - 100 2 4
101 - 125 3 5
126 - 150 3 6
151 - 175 4 7
176 - 200 4 8
Part 3 – Fire Protection, Occupant Safety and Accessibility Division B: Acceptable Solutions
Division B
7) The number of water closets required for primary schools and daycare facilities, including daycare facilities
for children shall be at least one for each 30males and one for each 25 females.
8) The number of water closets required for places of worship and undertaking premises shall be at least one for
each 150persons of each sex.
9) The number of water closets required for a treatment or detention occupancy shall be determined on the basis
of the special needs of the occupancy.
10) Except as permitted by Sentences(4) and(7), the number of water closets required for a care or residential
occupancy shall be at least one for each 10 persons of each sex.
11) At least one water closet shall be provided for each dwelling unit.
12) Except as permitted by Sentence(4), the number of water closets required for a business and personal services
occupancy shall conform to Table3.7.2.2.-B.
13) Except as permitted by Sentences(4) and(16), the number of water closets required for a mercantile
occupancy shall be at least one for each 300males and one for each 150females.
14) Except as permitted by Sentence(4), the number of water closets required for an industrial occupancy shall
conform to Table3.7.2.2.-C.
201 - 250 5 9
251 - 300 5 10
301 - 350 6 11
351 - 400 6 12
Over 400 7, plus 1 for each additional increment of
200 males in excess of 400
13, plus 1 for each additional increment of
100 females in excess of 400
Water Closets for a Business and Personal Services Occupancy
Forming Part of Sentences (16)
Number of Persons of Each Sex Minimum Number of Water Closets for Each Sex
1 - 25 1
26 - 50 2
Over 50 3, plus 1 for each additional increment of 50 persons of each sex in excess of 50
Water Closets for an Industrial Occupancy
Forming Part of Sentence
Number of Persons of Each Sex Minimum Number of Water Closets for Each Sex
1 - 10 1
11 - 25 2
26 - 50 3
51 - 75 4
76 - 100 5
Over 100 6, plus 1 for each additional increment of 30 persons of each sex in excess of 100
Table (continued)
Water Closets for an Assembly Occupancy
Forming Part of Sentence
Number of Persons of Each Sex
Minimum Number of Water Closets
Male Female
Division B: Acceptable Solutions Part 3 – Fire Protection, Occupant Safety and Accessibility
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Division B
15) In a building whose floor area is more than 600 m
and that includes one or more individual tenant spaces for
a business and personal services occupancy or mercantile occupancy, water closets shall be located so that they are
accessible to the public when the building is occupied.
16) The number of water closets required in a suite of mercantile occupancy whose area is not more than500 m
permitted to be determined in accordance with Table3.7.2.2.-B based solely on the total number of staff. Lavatories
1) Except as permitted by Sentence(2), at least one lavatory shall be provided in a room containing one or
2 water closets or urinals, and at least one additional lavatory shall be provided for each additional 2 water closets or
2) Wash fountains in circular form are permitted to be provided in lieu of lavatories required by Sentence(1)
provided each 500 mm of circumference is considered to be the equivalent of one lavatory.
3) Any shelf or projection above a lavatory shall be located so that it will not be a hazard.
4) Lavatories required by Sentence(1) shall be equipped with faucets that
a) operate automatically, or
b) have a manual control that
i) complies with Clause3.8.3.8.(1)(c),
ii) does not require the application of continuous force to maintain water flow, and
iii) where metered, provides at least 10 s of water flow. Mobile Home Facilities
1) If mobile homes do not have individual sanitary facilities connected to a central water supply and drainage
system, a service building shall be provided for public use.
2) The service building required by Sentence(1) shall contain
a) at least one water closet for each sex if the service building facilities serve not more than10 mobile homes, and
b) an additional water closet for each sex for each additional 10 mobile homes.
3) If a service building is required by Sentence(1), it shall contain lavatories as required by Sentence3.7.2.3.(1)
and at least
a) one laundry tray or similar facility, and
b) one bathtub or shower for each sex. Safety Glass
1) Glass, other than safety glass, shall not be used for a shower or bathtub enclosure. Surface Protection
1) Wall and floor surfaces below the uppermost surfaces of a urinal shall be protected from deterioration by
impervious and durable material for a distance from the urinal to a point not less than 900mm from the projected
outline of the urinal on to the wall or floor.
