The British Columbia Building Code | Section 3.2. | Functional Statements
Division A: Compliance, Objectives and Functional Statements Part 3 – Functional Statements
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Division A
Section 3.2. Functional Statements
3.2.1. Functional Statements Functional Statements
1) The objectives of this Code are achieved by measures, such as those described in the acceptable solutions in
Division B, that are intended to allow the building or its elements to perform the following functions
(see Note A-
F01 To minimize the risk of accidental ignition.
F02 To limit the severity and effects of fire or explosions.
F03 To retard the effects of fire on areas beyond its point of origin.
F04 To retard failure or collapse due to the effects of fire.
F05 To retard the effects of fire on emergency egress facilities.
F06 To retard the effects of fire on facilities for notification, suppression and emergency response.
F10 To facilitate the timely movement of persons to a safe place in an emergency.
F11 To notify persons, in a timely manner, of the need to take action in an emergency.
F12 To facilitate emergency response.
F13 To notify emergency responders, in a timely manner, of the need to take action in an emergency.
F20 To support and withstand expected loads and forces.
F21 To limit or accommodate dimensional change.
F22 To limit movement under expected loads and forces.
F23 To maintain equipment in place during structural movement.
F30 To minimize the risk of injury to persons as a result of tripping, slipping, falling, contact, drowning
or collision.
F31 To minimize the risk of injury to persons as a result of contact with hot surfaces or substances.
F32 To minimize the risk of injury to persons as a result of contact with energized equipment.
F33 To limit the level of sound of a fire alarm system.
F34 To resist or discourage unwanted access or entry.
F35 To facilitate the identification of potential intruders.
F36 To minimize the risk that persons will be trapped in confined spaces.
F40 To limit the level of contaminants.
F41 To minimize the risk of generation of contaminants.
F42 To resist the entry of vermin and insects.
F43 To minimize the risk of release of hazardous substances.
F44 To limit the spread of hazardous substances beyond their point of release.
F46 To minimize the risk of contamination of potable water.
F50 To provide air suitable for breathing.
F51 To maintain appropriate air and surface temperatures.
F52 To maintain appropriate relative humidity.
F53 To maintain appropriate indoor/outdoor air pressure differences.
F54 To limit drafts.
F55 To resist the transfer of air through environmental separators.
F56 To limit the transmission of airborne sound into a dwelling unit from spaces elsewhere in the building
(see Sentence for application limitation).
F60 To control the accumulation and pressure of water on and in the ground.
F61 To resist the ingress of precipitation, water or moisture from the exterior or from the ground.
To facilitate the dissipation of water and moisture from the building.
F63 To limit moisture condensation.
F70 To provide potable water.
F71 To provide facilities for personal hygiene.
F72 To provide facilities for the sanitary disposal of human and domestic wastes.
F73 To facilitate access to and in the building and its facilities by persons with disabilities
(see Sentence for application limitation).
F74 To facilitate the use of the building’s facilities by persons with disabilities
(see Sentence for
application limitation).
Part 3 – Functional Statements Division A: Compliance, Objectives and Functional Statements
Division A British Columbia Building Code 2018
F75 To minimize obstacles for future modification to provide access (see Sentence for application
F80 To resist deterioration resulting from expected service conditions.
F81 To minimize the risk of malfunction, interference, damage, tampering, lack of use or misuse.
F82 To minimize the risk of inadequate performance due to improper maintenance or lack of maintenance.
F90 To limit the amount of uncontrolled air leakage through the building envelope.
F91 To limit the amount of uncontrolled air leakage through system components.
F92 To limit the amount of uncontrolled thermal transfer through the building envelope.
F93 To limit the amount of uncontrolled thermal transfer through system components.
F95 To limit the unnecessary demand and/or consumption of energy for heating and cooling.
F96 To limit the unnecessary demand and/or consumption of energy for service water heating.
F98 To limit the inefficiency of equipment.
F99 To limit the inefficiency of systems.
F100To limit the unnecessary rejection of reusable waste energy.
Division B – Appendix C Climatic and Seismic Information for Building Design in Canada
Division B
British Columbia Building Code 2018
Past and ongoing modifications to atmospheric chemistry (from greenhouse gas emissions and land use changes) are expected to
alter most climatic regimes in the future despite the success of the most ambitious greenhouse gas mitigation plans.
Some regions could see an increase in the frequency and intensity of many weather extremes, which will accelerate weathering
processes. Consequently, many buildings will need to be designed, maintained and operated to adequately withstand ever
changing climatic loads.
Similar to global trends, the last decade in Canada was noted as the warmest in instrumented record. Canada has warmed, on
average, at almost twice the rate of the global average increase, while the western Arctic is warming at a rate that is unprecedented
over the past 400years.
Mounting evidence from Arctic communities indicates that rapid changes to climate in the North have
resulted in melting permafrost and impacts from other climate changes have affected nearly every type of built structure.
Furthermore, analyses of Canadian precipitation data shows that many regions of the country have, on average, also been tending
towards wetter conditions.
In the United States, where the density of climate monitoring stations is greater, a number of studies
have found an unambiguous upward trend in the frequency of heavy to extreme precipitation events, with these increases
coincident with a general upward trend in the total amount of precipitation. Climate change model results, based on an ensemble
of global climate models worldwide, project that future climate warming rates will be greatest in higher latitude countries such
as Canada.
January Design Temperatures
A building and its heating system should be designed to maintain the inside temperature at some pre-determined level. Toachieve
this, it is necessary to know the most severe weather conditions under which the system will be expected to function satisfactorily.
Failure to maintain the inside temperature at the pre-determined level will not usually be serious if the temperature drop is not
great and if the duration is not long. The outside conditions used for design should, therefore, not be the most severe in many
years, butshould be the somewhat less severe conditions that are occasionally but not greatly exceeded.
The January design temperatures are based on an analysis of January air temperatures only. Wind and solar radiation also affect
the inside temperature of most buildings and may need to be considered for energy-efficient design.
The January design temperature is defined as the lowest temperature at or below which only a certain small percentage of the
hourly outside air temperatures in January occur. In the past, a total of 158stations with records from all or part of the period
1951-66 formed the basis for calculation of the 2.5 and 1% January temperatures. Where necessary, the data were adjusted for
consistency. Since most of the temperatures were observed at airports, design values for the core areas of large cities could be 1or
2°C milder, although the values for the outlying areas are probably about the same as for the airports. No adjustments were made
for this urban island heat effect. The design values for the next 20to30 years will probably differ from these tabulated values due
to year-to-year climate variability and global climate change resulting from the impact of human activities on atmospheric
The design temperatures were reviewed and updated using hourly temperature observations from 480stations for a 25-year
period up to 2006 with at least 8years of complete data. These data are consistent with data shown for Canadian locations in the
2009 Handbook of Fundamentals
published by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning
Engineers (ASHRAE). The most recent 25years of record were used to provide a balance between accounting for trends in the
climate and the sampling variation owing to year-to-year variation. The 1% and 2.5% values used for the design conditions
represent percentiles of the cumulative frequency distribution of hourly temperatures and correspond to January temperatures
that are colder for 8 and 19hours, respectively, on average over the long term.
The 2.5% January design temperature is the value ordinarily used in the design of heating systems. In special cases, whenthe
control of inside temperature is more critical, the 1% value may be used. Other temperature-dependent climatic design
parameters may be considered for future issues of this document.
July Design Temperatures
A building and its cooling and dehumidifying system should be designed to maintain the inside temperature and humidity at
certain pre-determined levels. To achieve this, it is necessary to know the most severe weather conditions under which the system
is expected to function satisfactorily. Failure to maintain the inside temperature and humidity at the pre-determined levels will
usually not be serious if the increases in temperature and humidity are not great and the duration is not long. The outside
conditions used for design should, therefore, not be the most severe in many years, but should be the somewhat less severe
conditions that are occasionally but not greatly exceeded.
The summer design temperatures in this Appendix are based on an analysis of July air temperatures and humidities. Wind and
solar radiation also affect the inside temperature of most buildings and may, in some cases, be more important than the outside air
temperature. More complete summer and winter design information can be obtained from Environment Canada.
Effective December 10, 2018 to December 11, 2019
Division B – Appendix C Climatic and Seismic Information for Building Design in Canada
Division B
British Columbia Building Code 2018
The annual maximum depth of snow on the ground has been assembled for 1 618stations for which data has been recorded by
the Atmospheric Environment Service (AES). The period of record used varied from station to station, ranging from 7 to
38years. Thesedata were analyzed using a Gumbel extreme value distribution fitted using the method of moments
as reported
by Newark etal.
The resulting values are the snow depths, which have a probability of 1-in-50 of being exceeded in any
one year.
The unit weight of old snow generally ranges from 2 to 5kN/m
, and it is usually assumed in Canada that 1kN/m
is the average
for new snow. Average unit weights of the seasonal snow pack have been derived for different regions across the country
and an
appropriate value has been assigned to each weather station. Typically, the values average 2.01kN/m
east of the continental
divide (except for 2.94kN/m
north of the treeline), and range from 2.55 to 4.21kN/m
west of the divide. The product of the
1-in-50 snow depth and the average unit weight of the seasonal snow pack at a station is converted to the snow load (SL) in units
of kilopascals (kPa).
Except for the mountainous areas of western Canada, the values of the ground snow load at AES stations were normalized
assuming a linear variation of the load above sea level in order to account for the effects of topography. They were then smoothed
using an uncertainty-weighted moving-area average in order to minimize the uncertainty due to snow depth sampling errors and
site-specific variations. Interpolation from analyzed maps of the smooth normalized values yielded a value for each location in
TableC-2, which could then be converted to the listed code values (S
) by means of an equation in the form:
where b is the assumed rate of change of SL with elevation at the location and Z is the location’s elevation above mean sea level
(MSL). Although they are listed in TableC-2 to the nearest tenth of a kilopascal, values of S
typically have an uncertainty of
about 20%. Areas of sparse data in northern Canada were an exception to this procedure. In these regions, an analysis was made
of the basic SL values. The effects of topography, variations due to local climates, and smoothing were all subjectively assessed.
The values derived in this fashion were used to modify those derived objectively.
For the mountainous areas of British Columbia, a more complex procedure was required to account for the variation of loads with
terrain and elevation. Since the AES observational network often does not have sufficient coverage to detail this variability in
mountainous areas, additional snow course observations were obtained from the provincial government of British Columbia.
The additional data allowed detailed local analysis of ground snow loads on a valley-by-valley basis. Similar to other studies, the
data indicated that snow loads above a critical or reference level increased according to either a linear or quadratic relation with
elevation. The determination of whether the increase with elevation was linear or quadratic, the rate of the increase and the critical
or reference elevation were found to be specific to the valley and mountain ranges considered. At valley levels below the critical
elevation, the loads generally varied less significantly with elevation. Calculated valley- and range-specific regression relations were
then used to describe the increase of load with elevation and to normalize the AES snow observations to a critical or
reference level. These normalized values were smoothed using a weighted moving-average.
Tabulated values cannot be expected to indicate all the local differences in S
. For this reason, especially in complex terrain areas,
values should not be interpolated from TableC-2 for unlisted locations. The values of S
in the Table apply for the elevation and
the latitude and longitude of the location, as defined by the Gazetteer of Canada. Values at other locations can be obtained from
Environment Canada.
The heaviest loads frequently occur when the snow is wetted by rain, thus the rain load, S
, was estimated to the nearest 0.1kPa
and is provided in TableC-2. When values of S
are added to S
, this provides a 1-in-50-year estimate of the combined ground
snow and rain load. The values of S
are based on an analysis of about 2 100 weather station values of the 1-in-50-year one-day
maximum rain amount. This return period is appropriate because the rain amounts correspond approximately to the joint
frequency of occurrence of the one-day rain on maximum snow packs. For the purpose of estimating rain on snow, the individual
observed one-day rain amounts were constrained to be less than or equal to the snow pack water equivalent, which was estimated
by a snow pack accumulation model reported by Bruce and Clark.
The results from surveys of snow loads on roofs indicate that average roof loads are generally less than loads on the ground.
Theconditions under which the design snow load on the roof may be taken as a percentage of the ground snow load are given in
Subsection4.1.6. The Code also permits further decreases in design snow loads for steeply sloping roofs, but requires substantial
increases for roofs where snow accumulation may be more rapid due to such factors as drifting. Recommended adjustments are
given in the “User’s Guide – NBC 2015, Structural Commentaries (Part 4 of Division B).”
The ground snow load values, S
, were updated for this edition of the Code using a similar approach to the one used for the
ground snow load update in the 1990NBC, which was the basis for the 1992 British Columbia Building Code
. The Gumbel
extreme value distribution was fitted to the annual maxima of daily snow depth observations made at over 1 400 weather stations,
which were compiled from 1990 onward – to as recently as 2012 for some stations – to calculate the 50-year return period
smooth normalized SL bZ
Effective December 10, 2018 to December 11, 2019
Division B – Appendix C Climatic and Seismic Information for Building Design in Canada
Division B
British Columbia Building Code 2018
Moisture Index (MI)
Moisture index (MI) values were developed through the work of a consortium that included representatives from industry and
researchers from NRC.
The MI is an indicator of the moisture load imposed on a building by the climate and is used in Part9
to define the minimum levels of protection from precipitation to be provided by cladding assemblies on exterior walls.
It must be noted, in using MIvalues to determine the appropriate levels of protection from precipitation, that weather conditions
can vary markedly within a relatively small geographical area. Although the values provided in the Table give a good indication of
the average conditions within a particular region, some caution must be exercised when applying them to a locality that is outside
the region where the weather station is located.
MI is calculated from a wetting index (WI) and a drying index (DI).
Wetting Index (WI)
To define, quantitatively, the rainwater load on a wall, wind speed and wind direction have to be taken into consideration in
addition to rainfall, along with factors that can affect exposure, such as nearby buildings, vegetation and topography. Quantitative
determination of load, including wind speed and wind direction, can be done. However, due to limited weather data, it is not
currently possible to provide this information for most of the locations identified in the Table.
This lack of information, however, has been shown to be non-critical for the purpose of classifying locations in terms of severity of
rain load. The results of the research indicated that simple annual rainfall is as good an indicator as any for describing rainwater
load. That is to say, for Canadian locations, and especially once drying is accounted for, the additional sensitivity provided by
hourly directional rainfall values does not have a significant effect on the order in which locations appear when listed from wet
to dry.
Consequently, the wetting index (WI) is based on annual rainfall and is normalized based on 1 000 mm.
Drying Index (DI)
Temperature and relative humidity together define the drying capacity of ambient air. Based on simple psychrometrics, values
were derived for the locations listed in the Table using annual average drying capacity normalized based on the drying capacity at
Lytton, B.C. The resultant values are referred to as drying indices (DI).
Determination of Moisture Index (MI)
The relationship between WI and DI to correctly define moisture loading on a wall is not known. The MIvalues provided in the
Table are based on the root mean square values of WI and 1-DI, with those values equally weighted. This is illustrated in
FigureC-1. The resultant MIvalues are sufficiently consistent with industry’s understanding of climate severity with respect to
moisture loading as to allow limits to be identified for the purpose of specifying where additional protection from precipitation
is required.
Effective December 10, 2018 to December 11, 2019
Division B – Appendix C Climatic and Seismic Information for Building Design in Canada
Division B
British Columbia Building Code 2018
Wind Effects
All structures need to be designed to ensure that the main structural system and all secondary components, such as cladding and
appurtenances, will withstand the pressures and suctions caused by the strongest wind likely to blow at that location in many
years. Some flexible structures, such as tall buildings, slender towers and bridges, also need to be designed to minimize excessive
wind-induced oscillations or vibrations.
At any time, the wind acting upon a structure can be treated as a mean or time-averaged component and as a gust or unsteady
component. For a small structure, which is completely enveloped by wind gusts, it is only the peak gust velocity that needs to be
considered. For a large structure, the wind gusts are not well correlated over its different parts and the effects of individual gusts
become less significant. The “User’s Guide – NBC 2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of DivisionB)” evaluates the mean
pressure acting on a structure, provide appropriate adjustments for building height and exposure and for the influence of the
surrounding terrain and topography (including wind speed-up forhills), and then incorporate the effects of wind gusts by means
of the gust factor, which varies according to the type of structure and the size of the area over which the pressure acts.
The wind speeds and corresponding velocity pressures used in the Code are regionally representative or reference values.
Thereference wind speeds are nominal one-hour averages of wind speeds representative of the 10m height in flat open terrain
corresponding to Exposure A or open terrain in the terminology of the “User’s Guide – NBC 2015, Structural Commentaries
(Part4 of DivisionB).” The reference wind speeds and wind velocity pressures are based on long-term wind records observed at a
large number of weather stations across Canada.