2) Floor surfaces around a water closet shall be protected from deterioration by an impervious and durable
material for a distance not less than 900mm from the projected outline of the water closet on the floor. Floor Drain
1) A floor drain shall be installed in a washroom containing a urinal equipped with an automatic flushing device. Grab Bars
1) Grab bars shall
a) be slip-resistant and free of any sharp or abrasive elements,
b) be mounted on surfaces that are free of any sharp or abrasive elements,
Part 3 – Fire Protection, Occupant Safety and Accessibility Division B: Acceptable Solutions
Division B
c) be able to resist a load of not less than 1.3kN applied vertically or horizontally,
d) be 30mm to 40mm in diameter, and
e) where mounted on a wall, have a clearance of 35mm to 45mm from the wall. Bathtubs
1) Where a bathtub is installed in a hotel or a motel, it shall
a) have a clear floor space at least 750mm wide along its length, except that a water closet and a lavatory are
permitted to project into
this space provided they do not restrict access to the bathtub,
b) have faucets and other controls that conform to Clause3.8.3.8.(1)(c),
c) have a slip-resistant bottom surface,
d) have grab bars that
i) conform to Sentence3.7.2.8.(1),
ii) are not less than 1 200mm long located vertically at the end of the bathtub that is adjacent to the clear
floor space, with the lower end between 180mm and 280mm above the bathtub rim, and
iii) are not less than 1 200mm long located horizontally along the length of the bathtub at 180mm to
280mm above the bathtub rim, and
e) be capable of being accessed along its full length with no tracks mounted on the bathtub rim. Accessible Washrooms
1) Where washrooms, baths or showers are required to be
accessible, they shall conform to Subsection 3.8.3.
(See Note A-3.8.)
3.7.3. Medical Gas Piping Systems Medical Gas Piping
1) If a non-flammable medical gas piping system is installed, it shall be installed in conformance with
a) CSAZ7396.1, “Medical Gas Pipeline Systems – Part1: Pipelines for Medical Gases, Medical Vacuum,
Medical Support Gases, and Anaesthetic Gas Scavenging Systems,”and
b) Part3 of DivisionB of the British Columbia Fire Code.
Part 3 – Fire Protection, Occupant Safety and Accessibility Division B: Acceptable Solutions
Division B
c) be able to resist a load of not less than 1.3kN applied vertically or horizontally,
d) be 30mm to 40mm in diameter, and
e) where mounted on a wall, have a clearance of 35mm to 45mm from the wall. Bathtubs
1) Where a bathtub is installed in a hotel or a motel, it shall
a) have a clear floor space at least 750mm wide along its length, except that a water closet and a lavatory are
permitted to project into
this space provided they do not restrict access to the bathtub,
b) have faucets and other controls that conform to Clause3.8.3.8.(1)(c),
c) have a slip-resistant bottom surface,
d) have grab bars that
i) conform to Sentence3.7.2.8.(1),
ii) are not less than 1 200mm long located vertically at the end of the bathtub that is adjacent to the clear
floor space, with the lower end between 180mm and 280mm above the bathtub rim, and
iii) are not less than 1 200mm long located horizontally along the length of the bathtub at 180mm to
280mm above the bathtub rim, and
e) be capable of being accessed along its full length with no tracks mounted on the bathtub rim. Accessible Washrooms
1) Where washrooms, baths or showers are required to be
accessible, they shall conform to Subsection 3.8.3.
(See Note A-3.8.)
3.7.3. Medical Gas Piping Systems Medical Gas Piping
1) If a non-flammable medical gas piping system is installed, it shall be installed in conformance with
a) CSAZ7396.1, “Medical Gas Pipeline Systems – Part1: Pipelines for Medical Gases, Medical Vacuum,
Medical Support Gases, and Anaesthetic Gas Scavenging Systems,”and
b) Part3 of DivisionB of the British Columbia Fire Code.