Reference wind velocity pressures in previous versions of the Code since1961 were based mostly on records of hourly averaged
wind speeds (i.e. the number of miles of wind passing an anemometer in anhour) from over100 stations with 10 to 22years of
observations ending in the 1950s. The wind pressure values derived from these measurements represented true hourly wind
The reference wind velocity pressures were reviewed and updated for the 2012edition of the Code. The primary data set used for
the analysis comprised wind records compiled from about 135stations with hourly averaged wind speeds and from 465stations
with aviation (one- or two-minute average) speeds or surface weather (ten-minute average) speeds observed once per hour at the
top of the hour; the periods of record used ranged from 10to54years. In addition, peak wind gust records from 400stations
with periods of record ranging from 10 to 43years were used. Peak wind gusts (gust durations of approximately 3to7seconds)
were used to supplement the primary once-per-hour observations in the analysis.
Several steps were involved in updating the reference wind values. Where needed, speeds were adjusted to represent the standard
anemometer height above ground of 10m. The data from years when the anemometer at a station was installed on the top of a
lighthouse or building were eliminated from the analysis since it is impractical to adjust for the effects of wind flow over the
structure. (Most anemometers were moved to 10m towers by the 1960s.) Wind speeds of the various observation types – hourly
averaged, aviation, surface weather and peak wind gust – were adjusted to account for different measure durations to represent a
one-hour averaging period and to account for differences in the surface roughness of flat open terrain at observing stations.
The annual maximum wind speed data was fitted to the Gumbel distribution using the method of moments
to calculate hourly
wind speeds having the annual probability of occurrence of 1-in-10 and 1-in-50 (10-year and 50-year return periods). The values
were plotted on maps, then analyzed and abstracted for the locations in TableC-2.
The wind velocity pressures, q, were calculated in Pascals using the following equation:
is an average air density for the windy months of the year and V is wind speed in metres per second. While air density
depends on both air temperature and atmospheric pressure, the density of dry air at 0°C and standard atmospheric pressure of
was used as an average value for the wind pressure calculations. As explained by Boyd
, this value is within 10% of
the monthly average air densities for most of Canada in the windy part of the year.
As a result of the updating procedure, the 1-in-50 reference wind velocity pressures remain unchanged for most of the locations
listed in TableC-2; both increases and decreases were noted for the remaining locations. Many of the decreases resulted from the
fact that anemometers at most of the stations used in the previous analysis were installed on lighthouses, airport hangers and other
structures. Wind speeds on the tops of buildings are often much higher compared to those registered by a standard 10m tower.
Eliminating anemometer data recorded on the tops of buildings from the analysis resulted in lower values at several locations.
Hourly wind speeds that have 1chance in10 and 50
of being exceeded in any one year were analyzed using the Gumbel
extreme value distribution fitted using the method of moments with correction for sample size. Values of the 1-in-30-year wind
speeds for locations in the Table were estimated from a mapping analysis of wind speeds. The 1-in-10- and 1-in-50-year speeds
were then computed from the 1-in-30-year speeds using a map of the dispersion parameter that occurs in the Gumbel analysis.
Effective December 10, 2018 to December 11, 2019
Division B – Appendix C Climatic and Seismic Information for Building Design in Canada
Division B
British Columbia Building Code 2018
0.44 26.1 0.82 35.6 1.20 43.1 1.58 49.4
0.45 26.4 0.83 35.8 1.21 43.3 1.59 49.6
0.46 26.7 0.84 36.0 1.22 43.4 1.60 49.7
0.47 27.0 0.85 36.3 1.23 43.6 1.61 49.9
0.48 27.2 0.86 36.5 1.24 43.8 1.62 50.1
0.49 27.5 0.87 36.7 1.25 44.0 1.63 50.2
0.50 27.8 0.88 36.9 1.26 44.1 1.64 50.4
0.51 28.1 0.89 37.1 1.27 44.3 1.65 50.5
0.52 28.4 0.90 37.3 1.28 44.5 1.66 50.7
Table C-2
Climatic Design Data for Selected Locations in British Columbia
Design Temperature
s, Pa, 1/5
Snow Load,
kPa, 1/50
Hourly Wind
January July 2.5%
Ss Sr 1/10 1/50
100 Mile House 1040 -30 -32 29 17 5030 10 48 300 0.44 425 60 2.6 0.3 0.27 0.35
Abbotsford 70 -8 -10 29 20 2860 12 112 1525 1.59 1600 160 2.0 0.3 0.34 0.44
Agassiz 15 -9 -11 31 21 2750 8 128 1650 1.71 1700 160 2.4 0.7 0.36 0.47
Alberni 12 -5 -8 31 19 3100 10 144 1900 2.00 2000 220 2.6 0.4 0.25 0.32
Ashcroft 305 -24 -27 34 20 3700 10 37 250 0.25 300 80 1.7 0.1 0.29 0.38
Bamfield 20 -2 -4 23 17 3080 13 170 2870 2.96 2890 280 1.0 0.4 0.39 0.50
Beatton River 840 -37 -39 26 18 6300 15 64 330 0.53 450 80 3.3 0.1 0.23 0.30
Bella Bella 25 -5 -7 23 18 3180 13 145 2715 2.82 2800 350 2.6 0.8 0.39 0.50
Bella Coola 40 -14 -18 27 19 3560 10 140 1500 1.85 1700 350 4.5 0.8 0.30 0.39
Burns Lake 755 -31 -34 26 17 5450 12 54 300 0.56 450 100 3.4 0.2 0.30 0.39
Cache Creek 455 -24 -27 34 20 3700 10 37 250 0.25 300 80 1.7 0.2 0.30 0.39
Campbell River 20 -5 -7 26 18 3000 10 116 1500 1.59 1600 260 2.8 0.4 0.40 0.52
Carmi 845 -24 -26 31 19 4750 10 64 325 0.38 550 60 3.6 0.2 0.29 0.38
Castlegar 430 -18 -20 32 20 3580 10 54 560 0.64 700 60 4.2 0.1 0.27 0.34
Chetwynd 605 -35 -38 27 18 5500 15 70 400 0.58 625 60 2.4 0.2 0.31 0.40
Chilliwack 10 -9 -11 30 20 2780 8 139 1625 1.68 1700 160 2.2 0.3 0.36 0.47
Colwood Region
64 -6 -8 26 18 2900 10 100 1000 1.13 1030 220 1.7 0.3 0.48 0.63
(Royal Bay
20 -5 -7 24 17 2600 8 80 910 1.05 930 220 1.2 0.3 0.48 0.63
Table C-1 (continued)
Wind Speeds
q V q V q V q V
kPa m/s kPa m/s kPa m/s kPa m/s
Effective December 10, 2018 to December 11, 2019
Division B – Appendix C Climatic and Seismic Information for Building Design in Canada
Division B
British Columbia Building Code 2018
McBride 730 -29 -32 29 18 4980 13 54 475 0.64 650 60 4.3 0.2 0.27 0.35
McLeod Lake 695 -35 -37 27 17 5450 10 50 350 0.54 650 60 4.1 0.2 0.25 0.32
Merritt 570 -24 -27 34 20 3900 8 54 240 0.24 310 80 1.8 0.3 0.34 0.44
Mission City 45 -9 -11 30 20 2850 13 123 1650 1.71 1700 160 2.4 0.3 0.33 0.43
Montrose 615 -16 -18 32 20 3600 10 54 480 0.56 700 60 4.1 0.1 0.27 0.35
Nakusp 445 -20 -22 31 20 3560 10 60 650 0.78 850 60 4.4 0.1 0.25 0.33
Nanaimo 15 -6 -8 27 19 3000 10 91 1000 1.13 1050 200 2.1 0.4 0.39 0.50
Nelson 600 -18 -20 31 20 3500 10 59 460 0.57 700 60 4.2 0.1 0.25 0.33
Ocean Falls 10 -10 -12 23 17 3400 13 260 4150 4.21 4300 350 3.9 0.8 0.46 0.59
Osoyoos 285 -14 -17 35 21 3100 10 48 275 0.28 310 60 1.1 0.1 0.31 0.40
Parksville 40 -6 -8 26 19 3200 10 91 1200 1.31 1250 200 2.0 0.4 0.39 0.50
Penticton 350 -15 -17 33 20 3350 10 48 275 0.28 300 60 1.3 0.1 0.35 0.45
Port Alberni 15 -5 -8 31 19 3100 10 161 1900 2.00 2000 240 2.6 0.4 0.25 0.32
Port Alice 25 -3 -6 26 17 3010 13 200 3300 3.38 3340 220 1.1 0.4 0.25 0.32
Port Hardy 5 -5 -7 20 16 3440 13 150 1775 1.92 1850 220 0.9 0.4 0.40 0.52
Port McNeill 5 -5 -7 22 17 3410 13 128 1750 1.89 1850 260 1.1 0.4 0.40 0.52
Port Renfrew 20 -3 -5 24 17 2900 13 200 3600 3.64 3675 270 1.1 0.4 0.40 0.52
Powell River 10 -7 -9 26 18 3100 10 80 1150 1.27 1200 220 1.7 0.4 0.39 0.51
Prince George 580 -32 -36 28 18 4720 15 54 425 0.58 600 80 3.4 0.2 0.29 0.37
Prince Rupert 20 -13 -15 19 15 3900 13 160 2750 2.84 2900 240 1.9 0.4 0.42 0.54
Princeton 655 -24 -29 33 19 4250 10 43 235 0.35 350 80 2.9 0.6 0.28 0.36
Qualicum Beach 10 -7 -9 27 19 3200 10 96 1200 1.31 1250 200 2.0 0.4 0.41 0.53
Queen Charlotte
35 -6 -8 21 16 3520 13 110 1300 1.47 1350 360 1.8 0.4 0.48 0.61
Quesnel 475 -31 -33 30 17 4650 10 50 380 0.51 525 80 3.0 0.1 0.24 0.31
Revelstoke 440 -20 -23 31 19 4000 13 55 625 0.80 950 80 7.2 0.1 0.25 0.32
Salmon Arm 425 -19 -24 33 21 3650 13 48 400 0.47 525 80 3.5 0.1 0.30 0.39
Sandspit 5 -4 -6 18 15 3450 13 86 1300 1.47 1350 500 1.8 0.4 0.60 0.78
Sechelt 25 -6 -8 27 20 2680 10 75 1140 1.27 1200 160 1.8 0.4 0.37 0.48
Sidney 10 -4 -6 26 18 2850 8 96 825 0.97 850 160 1.1 0.2 0.33 0.42
Smith River 660 -45 -47 26 17 7100 10 64 300 0.58 500 40 2.8 0.1 0.23 0.30
Smithers 500 -29 -31 26 17 5040 13 60 325 0.60 500 120 3.5 0.2 0.31 0.40
Sooke 20 -1 -3 21 16 2900 9 130 1250 1.37 1280 220 1.3 0.3 0.37 0.48
Squamish 5 -9 -11 29 20 2950 10 140 2050 2.12 2200 160 2.8 0.7 0.39 0.50
Stewart 10 -17 -20 25 16 4350 13 135 1300 1.47 1900 180 7.9 0.8 0.28 0.36
Table C-2 (continued)
Climatic Design Data for Selected Locations in British Columbia
Design Temperature
s, Pa, 1/5
Snow Load,
kPa, 1/50
Hourly Wind
January July 2.5%
Ss Sr 1/10 1/50
Effective December 10, 2018 to December 11, 2019
Division B – Appendix C Climatic and Seismic Information for Building Design in Canada
Division B
British Columbia Building Code 2018
Seismic Hazard
The parameters used to represent seismic hazard for specific geographical locations are the 5%-damped horizontal spectral
acceleration for0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0 and 10.0second periods, the horizontal Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) and the
horizontal Peak Ground Velocity (PGV), with all values given for a 2% probability of being exceeded in 50years. The six spectral
parameters are deemed sufficient to define spectra closely matching the shape of the Uniform Hazard Spectra (UHS).
Hazardvalues are mean values based on a statistical analysis of the earthquakes that have been experienced in Canada and adjacent
The seismic hazard values were updated for this edition of the Code by updating the earthquake catalogue, revising the
seismic source zones, adding fault sources for the Cascadia subduction zone and certain other active faults, revising the Ground
Motion Prediction Equations (GMPEs),
and using a probabilistic model to combine all inputs.
For most locations, the new GMPEs are the most significant reason for changes in the hazard results from the 2012 Code
Oneexception is for areas of western Canada for which adding the Cascadia subduction source contribution to the model
probabilistically causes the most significant change. For locations in western Canada, the seismic hazard at long periods has
increased significantly for areas affected by the Cascadia interface. For other areas, the explicit inclusion of fault sources, such as
those in Haida Gwaii, has also affected the estimated hazard.
Further details regarding the representation of seismic hazard can be found in the Commentary on Design for Seismic Effects in
the “User’s Guide – NBC 2015, Structural Commentaries (Part 4 of Division B).”
Whistler 665 -17 -20 30 20 4180 10 85 845 0.99 1215 160 9.5 0.9 0.25 0.32
White Rock 30 -5 -7 25 20 2620 10 80 1065 1.17 1100 160 2.0 0.2 0.34 0.44
Williams Lake 615 -30 -33 29 17 4400 10 48 350 0.47 425 80 2.4 0.2 0.27 0.35
Youbou 200 -5 -8 31 19 3050 10 161 2000 2.09 2100 200 3.5 0.7 0.25 0.32
Table C-3
Seismic Design Data for Selected Locations in British Columbia
Seismic Data
(0.2) S
(0.5) S
(1.0) S
(2.0) S
(5.0) S
(10.0) PGA PGV
100 Mile House 0.140 0.113 0.083 0.058 0.027 0.0080 0.064 0.109
Abbotsford 0.701 0.597 0.350 0.215 0.071 0.025 0.306 0.445
Agassiz 0.457 0.384 0.244 0.157 0.057 0.020 0.206 0.306
Alberni 0.955 0.915 0.594 0.373 0.124 0.044 0.434 0.683
Ashcroft 0.198 0.160 0.115 0.078 0.034 0.011 0.092 0.149
Bamfield 1.44 1.35 0.871 0.525 0.167 0.059 0.682 0.931
Beatton River 0.132 0.083 0.049 0.026 0.0083 0.0037 0.079 0.056
Bella Bella 0.208 0.232 0.187 0.129 0.049 0.017 0.103 0.286
Bella Coola 0.163 0.172 0.143 0.105 0.043 0.014 0.083 0.225
Burns Lake 0.095 0.080 0.066 0.052 0.024 0.0076 0.043 0.111
Cache Creek 0.195 0.157 0.112 0.077 0.034 0.010 0.090 0.148
Campbell River 0.595 0.582 0.408 0.265 0.094 0.034 0.283 0.487
Carmi 0.141 0.120 0.090 0.062 0.028 0.0086 0.065 0.111
Castlegar 0.129 0.100 0.074 0.048 0.022 0.0069 0.058 0.085
Table C-2 (continued)
Climatic Design Data for Selected Locations in British Columbia
Design Temperature
s, Pa, 1/5
Snow Load,
kPa, 1/50
Hourly Wind
January July 2.5%
Ss Sr 1/10 1/50
Effective December 10, 2018 to December 11, 2019
Division B – Appendix C Climatic and Seismic Information for Building Design in Canada
Division B
British Columbia Building Code 2018
McLeod Lake 0.153 0.110 0.064 0.037 0.016 0.0053 0.068 0.078
Merritt 0.211 0.175 0.125 0.085 0.037 0.011 0.098 0.160
Mission City 0.644 0.550 0.327 0.204 0.069 0.024 0.283 0.419
Montrose 0.129 0.102 0.075 0.049 0.022 0.0069 0.058 0.086
Nakusp 0.135 0.102 0.070 0.045 0.020 0.0063 0.060 0.079
Nanaimo 1.02 0.942 0.542 0.328 0.104 0.037 0.446 0.684
Nelson 0.131 0.103 0.073 0.046 0.020 0.0065 0.058 0.080
Ocean Falls 0.180 0.199 0.163 0.117 0.046 0.015 0.091 0.258
Osoyoos 0.175 0.150 0.110 0.075 0.033 0.010 0.081 0.138
Parksville 0.917 0.859 0.519 0.322 0.106 0.038 0.405 0.639
Penticton 0.159 0.138 0.101 0.070 0.031 0.0096 0.074 0.129
Port Alberni 0.987 0.946 0.614 0.383 0.126 0.045 0.450 0.702
Port Alice 1.60 1.27 0.759 0.412 0.128 0.042 0.689 0.868
Port Hardy 0.700 0.659 0.447 0.272 0.091 0.032 0.320 0.543
Port McNeill 0.711 0.678 0.464 0.285 0.096 0.034 0.326 0.557
Port Renfrew 1.44 1.35 0.850 0.511 0.162 0.057 0.668 0.939
Powell River 0.595 0.556 0.373 0.242 0.086 0.031 0.273 0.457
Prince George 0.113 0.089 0.059 0.040 0.019 0.0059 0.049 0.079
Prince Rupert 0.246 0.269 0.209 0.135 0.046 0.016 0.117 0.314
Princeton 0.259 0.209 0.144 0.096 0.040 0.012 0.121 0.182
Qualicum Beach 0.888 0.838 0.517 0.323 0.108 0.038 0.395 0.629
Queen Charlotte City 1.62 1.37 0.842 0.452 0.124 0.041 0.757 0.989
Quesnel 0.105 0.088 0.065 0.047 0.022 0.0069 0.047 0.091
Revelstoke 0.145 0.109 0.070 0.043 0.019 0.0062 0.064 0.078
Salmon Arm 0.131 0.104 0.075 0.052 0.024 0.0073 0.059 0.093
Sandspit 1.31 1.16 0.724 0.396 0.110 0.036 0.603 0.868
Sechelt 0.828 0.745 0.434 0.265 0.086 0.030 0.363 0.555
Sidney 1.23 1.10 0.630 0.371 0.115 0.040 0.545 0.790
Smith River 0.705 0.447 0.234 0.100 0.028 0.0096 0.354 0.255
Smithers 0.100 0.090 0.076 0.058 0.025 0.0082 0.047 0.134
Sooke 1.34 1.24 0.752 0.456 0.144 0.050 0.605 0.885
Squamish 0.600 0.517 0.314 0.200 0.069 0.024 0.266 0.404
Stewart 0.139 0.132 0.111 0.078 0.029 0.010 0.068 0.180
Tahsis 1.35 1.19 0.767 0.456 0.144 0.050 0.622 0.852
Taylor 0.143 0.093 0.052 0.025 0.0076 0.0031 0.079 0.058
Terrace 0.146 0.145 0.120 0.085 0.032 0.011 0.072 0.200
Table C-3 (continued)
Seismic Design Data for Selected Locations in British Columbia
Seismic Data
(0.2) S
(0.5) S
(1.0) S
(2.0) S
(5.0) S
(10.0) PGA PGV
Effective December 10, 2018 to December 11, 2019
Division B – Appendix C Climatic and Seismic Information for Building Design in Canada
Division B
British Columbia Building Code 2018
3. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-conditioning Engineers, Handbook of Fundamentals, Chapter14 –
Climatic Design Information, Atlanta,GA, 2009.
4. Lowery, M.D. and Nash, J.E., A comparison of methods of fitting the double exponential distribution. J. of Hydrology, 10(3),
pp.259–275, 1970.
5. Newark, M.J., Welsh, L.E., Morris, R.J. and Dnes, W.V. Revised Ground Snow Loads for the 1990NBC of Canada. Can. J.
Civ. Eng., Vol.16, No.3, June1989.
6. Newark, M.J. A New Look at Ground Snow Loads in Canada. Proceedings, 41stEastern Snow Conference, Washington, D.C.,
Vol.29, pp.59-63, 1984.
7. Bruce, J.P. and Clark, R.H. Introduction to Hydrometeorology. Pergammon Press, London, 1966.
8. Skerlj, P.F. and Surry, D. A Critical Assessment of the DRWPs Used in CAN/CSA-A440-M90. Tenth International Conference
on Wind Engineering, Wind Engineering into the 21stCentury, Larsen, Larose & Livesay (eds), 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam,
9. Cornick, S., Chown, G.A., et al. Committee Paper on Defining Climate Regions as a Basis for Specifying Requirements for
Precipitation Protection for Walls. Institute for Research in Construction, National Research Council, Ottawa, April2001.
10. Boyd, D.W. Variations in Air Density over Canada. National Research Council of Canada, Division of Building Research,
Technical Note No.486, June1967.
11. Adams, J., Halchuk, S., Allen, T.I., and Rogers, G.C. Fifth Generation seismic hazard model and values for the 2015 National
Building Code of Canada. Geological Survey of Canada Open File, 2014.
12. Atkinson, G. M. and Adams J. Ground motion prediction equations for application to the 2015 Canadian national seismic
hazard maps, Can. J. Civ. Eng.40, 988–998, 2013.
Table C-4
Locations in British Columbia Requiring Radon Rough-Ins (see Article
Forming part of Appendix C
Location Radon Rough-In Required/Not Required
100 Mile House Required
Abbotsford Required
Agassiz Not Required
Alberni Not Required
Ashcroft Required
Atlin Required
Bamfield Not Required
Barriere Required
Beatton River Not Required
Bella Bella Not Required
Bella Coola Not Required
Brackendale Not Required
Burns Lake Required
Cache Creek Required
Campbell River Not Required
Carmi Required
Castlegar Required
Chetwynd Required
Chilliwack Not Required
Clearwater Required
Effective December 10, 2018 to December 11, 2019
Division B – Appendix C Climatic and Seismic Information for Building Design in Canada
Division B
British Columbia Building Code 2018
Mackenzie Required
Masset Not Required
McBride Required
McLeod Lake Required
Merritt Required
Mission City Not Required
Montrose Required
Nakusp Required
Nanaimo Not Required
Nelson Required
Ocean Falls Not Required
Osoyoos Required
Parksville Not Required
Pemberton Not Required
Penticton Required
Port Alberni Not Required
Port Alice Not Required
Port Clements Not Required
Port Hardy Not Required
Port McNeill Not Required
Port Moody Not Required
Port Renfrew Not Required
Powell River Not Required
Prince George Required
Prince Rupert Not Required
Princeton Required
Qualicum Beach Not
Queen Charlotte City Not Required
Quesnel Required
Revelstoke Required
Rossland Required
Salmon Arm Required
Sandspit Not Required
Sechelt Required
Sidney Not Required
Smith River Required
Smithers Required
Table C-4 (continued)
Locations in British Columbia Requiring Radon Rough-Ins (see Article
Forming part of Appendix C
Location Radon Rough-In Required/Not Required
Effective December 10, 2018 to December 11, 2019
Division B – Appendix C Climatic and Seismic Information for Building Design in Canada
Division B
British Columbia Building Code 2018
Table C-5
Required Performance of Windows and Doors in Part 9 Buildings
Forming part of Appendix C
Climatic Data Specified Loads NAFS
1/50 HWP DRWP Wind Load Required Fenestration Performance
Pa kPa Pa Pa (psf) DP PG Water Resist.
100 Mile House 60 0.35 60 709 14.80 720 15 140
Abbotsford 160 0.44 160 891 18.61 960 20 180
Agassiz 160 0.47 160 952 19.88 960 20 180
Alberni 220 0.32 220 648 13.53 720 15 220
Ashcroft 80 0.38 80 770 16.07 960 20 150
Bamfield 280 0.50 280 1013 21.15 1200 25 290
Beatton River 80 0.30 80 608 12.69 720 15 140
Bella Bella 350 0.50 350 1013 21.15 1200 25 360
Bella Coola 350 0.39 350 790 16.49 960 20 360
Burns Lake 100 0.39 100 790 16.49 960 20 150
Cache Creek 80 0.39 80 790 16.49 960 20 150
Campbell River 260 0.52 260 1053 21.99 1200 25 260
Carmi 60 0.38 60 770 16.07 960 20 150
Castlegar 60 0.34 60 689 14.38 720 15 140
Chetwynd 60 0.40 60 810 16.92 960 20 150
Chilliwack 160 0.47 160 952 19.88 960 20 180
Colwood 220 0.63 220 1276 26.64 1440 30 220
Comox 260 0.52 260 1053 21.99 1200 25 260
Courtenay 260 0.52 260 1053 21.99 1200 25 260
Cranbrook 100 0.33 100 668 13.96 720 15 140
Crescent Valley 80 0.33 80 668 13.96 720 15 140
Crofton 160 0.40 160 810 16.92 960 20 180
Dawson Creek 100 0.40 100 810 16.92 960 20 150
Dease Lake 380 0.30 380 608 12.69 720 15 400
Dog Creek 100 0.35 100 709 14.80 720 15 140
Duncan 180 0.39 180 790 16.49 960 20 180
Elko 100 0.40 100 810 16.92 960 20 150
Fernie 100 0.40 100 810 16.92 960 20 150
Fort Nelson 80 0.30 80 608 12.69 720 15 140
Fort St. John 100 0.39 100 790 16.49 960 20 150
Glacier 80 0.32 80 648 13.53 720 15 140
Gold River 250 0.32 250 648 13.53 720 15 260
Golden 100 0.35 100 709 14.80 720 15 140
Grand Forks 80 0.40 80 810 16.92 960 20 150
Effective December 10, 2018 to December 11, 2019
Division B – Appendix C Climatic and Seismic Information for Building Design in Canada
Division B
British Columbia Building Code 2018
Prince Rupert 240 0.54 240 1094 22.84 1200 25 260
Princeton 80 0.36 80 729 15.23 960 20 150
Qualicum Beach 200 0.53 200 1073 22.42 1200 25 220
Queen Charlotte City 360 0.61 360 1235 25.80 1440 30 360
Quesnel 80 0.31 80 628 13.11 720 15 140
Revelstoke 80 0.32 80 648 13.53 720 15 140
Salmon Arm 80 0.39 80 790 16.49 960 20 150
Sandspit 500 0.78 500 1580 32.99 1680 35 510
Sechelt 160 0.48 160 972 20.30 1200 25 180
Sidney 160 0.42 160 851 17.76 960 20 180
Smith River 40 0.30 40 608 12.69 720 15 140
Smithers 120 0.40 120 810 16.92 960 20 150
Sooke 220 0.48 220 972 20.30 1200 25 220
Squamish 160 0.50 160 1013 21.15 1200 25 180
Stewart 180 0.36 180 729 15.23 960 20 180
Tahsis 300 0.34 300 689 14.38 720 15 330
Taylor 100 0.40 100 810 16.92 960 20 150
Terrace 200 0.36 200 729 15.23 960 20 220
Tofino 300 0.68 300 1377 28.76 1440 30 330
Trail 60 0.35 60 709 14.80 720 15 140
Ucluelet 280 0.68 280 1377 28.76 1440 30 290
Vancouver Region
Vancouver - Burnaby (Simon Fraser Univ.) 160 0.47 160 952 19.88 960 20 180
Vancouver - Cloverdale 160 0.44 160 891 18.61 960 20 180
Vancouver - Haney 160 0.44 160 891 18.61 960 20 180
Vancouver - Ladner 160 0.46 160 932 19.45 960 20 180
Vancouver - Langley 160 0.44 160 891 18.61 960 20 180
Vancouver - New Westminster 160 0.44 160 891 18.61 960 20 180
Vancouver - North Vancouver 160 0.45 160 911 19.03 960 20 180
Vancouver - Richmond 160 0.45 160 911 19.03 960 20 180
Vancouver - Surrey (88 Ave. & 156 St.) 160 0.44 160 891 18.61 960 20 180
West Vancouver 160 0.48 160 972 20.30 1200 25 180
Vernon 80 0.40 80 810 16.92 960 20 150
Victoria Region
Table C-5 (continued)
Required Performance of Windows and Doors in Part 9 Buildings
Forming part of Appendix C
Climatic Data Specified Loads NAFS
1/50 HWP DRWP Wind Load Required Fenestration Performance
Pa kPa Pa Pa (psf) DP PG Water Resist.
Effective December 10, 2018 to December 11, 2019
Fire-Performance Ratings Division B – Appendix D
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Division B
Section D-1 General
The content of this Appendix was prepared on the recommendations of the Standing Committee on Fire Protection, which was
established by the Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes (CCBFC) for this purpose.
D-1.1. Introduction
D-1.1.1. Scope
1) This fire-performance information is presented in a form closely linked to the performance requirements and the
minimum materials specifications of this Code.
2) The ratings have been assigned only after careful consideration of all available literature on assemblies of common
building materials, where they are adequately identified by description. The assigned values based on this information will, in most
instances, be conservative when compared to the ratings determined on the basis of actual tests on individual assemblies.
3) The fire-performance information set out in this Appendix applies to materials and assemblies of materials that comply in
all essential details with the minimum structural design standards described in Part4. Additional requirements, where appropriate,
are described in other Sections of this Appendix.
4) SectionD-2 assigns fire-resistance ratings for walls, floors, roofs, columns and beams related to CAN/ULC-S101,
“Fire Endurance Tests of Building Construction and Materials,” and describes methods for determining these ratings.
5) SectionD-3 assigns flame-spread ratings and smoke developed classifications for surface materials related to
CAN/ULC-S102, “Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials and Assemblies,” and CAN/ULC-S102.2,
“Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Flooring, Floor Coverings, and Miscellaneous Materials and Assemblies.”
6) SectionD-4 describes noncombustibility in building materials when tested in accordance with CAN/ULC-S114,
“Test for Determination of Non-Combustibility in Building Materials.”
7) SectionD-5 contains requirements for the installation of fire doors and fire dampers in fire-rated stud wall assemblies.
8) SectionD-6 contains background information regarding fire test reports, obsolete materials and assemblies, assessment of
archaic assemblies and the development of the component additive method.
D-1.1.2. Referenced Documents
1) Where documents are referenced in this Appendix, they shall be the editions designated in TableD-1.1.2.
Table D-1.1.2.
Documents Referenced in Appendix D, Fire-Performance Ratings
Issuing Agency Document Number
Title of Document
Code Reference
ANSI A208.1-2009 Particleboard D-3.1.1.
ASTM C 330/C 330M-13 Lightweight Aggregates for Structural Concrete D-1.4.3.
ASTM C 840-13 Application and Finishing of Gypsum Board D-2.3.9.
ASTM C 1396/C 1396M-14 Gypsum Board D-1.5.1.
CCBFC NRCC 30629 Supplement to the National Building Code of Canada
CGSB 4-GP-36M-1978 Carpet Underlay, Fiber Type D-3.1.1.
CGSB CAN/CGSB-4.129-97 Carpets for Commercial Use D-3.1.1.
CGSB CAN/CGSB-11.3-M87 Hardboard D-3.1.1.
CGSB CAN/CGSB-92.2-M90 Trowel or Spray Applied Acoustical Material D-2.3.4.
CSA A23.1-14/A23.2-14 Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete
Construction/Test Methods and Standard Practices for
Effective December 10, 2018 to December 11, 2019
Division B – Appendix D Fire-Performance Ratings
Division B
CSA A23.3-14 Design of Concrete Structures D-2.1.5.
CSA CAN/CSA-A82-14 Fired Masonry Brick Made from Clay or Shale D-2.6.1.
CSA A82.22-M1977 Gypsum Plasters D-3.1.1.
CSA CAN/CSA-A82.27-M91 Gypsum Board D-1.5.1.
CSA A82.30-M1980 Interior Furring, Lathing and Gypsum Plastering D-1.7.2.
CSA A165.1-14 Concrete Block Masonry Units D-2.1.1.
CSA O86-14 Engineering Design in Wood D-2.11.2.
CSA O112.10-08 Evaluation of Adhesives for Structural Wood Products
(Limited Moisture Exposure)
CSA O121-08 Douglas Fir Plywood D-3.1.1.
CSA O141-05 Softwood Lumber D-2.3.6.
CSA O151-09 Canadian Softwood Plywood D-3.1.1.
CSA O153-13 Poplar Plywood D-3.1.1.
CSA O325-07 Construction Sheathing D-3.1.1.
CSA O437.0-93 OSB and Waferboard D-3.1.1.
CSA S16-14 Design of Steel Structures D-2.6.6.
NFPA 80-2013 Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives D-5.2.1.
ULC CAN/ULC-S101-14 Fire Endurance Tests of Building Construction and
ULC CAN/ULC-S102-10 Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building
Materials and Assemblies
ULC CAN/ULC-S102.2-10 Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Flooring,
Floor Coverings, and Miscellaneous Materials and
ULC CAN/ULC-S112.2-07 Fire Test of Ceiling Firestop Flap Assemblies D-2.3.10.
ULC CAN/ULC-S114-05 Test for Determination of Non-Combustibility in Building
ULC CAN/ULC-S702-09 Mineral Fibre Thermal Insulation for Buildings D-2.3.4.
ULC CAN/ULC-S703-09 Cellulose Fibre Insulation for Buildings D-2.3.4.
ULC CAN/ULC-S706-09 Wood Fibre Insulating Boards for Buildings D-3.1.1.
Notes to TableD-1.1.2.:
(1) Some documents may have been reaffirmed or reapproved. Check with the applicable issuing agency for up-to-date information.
(2) Some titles have been abridged to omit superfluous wording.
Table D-1.1.2. (continued)
Documents Referenced in Appendix D, Fire-Performance Ratings
Issuing Agency Document Number
Title of Document
Code Reference
Effective December 10, 2018 to December 11, 2019
Fire-Performance Ratings Division B – Appendix D
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Division B
D-1.1.3. Applicability of Ratings
The ratings shown in this document apply if more specific test values are not available. The construction of an assembly that is the
subject of an individual test report must be followed in all essential details if the fire-resistance rating reported is to be applied for use
with this Code.
D-1.1.4. Higher Ratings
The authority having jurisdiction may allow higher fire-resistance ratings than those derived from this Appendix, where supporting
evidence justifies a higher rating. Additional information is provided in summaries of published test information and the reports of fire
tests carried out by NRC, which are included in SectionD-6, Background Information.
D-1.1.5. Additional Information on Fire Rated Assemblies
Assemblies containing materials for which there is no nationally recognized standard are not included in this Appendix. Many such
assemblies have been rated by Underwriters Laboratories (UL), Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada (ULC), or Intertek Testing
Services NA Ltd. (ITS).
D-1.2. Interpretation of Test Results
D-1.2.1. Limitations
1) The fire-performance ratings set out in this Appendix are based on those that would be obtained from the standard
methods of test described in the Code. The test methods are essentially a means of comparing the performance of one building
component or assembly with another in relation to its performance in fire.
2) Since it is not practicable to measure the fire resistance of constructions in situ, they must be evaluated under some agreed
test conditions. A specified fire-resistance rating is not necessarily the actual time that the assembly would endure in situ in a
building fire, but is that which the particular construction must meet under the specified methods of test.
3) Considerations arising from departures in use from the conditions established in the standard test methods may, in some
circumstances, have to be taken into account by the designer and the authority having jurisdiction. Some of these conditions are
covered at present by the provisions of the Code.
4) For walls and partitions, the stud spacings previously specified as 16 or 24inch have been converted to 400 and 600mm,
respectively, for consistency with other metric values; however, the use of equivalent imperial dimensions for stud spacing is
D-1.3. Concrete
D-1.3.1. Aggregates in Concrete
Low density aggregate concretes generally exhibit better fire performance than natural stone aggregate concretes. A series of tests on
concrete masonry walls, combined with mathematical analysis of the test results, has allowed further distinctions between certain low
density aggregates to be made.
D-1.4. Types of Concrete
D-1.4.1. Description
1) For purposes of this Appendix, concretes are described as TypesS, N, L, L
, L
, L40S, L
20S or L
20S as described in
Sentences(2) to(8).
2) TypeS concrete is the type in which the coarse aggregate is granite, quartzite, siliceous gravel or other dense materials
containing at least 30% quartz, chert or flint.
3) TypeN concrete is the type in which the coarse aggregate is cinders, broken brick, blast furnace slag, limestone, calcareous
gravel, trap rock, sandstone or similar dense material containing not more than 30% of quartz, chert or flint.
4) TypeL concrete is the type in which all the aggregate is expanded slag, expanded clay, expanded shale or pumice.
5) TypeL
concrete is the type in which all the aggregate is expanded shale.
6) TypeL
concrete is the type in which all the aggregate is expanded slag, expanded clay or pumice.
Effective December 10, 2018 to December 11, 2019
Division B – Appendix D Fire-Performance Ratings
Division B
7) TypeL40S concrete is the type in which the fine portion of the aggregate is sand and low density aggregate in which the
sand does not exceed 40% of the total volume of all aggregates in the concrete.
8) TypeL
20S and TypeL
20S concretes are the types in which the fine portion of the aggregate is sand and low density
aggregate in which the sand does not exceed 20% of the total volume of all aggregates in the concrete.
D-1.4.2. Determination of Ratings
Where concretes are described as being of TypeS, N, L, L
or L
, the rating applies to the concrete containing the aggregate in the
group that provides the least fire resistance. If the nature of an aggregate cannot be determined accurately enough to place it in one of
the groups, the aggregate shall be considered as being in the group that requires a greater thickness of concrete for the required
fire resistance.
D-1.4.3. Description of Aggregates
1) The descriptions of the aggregates in TypeS and TypeN concretes apply to the coarse aggregates only. Coarse aggregate
for this purpose means that retained on a 5mm sieve using the method of grading aggregates described in CSA A23.1/A23.2,
“Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction/Test Methods and Standard Practices for Concrete.”
2) Increasing the proportion of sand as fine aggregate in low density concretes requires increased thicknesses of material to
produce equivalent fire-resistance ratings. Low density aggregates for TypeL and TypesL-S concretes used in loadbearing
components shall conform to ASTM C 330/C 330M, “Lightweight Aggregates for Structural Concrete.”
3) Non-loadbearing low density components of vermiculite and perlite concrete, in the absence of other test evidence, shall
be rated on the basis of the values shown for TypeL concrete.
D-1.5. Gypsum Board
D-1.5.1. Types of Gypsum Board
1) Where the term “gypsum board” is used in this Appendix, it is intended to include – in addition to gypsum board –
gypsum backing board and gypsum base for veneer plaster as described in
a) CAN/CSA-A82.27-M, “Gypsum Board,” or
b) ASTM C 1396/C 1396M, “Gypsum Board.”
2) Where the term “TypeX gypsum board” is used in this Appendix, it applies to special fire-resistant board as described in
a) CAN/CSA-A82.27-M, “Gypsum Board,” or
b) ASTM C 1396/C 1396M, “Gypsum Board.”
D-1.6. Equivalent Thickness
D-1.6.1. Method of Calculating
1) The thickness of solid-unit masonry and concrete described in this Appendix shall be the thickness of solid material in the
unit or component thickness. For units that contain cores or voids, the Tables refer to the equivalent thickness determined in
conformance with Sentences(2) to(10).
2) Where a plaster finish is used, the equivalent thickness of a wall, floor, column or beam protection shall be equal to the
sum of the equivalent thicknesses of the concrete or masonry units and the plaster finish measured at the point that will give the
least value of equivalent thickness.
3) Except as provided in Sentence(5), the equivalent thickness of a hollow masonry unit shall be calculated as equal to the
actual overall thickness of a unit in millimetres multiplied by a factor equal to the net volume of the unit and divided by its
gross volume.
4) Net volume shall be determined using a volume displacement method that is not influenced by the porous nature of
the units.
5) Gross volume of a masonry unit shall be equal to the actual length of the unit multiplied by the actual height of the unit
multiplied by the actual thickness of the unit.
Effective December 10, 2018 to December 11, 2019
Fire-Performance Ratings Division B – Appendix D
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Division B
6) Where all the core spaces in a wall of hollow concrete masonry or hollow-core precast concrete units are filled with grout,
mortar, or loose fill materials such as expanded slag, burned clay or shale (rotary kiln process), vermiculite or perlite, the equivalent
thickness rating of the wall shall be considered to be the same as that of a wall of solid units, or a solid wall of the same concrete type
and the same overall thickness.
7) The equivalent thickness of hollow-core concrete slabs and panels having a uniform thickness and cores of constant cross
section throughout their length shall be obtained by dividing the net cross-sectional area of the slab or panel by its width.
8) The equivalent thickness of concrete panels with tapered cross sections shall be the cross section determined at a distance
of 2 t or 150mm, whichever is less, from the point of minimum thickness, where t is the minimum thickness.
9) Except as permitted in Sentence(10), the equivalent thickness of concrete panels with ribbed or undulating surfaces
shall be
a) t
for s less than or equal to 2t,
b) t+(4t/s – 1)(t
– t) for s less than 4t and greater than 2t, and
c) t for s greater than or equal to 4t
t = minimum thickness of panel,
= average thickness of panel (unit cross-sectional area divided by unit width), and
s = centre to centre spacing of ribs or undulations.
10) Where the total thickness of a panel described in Sentence(9), exceeds 2 t, only that portion of the panel which is less
than 2 t from the non-ribbed surface shall be considered for the purpose of the calculations in Sentence(9).
D-1.7. Contribution of Plaster or Gypsum Board Finish to Fire Resistance of
Masonry or Concrete
D-1.7.1. Determination of Contribution
1) Except as provided in Sentences(2),(3),(4) and(5), the contribution of a plaster or gypsum board finish to the fire
resistance of a masonry or concrete wall, floor or roof assembly shall be determined by multiplying the actual thickness of the finish
by the factor shown in TableD-1.7.1., depending on the type of masonry or concrete to which it is applied. This corrected
thickness shall then be included in the equivalent thickness as described in SubsectionD-1.6.
2) Where a plaster or gypsum board finish is applied to a concrete or masonry wall, the calculated fire-resistance rating of the
assembly shall not exceed twice the fire-resistance rating provided by the masonry or concrete because structural collapse may occur
before the limiting temperature is reached on the surface of the non-fire-exposed side of the assembly.
3) Where a plaster or gypsum board finish is applied only on the non-fire-exposed side of a hollow clay tile wall, no increase
in fire resistance is permitted because structural collapse may occur before the limiting temperature is reached on the surface of the
non-fire-exposed side of the assembly.
4) The contribution to fire resistance of a plaster or gypsum board finish applied to the non-fire-exposed side of a monolithic
concrete or unit masonry wall shall be determined in conformance with Sentence(1), but shall not exceed 0.5times the
contribution of the concrete or masonry wall.
Table D-1.7.1.
Multiplying Factors for Masonry or Concrete Construction
Type of Surface Protection
Type of Masonry or Concrete
Solid Clay Brick, Unit
Masonry and Monolithic
Concrete, TypeN or S
Cored Clay Brick, Clay Tile,
Monolithic Concrete,
TypeL40S and Unit
Masonry, TypeL
Concrete Unit Masonry,
or L
20S and
Monolithic Concrete,
Concrete Unit Masonry,
Portland cement-sand plaster or lime
sand plaster
1 0.75 0.75 0.50
Gypsum-sand plaster, wood fibred
gypsum plaster or gypsum board
1.25 1 1 1
Vermiculite or perlite aggregate plaster 1.75 1.5 1.25 1.25
Effective December 10, 2018 to December 11, 2019
Division B – Appendix D Fire-Performance Ratings
Division B
5) When applied to the fire-exposed side, the contribution of a gypsum lath and plaster or gypsum board finish to the fire
resistance of masonry or concrete wall, floor or roof assemblies shall be determined from TableD-2.3.4.-A orD-2.3.4.-D.
D-1.7.2. Plaster
1) Gypsum plastering shall conform to CSA A82.30-M, “Interior Furring, Lathing and Gypsum Plastering.”
2) Portland cement-sand plaster shall be applied in 2coats: the first coat containing 1part Portland cement to 2 parts sand
by volume, and the second coat containing 1part Portland cement to 3parts sand by volume.
3) Plaster finish shall be securely bonded to the wall or ceiling.
4) The thickness of plaster finish applied directly to monolithic concrete without metal lath shall not exceed 10mm on
ceilings and 16mm on walls.
5) Where the thickness of plaster finish on masonry or concrete exceeds 38mm, wire mesh with 1.57mm diam wire and
openings not exceeding 50mm by 50mm shall be embedded midway in the plaster.
D-1.7.3. Attachment of Gypsum Board and Lath
Gypsum board and gypsum lath finishes applied to masonry or concrete walls shall be secured to wood or steel furring members in
conformance with ArticleD-2.3.9.
D-1.7.4. Sample Calculations
The following examples are included as a guide to the method of calculating the fire resistance of concrete or hollow masonry walls
with plaster or gypsum board protection:
Example (1)
A 3h fire-resistance rating is required for a monolithic concrete wall of TypeS aggregate with a 20mm gypsum-sand plaster finish on
metal lath on each face.
a) The minimum equivalent thickness of TypeS monolithic concrete needed to give a 3h fire-resistance rating=158mm
b) Since the gypsum-sand plaster finish is applied on metal lath, SentenceD-1.7.1.(5) does not apply. Therefore, the
contribution to the equivalent thickness of the wall of 20mm gypsum-sand plaster on each face of the concrete is
20×1.25=25mm (seeSentencesD-1.7.1.(1) to(4)).
c) The total contribution of the plaster finishes is 2×25=50mm.
d) The minimum equivalent thickness of concrete required is 158 mm-50 mm=108mm.
e) From TableD-2.1.1., the 108mm equivalent thickness of monolithic concrete gives a contribution of less than 1.5h.
Thisis less than half the rating of the assembly so that the conditions in SentenceD-1.7.1.(2) are not met. Thus the
equivalent thickness of monolithic concrete must be increased to 112mm to give 1.5h contribution.
f) The total equivalent thickness of the plaster finishes can then be reduced to 158mm-112 mm=46mm.
g) The total actual thickness of the plaster finishes required is therefore 46 mm÷1.25=37mm (SentencesD-1.7.1.(1)
to(4)) or 18.5mm on each face.
h) Since the thickness of the plaster finish on each face exceeds 16mm, metal lath is still required (SentenceD-1.7.2.(4)).
i) Since this wall is symmetrical with plaster on both faces, the contribution to fire resistance of the plaster finish on either
face is limited to one-quarter of the wall rating by virtue of SentenceD-1.7.1.(2). Under these circumstances, the
conditions in SentenceD-1.7.1.(4) are automatically met.
Example (2)
A 2h fire-resistance rating is required for a hollow masonry wall of TypeN concrete with a 12.7mm TypeX gypsum board finish on
each face.
a) Since gypsum board is used, SentenceD-1.7.1.(5) applies. The 12.7mm gypsum board finish on the fire-exposed side is,
therefore, assigned 25min by using TableD-2.3.4.-A.
b) The fire resistance required of the balance of the assembly is 120min – 25min=95min.
c) Interpolating between 1.5h and 2h in TableD-2.1.1. for 95min fire resistance, the equivalent thickness for hollow
masonry units required is 95mm+(18 mm×5/30)=95 mm+3 mm=98mm.
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Fire-Performance Ratings Division B – Appendix D
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Division B
d) The contribution to the equivalent thickness of the wall of the 12.7mm gypsum board finish on the non-fire-exposed side
using TableD-1.7.1.=12.7×1.25=16mm.
e) Equivalent thickness required of concrete masonry unit=98-16=82mm.
f) The fire-resistance rating of a concrete masonry wall having an equivalent thickness of 82mm=1h for
73mm+(9mm×30/22)=1h 12min.
As this is more than 1h, the conditions of SentenceD-1.7.1.(2) are met and the rating of 2h is justified.
Example (3)
A 2h fire-resistance rating is required for a hollow masonry exterior wall of TypeL
20S concrete with a 15.9mm TypeX gypsum
board finish on the non-fire-exposed side only.
a) According to TableD-2.1.1., the minimum equivalent thickness for TypeL
20S concrete masonry units needed to
achieve a 2h rating is 94mm.
b) Since gypsum board is not used on the fire-exposed side, SentenceD-1.7.1.(5) does not apply. Thecontribution to the
equivalent thickness of the wall by the 15.9mm TypeX gypsum board finish applied on the non-fire-exposed side is
15.9×1≈16mm (seeSentenceD-1.7.1.(1) and TableD-1.7.1.).
c) Therefore, the equivalent thickness required of the concrete masonry unit is 94−16=78mm.
d) The contribution to fire resistance of a 78mm L
20S concrete hollow masonry unit is 85min. Thecontribution of the
TypeX gypsum board finish is 120−85=35min, which does not exceed half the 85min contribution of the masonry
unit or 42.5min, so that the conditions in SentenceD-1.7.1.(4) are met.
e) The rating of the wall (120min) is less than twice the contribution of the masonry unit (170min) so that the conditions
in SentenceD-1.7.1.(2) are also met.
D-1.8. Tests on Floors and Roofs
D-1.8.1. Exposure to Fire
All tests relate to the performance of a floor assembly or floor-ceiling or roof-ceiling assembly above a fire. It has been assumed on the
basis of experience that fire on top will take a longer time to penetrate the floor than one below, and that the fire resistance in such a
situation will be at least equal to that obtained from below in the standard test.
D-1.9. Moisture Content
D-1.9.1. Effect of Moisture
1) The moisture content of building materials at the time of fire test may have a significant influence on the measured fire
resistance. In general, an increase in the moisture content should result in an increase in the fire resistance, though in some
materials the presence of moisture may produce disruptive effects and early collapse of the assembly.
2) Moisture content is now controlled in standard fire test methods and is generally recorded in the test reports. In earlier
tests, moisture content was not always properly determined.
D-1.10. Permanence and Durability
D-1.10.1. Test Conditions
The ratings in this Appendix relate to tested assemblies and do not take into account possible changes or deterioration in use of the
materials. The standard fire test measures the fire resistance of a sample building assembly erected for the test. No judgment as to the
permanence or durability of the assembly is made in the test.
Effective December 10, 2018 to December 11, 2019
Division B – Appendix D Fire-Performance Ratings
Division B
D-1.11. Steel Structural Members
D-1.11.1. Thermal Protection
Since the ability of a steel structural member to sustain the loading for which it was designed may be impaired because of elevated
temperatures, measures shall be taken to provide thermal protection. The fire-resistance ratings, as established by the provisions of this
Appendix, indicate the time periods during which the effects of heat on protected steel structural members are considered to be within
acceptable limits.
D-1.12. Restraint Effects
D-1.12.1. Effect on Fire-Resistance Ratings
In fire tests of floors, roofs and beams, it is necessary to state whether the rating applies to a thermally restrained or thermally
unrestrained assembly. Edge restraint of a floor or roof, structural continuity, or end restraint of a beam can significantly extend the
time before collapse in a standard test. A restrained condition is one in which expansion or rotation at the supports of a load-carrying
element resulting from the effects of fire is resisted by forces or moments external to the element. An unrestrained condition is one in
which the load-carrying element is free to thermally expand and rotate at its supports.
Whether an assembly or structural member can be considered thermally restrained or thermally unrestrained depends on the type of
construction and location in a building. Guidance on this subject can be found in AppendixA of CAN/ULC-S101, “Fire Endurance
Tests of Building Construction and Materials.” Different acceptance criteria also apply to thermally unrestrained and thermally
restrained assemblies. These are described in CAN/ULC-S101.
The ratings for floors, roofs, and beams in this Appendix meet the conditions of CAN/ULC-S101, “Fire Endurance Tests of Building
Construction and Materials,” for thermally unrestrained specimens. In a thermally restrained condition, the structural element or
assembly would probably have greater fire resistance, but the extent of this increase can be determined only by reference to behavior in
a standard test.
Effective December 10, 2018 to December 11, 2019
Fire-Performance Ratings Division B – Appendix D
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Revision 2.01 Division B
Section D-1 General
The content of this Appendix was prepared on the recommendations of the Standing Committee on Fire Protection, which was
established by the Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes (CCBFC) for this purpose.
D-1.1. Introduction
D-1.1.1. Scope
1) This fire-performance information is presented in a form closely linked to the performance requirements and the
minimum materials specifications of this Code.
2) The ratings have been assigned only after careful consideration of all available literature on assemblies of common
building materials, where they are adequately identified by description. The assigned values based on this information will, in most
instances, be conservative when compared to the ratings determined on the basis of actual tests on individual assemblies.
3) The fire-performance information set out in this Appendix applies to materials and assemblies of materials that comply in
all essential details with the minimum structural design standards described in Part4. Additional requirements, where appropriate,
are described in other Sections of this Appendix.
4) SectionD-2 assigns fire-resistance ratings for walls, floors, roofs, columns and beams related to CAN/ULC-S101,
“Fire Endurance Tests of Building Construction and Materials,” and describes methods for determining these ratings.
5) SectionD-3 assigns flame-spread ratings and smoke developed classifications for surface materials related to
CAN/ULC-S102, “Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials and Assemblies,” and CAN/ULC-S102.2,
“Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Flooring, Floor Coverings, and Miscellaneous Materials and Assemblies.”
6) SectionD-4 describes noncombustibility in building materials when tested in accordance with CAN/ULC-S114,
“Test for Determination of Non-Combustibility in Building Materials.”
7) SectionD-5 contains requirements for the installation of fire doors and fire dampers in fire-rated stud wall assemblies.
8) Article D-6.1.1. contains construction specifications for exterior wall assemblies that are deemed to satisfy the criteria of
Clause when tested in accordance with CAN/ULC-S134, “Fire Test of Exterior Wall Assemblies.”
9) SectionD-7 contains background information regarding fire test reports, obsolete materials and assemblies, assessment of
archaic assemblies and the development of the component additive method.
D-1.1.2. Referenced Documents
1) Where documents are referenced in this Appendix, they shall be the editions designated in TableD-1.1.2.
Table D-1.1.2.
Documents Referenced in Appendix D, Fire-Performance Ratings
Issuing Agency Document Number
Title of Document
Code Reference
ANSI A208.1-2009 Particleboard D-3.1.1.
ASTM C 330/C 330M-13 Lightweight Aggregates for Structural Concrete D-1.4.3.
ASTM C 840-13 Application and Finishing of Gypsum Board D-2.3.9.
ASTM C 1396/C 1396M-14 Gypsum Board D-1.5.1.
ASTM D2898-10 Accelerated Weathering of Fire-Retardant-Treated
Wood for Fire Testing
Table D-6.1.1.
CCBFC NRCC 30629 Supplement to the National Building Code of Canada
CGSB 4-GP-36M-1978 Carpet Underlay, Fiber Type D-3.1.1.
CGSB CAN/CGSB-4.129-97 Carpets for Commercial Use D-3.1.1.
CGSB CAN/CGSB-11.3-M87 Hardboard D-3.1.1.
CGSB CAN/CGSB-92.2-M90 Trowel or Spray Applied Acoustical Material D-2.3.4.
Division B – Appendix D Fire-Performance Ratings
Division B Revision 2.01 British Columbia Building Code 2018
CSA A23.1-14/A23.2-14 Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete
Construction/Test Methods and Standard Practices for
CSA A23.3-14 Design of Concrete Structures D-2.1.5.
CSA CAN/CSA-A82-14 Fired Masonry Brick Made from Clay or Shale D-2.6.1.
CSA A82.22-M1977 Gypsum Plasters D-3.1.1.
CSA CAN/CSA-A82.27-M91 Gypsum Board D-1.5.1.
CSA A82.30-M1980 Interior Furring, Lathing and Gypsum Plastering D-1.7.2.
CSA A165.1-14 Concrete Block Masonry Units D-2.1.1.
CSA O86-14 Engineering Design in Wood D-2.11.3
CSA O86-19 Engineering Design in Wood incorporating Update No.
1 to the original 2014 Standard
CSA O112.10-08 Evaluation of Adhesives for Structural Wood Products
(Limited Moisture Exposure)
CSA O121-08 Douglas Fir Plywood D-3.1.1.
CSA O141-05 Softwood Lumber D-2.3.6.
CSA O151-09 Canadian Softwood Plywood D-3.1.1.
CSA O153-13 Poplar Plywood D-3.1.1.
CSA O325-07 Construction Sheathing D-3.1.1.
CSA O437.0-93 OSB and Waferboard D-3.1.1.
CSA S16-14 Design of Steel Structures D-2.6.6.
NFPA 80-2013 Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives D-5.2.1.
ULC CAN/ULC-S101-14 Fire Endurance Tests of Building Construction and
ULC CAN/ULC-S102-10 Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building
Materials and Assemblies
Table D-6.1.1.
ULC CAN/ULC-S102.2-10 Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Flooring,
Floor Coverings, and Miscellaneous Materials and
ULC CAN/ULC-S112.2-07 Fire Test of Ceiling Firestop Flap Assemblies D-2.3.10.
ULC CAN/ULC-S114-05 Test for Determination of Non-Combustibility in Building
Table D-1.1.2. (continued)
Documents Referenced in Appendix D, Fire-Performance Ratings
Issuing Agency Document Number
Title of Document
Code Reference
Fire-Performance Ratings Division B – Appendix D
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Revision 2.01 Division B
D-1.1.3. Applicability of Ratings
The ratings shown in this document apply if more specific test values are not available. The construction of an assembly that is the
subject of an individual test report must be followed in all essential details if the fire-resistance rating reported is to be applied for use
with this Code.
D-1.1.4. Higher Ratings
The authority having jurisdiction may allow higher fire-resistance ratings than those derived from this Appendix, where supporting
evidence justifies a higher rating. Additional information is provided in summaries of published test information and the reports of fire
tests carried out by NRC, which are included in SectionD-7
, Background Information.
D-1.1.5. Additional Information on Fire Rated Assemblies
Assemblies containing materials for which there is no nationally recognized standard are not included in this Appendix. Many such
assemblies have been rated by Underwriters Laboratories (UL), Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada (ULC), or Intertek Testing
Services NA Ltd. (ITS).
D-1.2. Interpretation of Test Results
D-1.2.1. Limitations
1) The fire-performance ratings set out in this Appendix are based on those that would be obtained from the standard
methods of test described in the Code. The test methods are essentially a means of comparing the performance of one building
component or assembly with another in relation to its performance in fire.
2) Since it is not practicable to measure the fire resistance of constructions in situ, they must be evaluated under some agreed
test conditions. A specified fire-resistance rating is not necessarily the actual time that the assembly would endure in situ in a
building fire, but is that which the particular construction must meet under the specified methods of test.
3) Considerations arising from departures in use from the conditions established in the standard test methods may, in some
circumstances, have to be taken into account by the designer and the authority having jurisdiction. Some of these conditions are
covered at present by the provisions of the Code.
4) For walls and partitions, the stud spacings previously specified as 16 or 24inch have been converted to 400 and 600 mm,
respectively, for consistency with other metric values; however, the use of equivalent imperial dimensions for stud spacing
is permitted.
ULC CAN/ULC-S134-13 Fire Test of Exterior Wall Assemblies D-1.1.1.
ULC CAN/ULC-S702-09 Mineral Fibre Thermal Insulation for Buildings D-2.3.4.
Table D-6.1.1
ULC CAN/ULC-S703-09 Cellulose Fibre Insulation for Buildings D-2.3.4.
ULC CAN/ULC-S706-09 Wood Fibre Insulating Boards for Buildings D-3.1.1.
Notes to TableD-1.1.2.:
(1) Some documents may have been reaffirmed or reapproved. Check with the applicable issuing agency for up-to-date information.
(2) Some titles have been abridged to omit superfluous wording.
Table D-1.1.2. (continued)
Documents Referenced in Appendix D, Fire-Performance Ratings
Issuing Agency Document Number
Title of Document
Code Reference
Division B – Appendix D Fire-Performance Ratings
Division B Revision 2.01 British Columbia Building Code 2018
D-1.3. Concrete
D-1.3.1. Aggregates in Concrete
Low density aggregate concretes generally exhibit better fire performance than natural stone aggregate concretes. A series of tests on
concrete masonry walls, combined with mathematical analysis of the test results, has allowed further distinctions between certain low
density aggregates to be made.
D-1.4. Types of Concrete
D-1.4.1. Description
1) For purposes of this Appendix, concretes are described as TypesS, N, L, L
, L
, L40S, L
20S or L
20S as described in
Sentences(2) to(8).
2) TypeS concrete is the type in which the coarse aggregate is granite, quartzite, siliceous gravel or other dense materials
containing at least 30% quartz, chert or flint.
3) TypeN concrete is the type in which the coarse aggregate is cinders, broken brick, blast furnace slag, limestone, calcareous
gravel, trap rock, sandstone or similar dense material containing not more than 30% of quartz, chert or flint.
4) TypeL concrete is the type in which all the aggregate is expanded slag, expanded clay, expanded shale or pumice.
5) TypeL
concrete is the type in which all the aggregate is expanded shale.
6) TypeL
concrete is the type in which all the aggregate is expanded slag, expanded clay or pumice.
7) TypeL40S concrete is the type in which the fine portion of the aggregate is sand and low density aggregate in which the
sand does not exceed 40% of the total volume of all aggregates in the concrete.
8) TypeL
20S and TypeL
20S concretes are the types in which the fine portion of the aggregate is sand and low density
aggregate in which the sand does not exceed 20% of the total volume of all aggregates in the concrete.
D-1.4.2. Determination of Ratings
Where concretes are described as being of TypeS, N, L, L
or L
, the rating applies to the concrete containing the aggregate in the
group that provides the least fire resistance. If the nature of an aggregate cannot be determined accurately enough to place it in one of
the groups, the aggregate shall be considered as being in the group that requires a greater thickness of concrete for the required
fire resistance.
D-1.4.3. Description of Aggregates
1) The descriptions of the aggregates in TypeS and TypeN concretes apply to the coarse aggregates only. Coarse aggregate
for this purpose means that retained on a 5mm sieve using the method of grading aggregates described in CSA A23.1/A23.2,
“Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction/Test Methods and Standard Practices for Concrete.”
2) Increasing the proportion of sand as fine aggregate in low density concretes requires increased thicknesses of material to
produce equivalent fire-resistance ratings. Low density aggregates for TypeL and TypesL-S concretes used in loadbearing
components shall conform to ASTM C 330/C 330M, “Lightweight Aggregates for Structural Concrete.”
3) Non-loadbearing low density components of vermiculite and perlite concrete, in the absence of other test evidence, shall
be rated on the basis of the values shown for TypeL concrete.
D-1.5. Gypsum Board
D-1.5.1. Types of Gypsum Board
1) Where the term “gypsum board” is used in this Appendix, it is intended to include – in addition to gypsum board –
gypsum backing board and gypsum base for veneer plaster as described in
a) CAN/CSA-A82.27-M, “Gypsum Board,” or
b) ASTM C 1396/C 1396M, “Gypsum Board.”
Fire-Performance Ratings Division B – Appendix D
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Revision 2.01 Division B
2) Where the term “TypeX gypsum board” is used in this Appendix, it applies to special fire-resistant board as described in
a) CAN/CSA-A82.27-M, “Gypsum Board,” or
b) ASTM C 1396/C 1396M, “Gypsum Board.”
D-1.6. Equivalent Thickness
D-1.6.1. Method of Calculating
1) The thickness of solid-unit masonry and concrete described in this Appendix shall be the thickness of solid material in the
unit or component thickness. For units that contain cores or voids, the Tables refer to the equivalent thickness determined in
conformance with Sentences(2) to(10).
2) Where a plaster finish is used, the equivalent thickness of a wall, floor, column or beam protection shall be equal to the
sum of the equivalent thicknesses of the concrete or masonry units and the plaster finish measured at the point that will give the
least value of equivalent thickness.
3) Except as provided in Sentence(5), the equivalent thickness of a hollow masonry unit shall be calculated as equal to the
actual overall thickness of a unit in millimetres multiplied by a factor equal to the net volume of the unit and divided by its
gross volume.
4) Net volume shall be determined using a volume displacement method that is not influenced by the porous nature of
the units.
5) Gross volume of a masonry unit shall be equal to the actual length of the unit multiplied by the actual height of the unit
multiplied by the actual thickness of the unit.
6) Where all the core spaces in a wall of hollow concrete masonry or hollow-core precast concrete units are filled with grout,
mortar, or loose fill materials such as expanded slag, burned clay or shale (rotary kiln process), vermiculite or perlite, the equivalent
thickness rating of the wall shall be considered to be the same as that of a wall of solid units, or a solid wall of the same concrete type
and the same overall thickness.
7) The equivalent thickness of hollow-core concrete slabs and panels having a uniform thickness and cores of constant cross
section throughout their length shall be obtained by dividing the net cross-sectional area of the slab or panel by its width.
8) The equivalent thickness of concrete panels with tapered cross sections shall be the cross section determined at a distance
of 2 t or 150mm, whichever is less, from the point of minimum thickness, where t is the minimum thickness.
9) Except as permitted in Sentence(10), the equivalent thickness of concrete panels with ribbed or undulating surfaces
shall be
a) t
for s less than or equal to 2t,
b) t+(4t/s – 1)(t
– t) for s less than 4t and greater than 2t, and
c) t for s greater than or equal to 4t
t = minimum thickness of panel,
= average thickness of panel (unit cross-sectional area divided by unit width), and
s = centre to centre spacing of ribs or undulations.
10) Where the total thickness of a panel described in Sentence(9), exceeds 2 t, only that portion of the panel which is less
than 2 t from the non-ribbed surface shall be considered for the purpose of the calculations in Sentence(9).
Division B – Appendix D Fire-Performance Ratings
Division B Revision 2.01 British Columbia Building Code 2018
D-1.7. Contribution of Plaster or Gypsum Board Finish to Fire Resistance of
Masonry or Concrete
D-1.7.1. Determination of Contribution
1) Except as provided in Sentences(2),(3),(4) and(5), the contribution of a plaster or gypsum board finish to the fire
resistance of a masonry or concrete wall, floor or roof assembly shall be determined by multiplying the actual thickness of the finish
by the factor shown in TableD-1.7.1., depending on the type of masonry or concrete to which it is applied. This corrected
thickness shall then be included in the equivalent thickness as described in SubsectionD-1.6.
2) Where a plaster or gypsum board finish is applied to a concrete or masonry wall, the calculated fire-resistance rating of the
assembly shall not exceed twice the fire-resistance rating provided by the masonry or concrete because structural collapse may occur
before the limiting temperature is reached on the surface of the non-fire-exposed side of the assembly.
3) Where a plaster or gypsum board finish is applied only on the non-fire-exposed side of a hollow clay tile wall, no increase
in fire resistance is permitted because structural collapse may occur before the limiting temperature is reached on the surface of the
non-fire-exposed side of the assembly.
4) The contribution to fire resistance of a plaster or gypsum board finish applied to the non-fire-exposed side of a monolithic
concrete or unit masonry wall shall be determined in conformance with Sentence(1), but shall not exceed 0.5times the
contribution of the concrete or masonry wall.
5) When applied to the fire-exposed side, the contribution of a gypsum lath and plaster or gypsum board finish to the fire
resistance of masonry or concrete wall, floor or roof assemblies shall be determined from TableD-2.3.4.-A orD-2.3.4.-D.
D-1.7.2. Plaster
1) Gypsum plastering shall conform to CSA A82.30-M, “Interior Furring, Lathing and Gypsum Plastering.”
2) Portland cement-sand plaster shall be applied in 2coats: the first coat containing 1part Portland cement to 2 parts sand
by volume, and the second coat containing 1part Portland cement to 3parts sand by volume.
3) Plaster finish shall be securely bonded to the wall or ceiling.
4) The thickness of plaster finish applied directly to monolithic concrete without metal lath shall not exceed 10mm on
ceilings and 16mm on walls.
5) Where the thickness of plaster finish on masonry or concrete exceeds 38mm, wire mesh with 1.57mm diam wire and
openings not exceeding 50mm by 50mm shall be embedded midway in the plaster.
D-1.7.3. Attachment of Gypsum Board and Lath
Gypsum board and gypsum lath finishes applied to masonry or concrete walls shall be secured to wood or steel furring members in
conformance with ArticleD-2.3.9.
Table D-1.7.1.
Multiplying Factors for Masonry or Concrete Construction
Type of Surface Protection
Type of Masonry or Concrete
Solid Clay Brick, Unit
Masonry and Monolithic
Concrete, TypeN or S
Cored Clay Brick, Clay Tile,
Monolithic Concrete,
TypeL40S and Unit
Masonry, TypeL
Concrete Unit Masonry,
or L
20S and
Monolithic Concrete,
Concrete Unit Masonry,
Portland cement-sand plaster or lime
sand plaster
1 0.75 0.75 0.50
Gypsum-sand plaster, wood fibred
gypsum plaster or gypsum board
1.25 1 1 1
Vermiculite or perlite aggregate plaster 1.75 1.5 1.25 1.25
Fire-Performance Ratings Division B – Appendix D
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Revision 2.01 Division B
D-1.7.4. Sample Calculations
The following examples are included as a guide to the method of calculating the fire resistance of concrete or hollow masonry walls
with plaster or gypsum board protection:
Example (1)
A 3h fire-resistance rating is required for a monolithic concrete wall of TypeS aggregate with a 20mm gypsum-sand plaster finish on
metal lath on each face.
a) The minimum equivalent thickness of TypeS monolithic concrete needed to give a 3h fire-resistance rating=158mm
b) Since the gypsum-sand plaster finish is applied on metal lath, SentenceD-1.7.1.(5) does not apply. Therefore, the
contribution to the equivalent thickness of the wall of 20mm gypsum-sand plaster on each face of the concrete is
20×1.25=25mm (seeSentencesD-1.7.1.(1) to(4)).
c) The total contribution of the plaster finishes is 2×25=50mm.
d) The minimum equivalent thickness of concrete required is 158 mm-50 mm=108mm.
e) From TableD-2.1.1., the 108mm equivalent thickness of monolithic concrete gives a contribution of less than 1.5h.
Thisis less than half the rating of the assembly so that the conditions in SentenceD-1.7.1.(2) are not met. Thus the
equivalent thickness of monolithic concrete must be increased to 112mm to give 1.5h contribution.
f) The total equivalent thickness of the plaster finishes can then be reduced to 158mm-112 mm=46mm.
g) The total actual thickness of the plaster finishes required is therefore 46 mm÷1.25=37mm (SentencesD-1.7.1.(1)
to(4)) or 18.5mm on each face.
h) Since the thickness of the plaster finish on each face exceeds 16mm, metal lath is still required (SentenceD-1.7.2.(4)).
i) Since this wall is symmetrical with plaster on both faces, the contribution to fire resistance of the plaster finish on either
face is limited to one-quarter of the wall rating by virtue of SentenceD-1.7.1.(2). Under these circumstances, the
conditions in SentenceD-1.7.1.(4) are automatically met.
Example (2)
A 2h fire-resistance rating is required for a hollow masonry wall of TypeN concrete with a 12.7mm TypeX gypsum board finish on
each face.
a) Since gypsum board is used, SentenceD-1.7.1.(5) applies. The 12.7mm gypsum board finish on the fire-exposed side is,
therefore, assigned 25min by using TableD-2.3.4.-A.
b) The fire resistance required of the balance of the assembly is 120min – 25min=95min.
c) Interpolating between 1.5h and 2h in TableD-2.1.1. for 95min fire resistance, the equivalent thickness for hollow
masonry units required is 95mm+(18 mm×5/30)=95 mm+3 mm=98mm.
d) The contribution to the equivalent thickness of the wall of the 12.7mm gypsum board finish on the non-fire-exposed side
using TableD-1.7.1.=12.7×1.25=16mm.
e) Equivalent thickness required of concrete masonry unit=98-16=82mm.
f) The fire-resistance rating of a concrete masonry wall having an equivalent thickness of 82mm=1h for
73mm+(9mm×30/22)=1h 12min.
As this is more than 1h, the conditions of SentenceD-1.7.1.(2) are met and the rating of 2h is justified.
Division B – Appendix D Fire-Performance Ratings
Division B Revision 2.01 British Columbia Building Code 2018
Example (3)
A 2h fire-resistance rating is required for a hollow masonry exterior wall of TypeL
20S concrete with a 15.9mm TypeX gypsum
board finish on the non-fire-exposed side only.
a) According to TableD-2.1.1., the minimum equivalent thickness for TypeL
20S concrete masonry units needed to
achieve a 2h rating is 94mm.
b) Since gypsum board is not used on the fire-exposed side, SentenceD-1.7.1.(5) does not apply. Thecontribution to the
equivalent thickness of the wall by the 15.9mm TypeX gypsum board finish applied on the non-fire-exposed side is
15.9×1≈16mm (seeSentenceD-1.7.1.(1) and TableD-1.7.1.).
c) Therefore, the equivalent thickness required of the concrete masonry unit is 94−16=78mm.
d) The contribution to fire resistance of a 78mm L
20S concrete hollow masonry unit is 85min. Thecontribution of the
TypeX gypsum board finish is 120−85=35min, which does not exceed half the 85min contribution of the masonry
unit or 42.5min, so that the conditions in SentenceD-1.7.1.(4) are met.
e) The rating of the wall (120min) is less than twice the contribution of the masonry unit (170min) so that the conditions
in SentenceD-1.7.1.(2) are also met.
D-1.8. Tests on Floors and Roofs
D-1.8.1. Exposure to Fire
All tests relate to the performance of a floor assembly or floor-ceiling or roof-ceiling assembly above a fire. It has been assumed on the
basis of experience that fire on top will take a longer time to penetrate the floor than one below, and that the fire resistance in such a
situation will be at least equal to that obtained from below in the standard test.
D-1.9. Moisture Content
D-1.9.1. Effect of Moisture
1) The moisture content of building materials at the time of fire test may have a significant influence on the measured fire
resistance. In general, an increase in the moisture content should result in an increase in the fire resistance, though in some
materials the presence of moisture may produce disruptive effects and early collapse of the assembly.
2) Moisture content is now controlled in standard fire test methods and is generally recorded in the test reports. In earlier
tests, moisture content was not always properly determined.
D-1.10. Permanence and Durability
D-1.10.1. Test Conditions
The ratings in this Appendix relate to tested assemblies and do not take into account possible changes or deterioration in use of the
materials. The standard fire test measures the fire resistance of a sample building assembly erected for the test. No judgment as to the
permanence or durability of the assembly is made in the test.
D-1.11. Steel Structural Members
D-1.11.1. Thermal Protection
Since the ability of a steel structural member to sustain the loading for which it was designed may be impaired because of elevated
temperatures, measures shall be taken to provide thermal protection. The fire-resistance ratings, as established by the provisions of this
Appendix, indicate the time periods during which the effects of heat on protected steel structural members are considered to be within
acceptable limits.
Fire-Performance Ratings Division B – Appendix D
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Revision 2.01 Division B
D-1.12. Restraint Effects
D-1.12.1. Effect on Fire-Resistance Ratings
In fire tests of floors, roofs and beams, it is necessary to state whether the rating applies to a thermally restrained or thermally
unrestrained assembly. Edge restraint of a floor or roof, structural continuity, or end restraint of a beam can significantly extend the
time before collapse in a standard test. A restrained condition is one in which expansion or rotation at the supports of a load-carrying
element resulting from the effects of fire is resisted by forces or moments external to the element. An unrestrained condition is one in
which the load-carrying element is free to thermally expand and rotate at its supports.
Whether an assembly or structural member can be considered thermally restrained or thermally unrestrained depends on the type of
construction and location in a building. Guidance on this subject can be found in AppendixA of CAN/ULC-S101, “Fire Endurance
Tests of Building Construction and Materials.” Different acceptance criteria also apply to thermally unrestrained and thermally
restrained assemblies. These are described in CAN/ULC-S101.
The ratings for floors, roofs, and beams in this Appendix meet the conditions of CAN/ULC-S101, “Fire Endurance Tests of Building
Construction and Materials,” for thermally unrestrained specimens. In a thermally restrained condition, the structural element or
assembly would probably have greater fire resistance, but the extent of this increase can be determined only by reference to behavior in
a standard test.
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British Columbia Building Code 2018 Division B
Section D-2 Fire-Resistance Ratings
D-2.1. Masonry and Concrete Walls
D-2.1.1. Minimum Equivalent Thickness for Fire-Resistance Rating
The minimum thicknesses of unit masonry and monolithic concrete walls are shown in TableD-2.1.1. Hollow masonry units and
hollow-core concrete panels shall be rated on the basis of equivalent thickness as described in SubsectionD-1.6.
D-2.1.2. Applicability of Ratings
1) Ratings obtained as described in ArticleD-2.1.1. apply to either loadbearing or non-loadbearing walls, except for walls
described in Sentences(2) to(6).
2) Ratings for walls with a thickness less than the minimum thickness prescribed for loadbearing walls in this Code apply to
non-loadbearing walls only.
3) Masonry cavity walls (consisting of 2wythes of masonry with an air space between) that are loaded to a maximum
allowable compressive stress of 380kPa have a fire resistance at least as great as that of a solid wall of a thickness equal to the sum of
the equivalent thicknesses of the 2wythes.
4) Masonry cavity walls that are loaded to a compressive stress exceeding 380kPa are not considered to be within the scope
of this Appendix.
5) A masonry wall consisting of 2types of masonry units, either bonded together or in the form of a cavity wall, shall be
considered to have a fire-resistance rating equal to that which would apply if the whole of the wall were of the material that gives the
lesser rating.
6) A non-loadbearing cavity wall made up of 2 precast concrete panels with an air space or insulation in the cavity between
them shall be considered to have a fire-resistance rating as great as that of a solid wall of a thickness equal to the sum of the
thicknesses of the 2 panels.
Table D-2.1.1.
Minimum Equivalent Thicknesses
of Unit Masonry and Monolithic Concrete Walls
Loadbearing and Non-Loadbearing, mm
Type of Wall
Fire-Resistance Rating
30min 45min 1h 1.5h 2h 3h 4h
Solid brick units (80% solid and over), actual overall thickness 63 76 90 108 128 152 178
Cored brick units and hollow tile units (less than 80% solid),
equivalent thickness
50 60 72 86 102 122 142
Solid and hollow concrete masonry units, equivalent thickness
Type S or N concrete
44 59 73 95 113 142 167
Type L
20S concrete 42 54 66 87 102 129 152
Type L
concrete 42 54 64 82 97 122 143
Type L
20S concrete 42 54 64 81 94 116 134
Type L
concrete 42 54 63 79 91 111 127
Monolithic concrete and concrete panels, equivalent thickness
Type S concrete 60 77 90 112 130 158 180
Type N concrete 59 74 87 108 124 150 171
Type L40S or Type L concrete 49 62 72 89 103 124 140
Notes to TableD-2.1.1.:
(1) See definition of equivalent thickness in Subsection D-1.6.
(2) Hollow concrete masonry units made with Type S or N concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength of 15 MPa based on net area, as defined in CSA A165.1,
“Concrete Block Masonry Units.”
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Division B – Appendix D Fire-Performance Ratings
Division B
British Columbia Building Code 2018
D-2.1.3. Framed Beams and Joists
Beams and joists that are framed into a masonry or concrete fire separation shall not reduce the thickness of the fire separation to less
than the equivalent thickness required for the fire separation.
D-2.1.4. Credit for Plaster Thickness
On monolithic walls and walls of unit masonry, the full plaster finish on one or both faces multiplied by the factor shown in
TableD-1.7.1. shall be included in the wall thickness shown in TableD-2.1.1., under the conditions and using the methods described
in SubsectionD-1.7.
D-2.1.5. Walls Exposed to Fire on Both Sides
1) Except as permitted in Sentence(2), portions of loadbearing reinforced concrete walls, which do not form a complete fire
separation and thus may be exposed to fire on both sides simultaneously, shall have minimum dimensions and minimum cover to
steel reinforcement in conformance with ArticlesD-2.8.2. to D-2.8.5.
2) A concrete wall exposed to fire from both sides as described in Sentence(1) has a fire-resistance rating of 2h if the
following conditions are met:
a) its equivalent thickness is not less than 200mm,
b) its aspect ratio (width/thickness) is not less than 4.0,
c) the minimum thickness of concrete cover over the steel reinforcement specified in Clause(d) is not less than 50mm,
d) each face of the wall is reinforced with both vertical and horizontal steel reinforcement in conformance with either
Clause10 or Clause14 of CSAA23.3, “Design of Concrete Structures,”
e) the structural design of the wall is governed by the minimum eccentricity (15+0.03h) specified in Clause10.15.3.1 of
CSAA23.3, “Design of Concrete Structures,” and
f) the effective length of the wall, kl
, is not more than 3.7m
k = effective length factor obtained from CSAA23.3, “Design of Concrete Structures,”
= unsupported length of the wall in metres.
D-2.2. Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Floor and Roof Slabs
D-2.2.1. Assignment of Rating
1) Floors and roofs in a fire test are assigned a fire-resistance rating which relates to the time that an average temperature rise
of 140°C or a maximum temperature rise of 180 °C at any location is recorded on the unexposed side, or the time required for
collapse to occur, whichever is the lesser. The thickness of concrete shown in TableD-2.2.1.-A shall be required to resist the
transfer of heat during the fire resistance period shown.
2) The concrete cover over the reinforcement and steel tendons shown in TableD-2.2.1.-B shall be required to maintain the
integrity of the structure and prevent collapse during the same period.
Table D-2.2.1.-A
Minimum Thickness of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Floor or Roof Slabs, mm
Type of Concrete
Fire-Resistance Rating
30min 45min 1h 1.5h 2h 3h 4h
Type S concrete 60 77 90 112 130 158 180
Type N concrete 59 74 87 108 124 150 171
Type L40S or Type L concrete 49 62 72 89 103 124 140
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British Columbia Building Code 2018 Division B
D-2.2.2. Floors with Hollow Units
The fire resistance of floors containing hollow units may be determined on the basis of equivalent thickness as described in
D-2.2.3. Composite Slabs
1) For composite concrete floor and roof slabs consisting of one layer of Type S or N concrete and another layer of
Type L40S or L concrete in which the minimum thickness of both the top and bottom layers is not less than 25mm, the combined
fire-resistance rating may be determined using the following expressions:
a) when the base layer consists of TypeS or N concrete,
b) when the base layer consists of TypeL40S or L concrete,
R = fire resistance of slab, h,
t = total thickness of slab,mm, and
d = thickness of base layer,mm.
2) If the base course described in Sentence(1) is covered by a top layer of material other than Type S, N, L40S orL concrete,
the top course thickness may be converted to an equivalent concrete thickness by multiplying the actual thickness by the
appropriate factor listed in TableD-2.2.3.-A. This equivalent concrete thickness may be added to the thickness of the base course
and the fire-resistance rating calculated using TableD-2.2.1.-A.
3) The minimum concrete cover under the main reinforcement for composite concrete floor and roof slabs with base slabs
less than 100mm thick shall conform to TableD-2.2.3.-B For base slabs 100mm or more thick, the minimum cover thickness
requirements of TableD-2.2.1.-B shall apply.
4) Where the top layer of a 2-layer slab is less than 25mm thick, the fire-resistance rating for the slab shall be calculated as
though the entire slab were made up of the type of concrete with the lesser fire resistance.
Table D-2.2.1.-B
Minimum Concrete Cover over Reinforcement in Concrete Slabs, mm
Type of Concrete
Fire-Resistance Rating
30min 45min 1h 1.5h 2h 3h 4h
Type S, N, L40S or L concrete 20 20 20 20 25 32 39
Prestressed concrete slabs Type S,
N, L40S or L concrete
20 25 25 32 39 50 64
Table D-2.2.3.-A
Multiplying Factors for Equivalent Thickness
Top Course Material
Base Slab Normal Density Concrete
(TypeS or N)
Base Slab Low Density Concrete
(TypeL40S or L)
Gypsum board 3 2.25
Cellular concrete (mass density 400 – 560 kg/m
Vermiculite and perlite concrete (mass density 560 kg/m
or less) 1.75 1.50
Portland cement with sand aggregate 1 0.75
Terrazzo 1 0.75
R 0.00018t
– 0.00009dt
R 0.0001t
0.0002dt – 0.0001d
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Division B
British Columbia Building Code 2018
D-2.2.4. Contribution of Plaster Finish
1) The contribution of plaster finish securely fastened to the underside of concrete may be taken into account in floor or roof
slabs under the conditions and using the methods described in SubsectionD-1.7.
2) Plaster finish on the underside of concrete floors or roofs may be used in lieu of concrete cover referred to in
SentenceD-2.2.1.(2) under the conditions and using the methods described in SubsectionD-1.7.
D-2.2.5. Concrete Cover
1) In prestressed concrete slab construction, the concrete cover over an individual tendon shall be the minimum thickness of
concrete between the surface of the tendon and the fire-exposed surface of the slab, except that for ungrouted ducts the assumed
cover thickness shall be the minimum thickness of concrete between the surface of the duct and the bottom of the slab. For slabs in
which several tendons are used, the cover is assumed to be the average of those of individual tendons, except that the cover for any
individual tendon shall be not less than half of the value given in TableD-2.2.1.-B nor less than 20mm.
2) Except as provided in Sentence(3), in post-tensioned prestressed concrete slabs, the concrete cover to the tendon at the
anchor shall be not less than 15mm greater than the minimum cover required by Sentence(1). Theminimum concrete cover to
the anchorage bearing plate and to the end of the tendon, if it projects beyond the bearing plate, shall be 20mm.
3) The requirements of Sentence(2) do not apply to those portions of slabs not likely to be exposed to fire, such as the ends
and tops.
D-2.2.6. Minimum Dimensions for Cover
Minimum dimensions and cover to steel tendons of prestressed concrete beams shall conform to SubsectionD-2.10.
D-2.3. Wood and Steel Framed Walls, Floors and Roofs
D-2.3.1. Maximum Fire-Resistance Rating
The fire-resistance rating of walls constructed of wood studs or cold-formed-steel studs, of floors constructed of wood joists, wood
I-joists, pre-manufactured wood trusses, cold-formed steel joists or open web steel joists, and of roofs constructed of wood joists,
pre-manufactured metal-plate-connected wood trusses or open web steel joists can be determined for ratings of not more than 90min
from the information in this Subsection.
D-2.3.2. Loadbearing Conditions
1) The fire-resistance ratings derived from the information in this Subsection apply to loadbearing and non-loadbearing
wood-framed and cold-formed-steel-framed walls, and to loadbearing floors and roofs, as specifically described in this Subsection.
2) Loadbearing conditions shall be as defined in CAN/ULC-S101, “Fire Endurance Tests of Building Construction and
D-2.3.3. Limitations of Component Additive Method
(SeeSectionD-6, Background Information.)
Table D-2.2.3.-B
Minimum Concrete Cover under Bottom Reinforcement in Composite Concrete Slabs, mm
Base Slab Concrete Type
Fire-Resistance Rating
30min 45min 1h 1.5h 2h 3h 4h
Reinforced concrete
Type S, N, L40S or L 15 15 20 25 30 40 55
Prestressed concrete
Type S 20253040506575
Type N 20202535456070
Type L40S or L 20 20 25 30 40 50 60
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British Columbia Building Code 2018 Division B
1) The fire-resistance rating of a framed assembly depends primarily on the time during which the membrane on the
fire-exposed side remains in place.
2) The assigned times in SentencesD-2.3.4.(2),(3) and(4) are not intended to be construed as the fire-resistance ratings of
the individual components of an assembly, nor are they intended to be construed as times that are applicable or acceptable for use
beyond the method and systems described in this Subsection. These assigned times are the individual contributions of each
component to the overall fire-resistance rating of an assembly, which is permitted to be derived using the component additive
method described in this Subsection.
3) The fire-resistance rating calculated by the component additive method cannot be increased by installing membranes in
multiple layers, other than as specified in TablesD-2.3.4.-A,D-2.3.4.-B, andD-2.3.4.-C.
D-2.3.4. Method of Calculation
1) In the component additive method, the fire-resistance rating of a framed assembly is calculated by adding the time
assigned in Sentence(2) for the membrane on the fire-exposed side to the time assigned in Sentence(3) for the framing members
and then adding any time assigned in Sentence(4) for additional protective measures, such as the inclusion of insulation or of
reinforcement for a membrane. For loadbearing walls where resilient metal channels are installed with a single layer of gypsum
board membrane in accordance with TableD-2.3.4.-A, the fire-resistance rating determined using this method of calculation must
be reduced by 10 min.
2) The times to be used in the component additive method that have been assigned to membranes on the fire-exposed side of
the assembly, which are partly based on their ability to remain in place during fire tests, are listed in
TablesD-2.3.4.-A,D-2.3.4.-B,D-2.3.4.-C andD-2.3.4.-D. (This is not to be confused with the fire-resistance rating of the
membrane, which also takes into account the rise in temperature on the unexposed side of the membrane.
Table D-2.3.4.-A
Time Assigned to Protective Membranes on Fire-Exposed Side of Wood-Framed and Cold-Formed-Steel-Framed Walls
Description of Finish
Time, min
Loadbearing Walls Non-Loadbearing Walls
11.0 mm Douglas Fir plywood phenolic bonded – 10
14.0 mm Douglas Fir plywood phenolic bonded – 15
12.7 mm Type X gypsum board 25
15.9 mm Type X gypsum board 40
Double 12.7 mm Type X gypsum board
50 80
Notes to TableD-2.3.4.-A:
(1) Applies to stud cavities filled with mineral wool conforming to CAN/ULC-S702, “Mineral Fibre Thermal Insulation for Buildings,” and having a mass per unit area of not less
than 2 kg/m
, with no additional credit for insulation according to Table D-2.3.4.-G.
(2) Applies only to wood-framed walls.
(3) Applies only to steel-framed walls.
(4) Resilient metal channels are permitted to be installed at a spacing of 400 mm o.c. with no effect on the rating of the wall assembly.
Table D-2.3.4.-B
Time Assigned to Gypsum Board Membranes on Fire-Exposed Side of Floors
Description of Finish Resilient Metal Channels
Time, min
Floors with Wood or Steel Joists Floors with Open-Web Steel Joists
12.7 mm Type X gypsum board
Spaced ≤ 400 mm o.c.
15.9 mm Type X gypsum board 40 –
12.7 mm Type X gypsum board
15.9 mm Type X gypsum board 40
Double 12.7 mm Type X gypsum board Spaced ≤ 400 mm o.c.
Double 12.7 mm Type X gypsum board Spaced at 600 mm o.c.
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British Columbia Building Code 2018
3) The times to be used in the component additive method that have been assigned to wall framing members and to floor
and roof framing members are listed in TablesD-2.3.4.-E andD-2.3.4.-F respectively.
Double 15.9 mm Type X gypsum board Spaced ≤ 600 mm o.c.
Notes to TableD-2.3.4.-B:
(1) See Figures A-, A- and A- in Note A- for the attachment of single and double layers of gypsum board to resilient metal channels.
(2) Resilient metal channels must be installed to achieve the stated rating.
(3) Applies to wood joists, wood trusses, wood I-joists and cold-formed steel joists (C-shaped joists).
(4) Applies to wood joists and pre-fabricated metal-plate-connected wood trusses.
(5) Resilient metal channels must be installed or gypsum board must be applied directly to the structural members, which must be spaced not more than 400 mm o.c.
(6) Resilient metal channels are permitted to be installed with no effect on the rating of the floor assembly. Gypsum board is also permitted to be directly applied to the
structural members.
Table D-2.3.4.-C
Time Assigned to Gypsum Board Membranes on Fire-Exposed Side of Roofs
Description of Finish Time, min
12.7 mm Type X gypsum board 25
15.9 mm Type X gypsum board 40
Notes to TableD-2.3.4.-C:
(1) Applies to wood joists, pre-fabricated metal-plate-connected wood trusses, and open-web steel joists with ceiling supports spaced ≤ 400 mm o.c.
Table D-2.3.4.-D
Time Assigned for Contribution of Lath and Plaster Protection on Fire-Exposed Side
Type of Lath Plaster Thickness, mm
Type of Plaster Finish
Portland Cement and
or Lime and Sand
Gypsum and Sand or
Gypsum Wood Fibre
Gypsum and Perlite or
Gypsum and Vermiculite
Time, min
9.5 mm gypsum 13 – 35 55
19 – 50 80
Metal 19205080
23 25 65 80
26 30 80 80
Notes to TableD-2.3.4.-D:
(1) For mixture of Portland cement-sand plaster, see Sentence D-1.7.2.(2).
(2) Applies to loadbearing and non-loadbearing wood studs or non-loadbearing cold-formed-steel studs, to floors constructed of wood joists or open-web steel joists, and to
roofs constructed of wood joists, pre-manufactured metal-plate-connected wood trusses, or open-web steel joists.
(3) Values shown for these membranes have been limited to 80 min because the fire-resistance ratings of framed assemblies derived from these Tables must not exceed
1.5 h.
Table D-2.3.4.-B (continued)
Time Assigned to Gypsum Board Membranes on Fire-Exposed Side of Floors
Description of Finish Resilient Metal Channels
Time, min
Floors with Wood or Steel Joists Floors with Open-Web Steel Joists
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British Columbia Building Code 2018 Division B
4) Preformed insulation of glass, rock or slag fibre and cellulose fibre insulation provide additional protection to wood studs
by shielding the studs from exposure to the fire and thus delaying the time of collapse. The use of preformed glass fibre, preformed
rock or slag fibre and dry-blown cellulose insulation material does not decrease the rating of wall assemblies with the membranes
identified in TableD-2.3.4.-A. Similarly, the use of preformed glass fibre, preformed rock or slag fibre and cellulose insulation
material does not decrease the rating of floor assemblies constructed with wood joists, wood trusses, wood I-joists and
cold-formed-steel floor joists (C-shaped joists), provided the insulation is not in direct contact with the membranes identified in
TableD-2.3.4.-B. The use of reinforcement in the membrane exposed to fire also adds to the fire resistance by extending the time
to failure. TableD-2.3.4.-G shows the time increments that may be added to the fire resistance if these features are incorporated in
the assembly.
Table D-2.3.4.-E
Time Assigned for Contribution of Wood-Framed or Cold-Formed-Steel-Framed Walls
Description of Frame
Time, min
Loadbearing Walls Non-Loadbearing Walls
Wood studs spaced ≤ 400 mm o.c. 20
Wood studs spaced ≤ 600 mm o.c.
Cold-formed-steel studs spaced ≤ 400 mm o.c.
Cold-formed-steel studs spaced ≤ 600 mm o.c. 10 –
Table D-2.3.4.-F
Time Assigned for Contribution of Wood or Steel Frame of Floors and Roofs
Description of Frame
Time, min
Type of Assembly Structural Members
Wood joists, wood I-joists, wood trusses and cold-formed-steel joists spaced ≤ 600 mm o.c.
Open-web steel joists with ceiling supports spaced ≤ 400 mm o.c.
Wood joists spaced ≤ 400 mm o.c. 10
Open-web steel joists with ceiling supports spaced ≤ 400 mm o.c. 10
Wood truss assemblies [metal-plate-connected] spaced ≤ 600 mm o.c. 5
Notes to TableD-2.3.4.-F:
(1) Resilient metal channels are permitted to be installed with no effect on the rating of the floor assembly.
(2) Applies only to floor structural members that are protected by a membrane.
Table D-2.3.4.-G
Time Assigned for Additional Protection
Description of Additional Protection Time, min
Add to the fire-resistance rating of wood stud walls, sheathed with gypsum board or lath and plaster, if the spaces between the
studs are filled with preformed insulation of rock or slag fibres conforming to CAN/ULC-S702, “Mineral Fibre Thermal Insulation for
Buildings,” and with a mass per unit area of not less than 1.22 kg/m
of wall surface
Add to the fire-resistance rating of non-loadbearing wood stud walls, sheathed with gypsum board or lath and plaster, if the spaces
between the studs are filled with preformed insulation of glass fibres conforming to CAN/ULC-S702, “Mineral Fibre Thermal
Insulation for Buildings,” and having a mass per unit area of not less than 0.6 kg/m
of wall surface
Add to the fire-resistance rating of loadbearing wood stud walls sheathed with gypsum board if the spaces between the studs are
filled with insulation of cellulose fibres conforming to CAN/ULC-S703, “Cellulose Fibre Insulation for Buildings,” and having a
density of not less than 50 kg/m
Add to the fire-resistance rating of plaster on gypsum lath ceilings if 0.76 mm diam wire mesh with 25 mm by 25 mm openings or
1.57 mm diam diagonal wire reinforcing at 250 mm o.c. is placed between lath and plaster
Add to the fire-resistance rating of plaster on gypsum lath ceilings if 76 mm wide metal lath strips are placed over joints between
lath and plaster
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5) Cellulose fibre insulation conforming to CAN/ULC-S703, “Cellulose Fibre Insulation for Buildings,” applied in
conformance with CAN/CGSB-92.2-M, “Trowel or Spray Applied Acoustical Material,” does not affect the fire-resistance rating of
a non-loadbearing cold-formed-steel stud wall assembly, provided that it is sprayed to either face of the wall cavity.
D-2.3.5. Considerations for Various Types of Assemblies
1) Interior vertical fire separations are to be rated for exposure to fire on each side (see Sentence3.1.7.3.(2)). The method
described in this Subsection applies when a membrane is provided on both sides of the assembly. However, in the calculation of the
fire-resistance rating of such an assembly using this method, no additional contribution to fire resistance is to be assigned for a
membrane on the non-fire-exposed side, since its contribution is already accounted for in the values assigned to the other
components of the assembly.
2) Exterior wall assemblies required to have a fire-resistance rating are required to be rated for exposure to fire from the
interior side only (see Sentence3.1.7.3.(3)). When deriving a fire-resistance rating for such wall assemblies using the method
described in this Subsection, only wood studs with a single layer of gypsum board or non-loadbearing cold-formed-steel studs
conforming to TableD-2.3.4.-E may be used. Such walls must have a membrane on the exterior side of the stud consisting of
plywood, oriented strandboard or gypsum sheathing and exterior cladding. Additional materials are also permitted between the
required sheathing and cladding. The spaces between the studs are to be filled with insulation conforming to CAN/ULC-S702,
“Mineral Fibre Thermal Insulation for Buildings,” and having a mass per unit area of not less than 1.22kg/m
of wall surface.
However, in the calculation of the fire-resistance rating of such an assembly, no additional contribution to fire resistance is to be
assigned for a membrane on the non-fire-exposed side, since its contribution is already accounted for in the values assigned to the
other components of the assembly.
3) In the case of a floor or roof assembly, the Code only requires testing for fire exposure from below. Floors or roofs must
have an upper flooring or roofing membrane in accordance with TableD-2.3.5.
Add to the fire-resistance rating of plaster on 9.5 mm thick gypsum lath ceilings (Table D-2.3.4.-D) if supports for lath are
300 mm o.c.
Add to the fire-resistance rating of floor assemblies if the spaces between the structural members are filled with preformed
insulation of rock or slag fibres conforming to CAN/ULC-S702, “Mineral Fibre Thermal Insulation for Buildings,” and having a mass
per unit area of not less than 1.22 kg/m
of floor surface
Add to the fire-resistance rating of floor assemblies if the spaces between the structural members are filled with wet-blown
cellulose fibres conforming to CAN/ULC-S703, “Cellulose Fibre Insulation for Buildings,” and having a density of not less than
50 kg/m
Add to the fire-resistance rating of floor assemblies where the floor topping on the unexposed side of the floor assemblies consists
of concrete not less than 38 mm thick
Notes to TableD-2.3.4.-G:
(1) Applies to wood-framed walls only.
(2) Applies to wood joists, wood trusses, wood I-joists and cold-formed-steel joists (C-shaped joists).
(3) Applies to cellulose fibre:
(i) for wood joists, wood I-joist and wood trusses–that is spray-applied with a minimum density of 50 kg/m
, a minimum depth of 90 mm on the underside of the
subfloor, and of 90 mm on the sides of the structural members;
(ii) for cold-formed-steel joists–that is spray-applied with a minimum density of 50 kg/m
and a minimum thickness of 90 mm on the underside of the subfloor, of 90 mm
on the sides of the structural members, and of 13 mm on the underside of the bottom flange other than at resilient metal channel locations.
Table D-2.3.4.-G (continued)
Time Assigned for Additional Protection
Description of Additional Protection Time, min
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4) Insulation used in the cavities of a wood joist or metal-plate-connected wood truss floor assembly with a single layer of
gypsum board will not reduce the assigned fire-resistance rating of the assembly, provided:
a) the insulation is preformed of rock, slag or glass fibre conforming to CAN/ULC-S702, “Mineral Fibre Thermal
Insulation for Buildings,” and having a mass per unit area of not more than 1.1kg/m
and is installed adjacent to the
bottom edge of the framing member, directly above steel furring channels,
b) the gypsum board ceiling membrane is attached to
i) wood trusses in conformance with SentenceD-2.3.9.(2) by way of steel furring channels spaced not more than
400mm o.c., and the channels are secured to each bottom truss member with a double strand of 1.2mm galvanized
steel wire, or
ii) wood joists by way of resilient metal or steel furring channels spaced not more than 400mm o.c. in conformance
with SentencesD-2.3.9.(2) and(3), and
c) a steel furring channel is installed midway between each furring channel mentioned in Clause (b) to provide additional
support for the insulation.
5) Except as required in SentenceD-2.3.5.(4), resilient metal or steel furring channels may be used to attach a gypsum board
ceiling membrane to a floor assembly using wood joists, metal-plate-connected wood trusses and open-web steel joists, or to a roof
assembly. The channels must be made of galvanized steel not less than 0.5mm thick spaced not more than 600mm o.c.
perpendicular to the framing members, with an overlap of not less than 100mm at splices and a minimum end clearance between
the channels and walls of 15mm.
Table D-2.3.5.
Flooring or Roofing Membranes
Type of Assembly Structural Members Subfloor or Roof Deck Finished Flooring or Roofing
Wood or open-web steel joists
metal-plate-connected wood
12.5 mm plywood or
15.5 mm oriented strandboard or
17 mm T & G softwood or
14 mm phenolic-bonded Douglas Fir
plywood (no finished flooring required)
Hardwood or softwood flooring on building
Resilient flooring, parquet floor, felted
synthetic fibre floor coverings, carpeting,
or ceramic tile on 8 mm thick panel-type
Ceramic tile on 30 mm mortar bed
Open-web steel joists
50 mm reinforced concrete or
50 mm concrete on metal lath or formed
steel sheet or
40 mm reinforced gypsum-fibre concrete
on 12.7 mm gypsum board
Finish flooring
Wood joists, wood I-joists, wood
trusses and cold-formed-steel joists
minimum 15.5 mm T & G plywood or
minimum 15.5 mm oriented strandboard
No requirement
Wood or open-web steel joists
wood trusses
12.5 mm plywood or
15.5 mm oriented strandboard or
17 mm T & G softwood or
14 mm phenolic-bonded Douglas Fir
plywood (no finished flooring required)
Finish roofing material with or without
Open-web steel joists
50 mm reinforced concrete or
50 mm concrete on metal lath or formed
steel sheet or
40 mm reinforced gypsum-fibre concrete
on 12.7 mm gypsum board
Finish roofing material with or without
Notes to TableD-2.3.5.:
(1) Applies to single layer of gypsum board membrane, and lath and plaster.
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D-2.3.6. Framing Members
1) The values shown in TablesD-2.3.4.-A,D-2.3.4.-B,D-2.3.4.-D andD-2.3.12. apply to membranes supported on
framing members installed in their conventional orientation and spaced in conformance with TablesD-2.3.4.-E andD-2.3.4.-F.
2) Wood studs and wood roof framing members are to be not less than 38mm by 89mm. Wood floor joists are to be not
less than 38mm by 184mm, except where they are used in an assembly from TableD-2.3.4.-D or from TableD-2.3.5. that uses a
single layer of gypsum board as the lower (ceiling) membrane, in which case, wood floor joists are to be not less than 38mm by
3) Wood roof trusses are to consist of wood chord and web framing members not less than 38 mm by 89 mm and metal
connector plates fabricated from galvanized steel not less than 1mm in nominal thickness with projecting teeth not less than
4) Wood floor trusses are to consist of:
a) metal-plate-connected wood trusses that are not less than 305mm deep with wood chord and web framing members not
less than 38mm by 64mm and metal connector plates fabricated from galvanized steel not less than 1mm in nominal
thickness with projecting teeth not less than 8mm long;
b) metal-web wood trusses that are not less than 286mm deep with wood chords not less than 38mm by 64mm and
V-shaped webs made from galvanized steel not less than 1mm in nominal thickness with plate areas having teeth not less
than 8mm long; or
c) fingerjoined wood trusses that are not less than 330mm deep with fingerjoined connections, chord members not less
than 38mm by 64mm, and web members not less than 38mm by 38mm glued together with a R-14 phenol-resorcinol
resin conforming to CSA O112.10, “Evaluation of Adhesives for Structural Wood Products (Limited Moisture
5) Wood I-joists are to be not less than 241mm deep with flanges that are not less than 38mm by 38mm and an oriented
strandboard or plywood web that is not less than 9.5mm thick.
6) The dimensions for dressed lumber given in CSAO141, “Softwood Lumber,” are to be used for wood studs, joists, I-joists
and trusses.
7) Cold-formed-steel studs for non-loadbearing walls are to consist of galvanized steel that is not less than 0.5 mm thick and
not less than 63mm wide, and have a flange that is not less than 31mm wide.
8) Cold-formed-steel studs in non-loadbearing wall assemblies are to be installed with not less than a 12 mm clearance
between the top of the stud and the top of the runner to allow for expansion in the event of a fire. Where the studs are required to
be attached for alignment purposes during erection, they must be attached to the bottom runners only.
9) Cold-formed-steel studs for loadbearing walls are to consist of galvanized steel that is not less than 0.912 mm thick but
not greater than 1.52mm thick, with a C-shaped cross-section not less than 92mm deep by 41mm wide and 12.7 mm
stiffening lips.
10) Cold-formed-steel studs in loadbearing wall assemblies are to be installed with diagonal cross-bracing.
11) Cold-formed-steel floor joists (C-shaped joists) are to be not less than 41 mm wide × 203 mm deep × 1.22mm material
12) The allowable spans for wood joists listed in the Span Tables in Part 9 are provided for floors supporting specific
D-2.3.7. Plaster Finish
The thickness of plaster finish shall be measured from the face of gypsum or metal lath.
D-2.3.8. Edge Support for Gypsum Board in Wall Assembly
Gypsum board installed over framing or furring in a wall assembly shall be installed so that all edges are supported, except that
15.9 mm Type X gypsum board may be installed horizontally with the horizontal joints unsupported when framing members are at
400 mm o.c. maximum.
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D-2.3.9. Membrane Fastening
1) Except as provided in Sentences(2) to(5), TableD-2.3.4.-B and SentenceD-2.3.5.(5), the application of lath and plaster
finish shall conform to CSA A82.30-M, “Interior Furring, Lathing and Gypsum Plastering,” and of gypsum board finish shall
conform to ASTM C 840, “Application and Finishing of Gypsum Board.”
2) Where a membrane referred to in TableD-2.3.4.-A,D-2.3.4.-B,D-2.3.4.-C ,D-2.3.4.-D orD-2.3.12. is applied to steel
framing or furring, fasteners shall penetrate not less than 10mm through the metal.
3) Except as provided in Sentence(4), where a membrane referred to in TableD-2.3.4.-A, D-2.3.4.-B, D-2.3.4.-C,
D-2.3.4.-D orD-2.3.12. is applied to wood framing or furring, minimum fastener penetrations into wood members shall conform
to TableD-2.3.9. for the time assigned to the membrane.
4) Where a membrane is applied in 2layers, the fastener penetrations described in TableD-2.3.9. shall apply to the base
layer. Fasteners for the face layer shall penetrate not less than 20 mm into wood supports.
5) In a double layer application of gypsum board on wood supports, fastener spacing shall conform to ASTM C 840,
“Application and Finishing of Gypsum Board.”
D-2.3.10. Ceiling Membrane Openings – Combustible Construction
1) Except as permitted in ArticleD-2.3.12., where a floor or roof assembly of combustible construction is assigned a
fire-resistance rating on the basis of this Subsection and incorporates a ceiling membrane described in TableD-2.3.4.-B,
D-2.3.4.-C orD-2.3.4.-D, the ceiling membrane may be penetrated by openings leading to ducts within concealed spaces above
the membrane provided:
a) the assembly is not required to have a fire-resistance rating in excess of 1h,
b) the area of any openings does not exceed 930 cm
(see Sentence(2)),
c) the aggregate area of openings does not exceed 1% of the ceiling area of the fire compartment,
d) the depth of the concealed space above the ceiling is not less than 230 mm,
e) no dimension of any opening exceeds 310 mm,
f) supports are provided for openings with any dimension exceeding 150 mm where framing members are spaced greater
than 400 mm o.c.,
g) individual openings are spaced not less than 2 m apart,
h) the ducts above the membrane are sheet steel and are supported by steel strapping firmly attached to the framing
members, and
i) the clearance between the top surface of the membrane and the bottom surface of the ducts is not less than 100 mm.
2) Where an individual opening permitted in Sentence(1) exceeds 130 cm
in area, it shall be protected by
a) a fire stop flap conforming to CAN/ULC-S112.2, “Fire Test of Ceiling Firestop Flap Assemblies,” that activates at a
temperature approximately 30°C above the normal maximum temperature that occurs in the ducts, whether the air duct
system is operating or shut down, or
b) thermal protection above the duct consisting of the same materials as used for the ceiling membrane, mechanically
fastened to the ductwork and extending 200 mm beyond the opening on all sides (seeArticleD-2.3.10.).
Table D-2.3.9.
Membrane Fastening
Type of Membrane
Minimum Penetration of Fasteners for Membrane Protection on Wood Framing, mm
5-25 30-35 40 50 55-70 80
Single layer 20 29 32 – – –
Double layer202020293544
Gypsum lath 20 20 23 23 29 29
Notes to TableD-2.3.9.:
(1) Assigned contributions of membranes to fire resistance are listed in Tables D-2.3.4.-A, D-2.3.4.-B, D-2.3.4.-C, D-2.3.4.-D and D-2.3.12.
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British Columbia Building Code 2018
Figure D-2.3.10.
Thermal protection above a duct
D-2.3.11. Ceiling Membrane Openings – Noncombustible Construction
1) Except as permitted in ArticleD-2.3.12., where a floor or roof assembly of noncombustible construction is assigned a
fire-resistance rating on the basis of this Subsection and incorporates a ceiling membrane described in TableD-2.3.4.-B,
D-2.3.4.-C orD-2.3.4.-D, the ceiling membrane may be penetrated by openings leading to ducts located within concealed spaces
a) the area of any opening does not exceed 930 cm
(see Sentence(2)),
b) the aggregate area of openings does not exceed 2% of the ceiling area of the fire compartment,
c) no dimension of any opening exceeds 400 mm,
d) individual openings are spaced not less than 2 m apart,
e) openings are located not less than 200 mm from major structural members such as beams, columns or joists,
f) the ducts above the membrane are sheet steel and are supported by steel strapping firmly attached to the framing
members, and
g) the clearance between the top surface of the membrane and the bottom surface of the duct is not less than 100 mm.
2) Where an individual opening permitted in Sentence (1) exceeds 130 cm
in area, it shall be protected by
a) a fire stop flap conforming to CAN/ULC-S112.2, “Fire Test of Ceiling Firestop Flap Assemblies,” that activates at a
temperature approximately 30°C above the normal maximum temperature that occurs in the ducts, whether the air duct
system is operating or shut down, or
b) thermal protection above the duct consisting of the same materials as used for the ceiling membrane, mechanically
fastened to the ductwork and extending 200mm beyond the opening on all sides (see ArticleD-2.3.10.).
D-2.3.12. Ceiling Membrane Rating
Where the fire-resistance rating of a ceiling assembly is to be determined on the basis of the membrane only and not of the complete
assembly, the ratings may be determined from TableD-2.3.12., provided no openings described in ArticlesD-2.3.10. andD-2.3.11.
are located within the ceiling membrane.
Table D-2.3.12.
Fire-Resistance Rating for Ceiling Membranes
Description of Membrane Fire-Resistance Rating, min
15.9 mm Type X gypsum board with ≥ 75 mm mineral wool batt insulation above board 30
19 mm gypsum-sand plaster on metal lath 30
Double 14.0 mm Douglas Fir plywood phenolic bonded 30
Double 12.7 mm Type X gypsum board 45
25 mm gypsum-sand plaster on metal lath 45
100 mm
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D-2.3.13. Membrane Penetrations in Combustible and Noncombustible Construction
1) Where a wall, floor or roof assembly is assigned a fire-resistance rating on the basis of this Subsection and includes a
membrane or membranes described in TableD-2.3.4.-A,D-2.3.4.-B,D-2.3.4.-C,D-2.3.4.-D orD-2.3.12., penetrations of the
membrane or membranes must be fire stopped in conformance with the applicable requirements in Article3.1.9.1. or
D-2.3.14. Beams
1) Where a steel beam is included with an open-web steel joist and is protected by the same continuous ceiling, the beam is
assumed to have a fire-resistance rating equal to that assigned to the rest of the assembly.
2) The ratings in this Subsection assume that the construction to which the beam is related is a normal one and does not
carry unusual loads from the floor or slab above.
D-2.3.15. Wired Glass Assembly Support
1) Openings in a vertical fire separation having a fire-resistance rating of not more than 1h are allowed to be protected by
wired glass assemblies, provided the wired glass is
a) not less than 6mm thick;
b) reinforced by a steel wire mesh in the form of diamonds, squares or hexagons having dimensions of
i) approximately 25mm across the flats, using wire of not less than 0.45mm diameter, or
ii) approximately 13mm across the flats, using wire of not less than 0.40mm diameter, the wire to be centrally
embedded during manufacture and welded or intertwined at each intersection;
c) set in fixed steel frames with metal not less than 1.35mm thick and providing a glazing stop of not less than 20mm on
each side of the glass; and
d) limited in area so that
i) individual panes are not more than 0.84m
, with neither height nor width more than 1.4m, and
ii) the area not structurally supported by mullions is not more than 7.5m
2) It is intended that the structural mullions referred to in Subclause(1)(d)(ii) will not distort or be displaced to the extent
that there would be a failure of the wired glass closure during the period for which a closure in the fire separation would be expected
to function. Hollow structural steel tubing not less than 100mm square filled with a Portland cement-based grout will satisfy the
intent of the Subclause.
D-2.4. Solid Wood Walls, Floors and Roofs
D-2.4.1. Minimum Thickness
The minimum thickness of solid wood walls, floors and roofs for fire-resistance ratings from 30min to 1.5h is shown in
Double 15.9 mm Type X gypsum board 60
32 mm gypsum-sand plaster on metal lath 60
Table D-2.3.12. (continued)
Fire-Resistance Rating for Ceiling Membranes
Description of Membrane Fire-Resistance Rating, min
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British Columbia Building Code 2018
D-2.4.2. Increased Fire-Resistance Rating
1) The fire-resistance rating of the assemblies described in TableD-2.4.1. may be increased by 15min if one of the following
finishes is applied on the fire-exposed side:
a) 12.7 mm thick gypsum board,
b) 20 mm thick gypsum-sand plaster on metal lath, or
c) 13 mm thick gypsum-sand plaster on 9.5 mm gypsum lath.
2) Fastening of the plaster to the wood structure shall conform to SubsectionD-2.3.
D-2.4.3. Supplementary Ratings
Supplementary ratings based on tests are included in TableD-2.4.3. The ratings given shall apply to constructions that conform in all
details with the descriptions given.
D-2.5. Solid Plaster Partitions
D-2.5.1. Minimum Thickness
The minimum thickness of solid plaster partitions for fire-resistance ratings from 30 min to 4 h is shown in TableD-2.5.1.
Table D-2.4.1.
Minimum Thickness of Solid Wood Walls, Roofs and Floors, mm
Type of Construction
Fire-Resistance Rating
30min 45min 1h 1.5h
Solid wood floor with building paper and finish flooring
on top
89 114 165 235
Solid wood, splined or tongued and grooved floor with
building paper and finish flooring on top
64 76 – –
Solid wood walls of loadbearing vertical plank
89 114 140 184
Solid wood walls of non-loadbearing horizontal plank
89 89 89 140
Notes to TableD-2.4.1.:
(1) See CSA O141, “Softwood Lumber,” for sizes.
(2) The fire-resistance ratings and minimum dimensions for floors also apply to solid wood roof decks of comparable thickness with finish roofing material.
(3) The assembly shall consist of 38 mm thick members on edge fastened together with 101 mm common wire nails spaced not more than 400 mm o.c. and staggered in the
direction of the grain.
(4) The floor shall consist of 64 mm by 184 mm wide planks either tongued and grooved or with 19 mm by 38 mm splines set in grooves and fastened together with 88 mm
common nails spaced not more than 400 mm o.c.
Table D-2.4.3.
Fire-Resistance Rating of Non-Loadbearing Built-up Solid Wood Partitions
Construction Details Actual Overall Thickness, mm Fire-Resistance Rating
Solid panels of wood boards 64 mm to 140 mm wide grooved and joined with wood
splines, nailed together, boards placed vertically with staggered joints, 3 boards thick
58 30 min
Solid panels with 4 mm plywood facings
glued to 46 mm solid wood core of glued,
tongued and grooved construction for both sides and ends of core pieces with tongued
and grooved rails in the core about 760 mm apart
54 1 h
Notes to TableD-2.4.3.:
(1) The ratings and notes are taken from “Fire Resistance Classifications of Building Constructions,” Building Materials and Structures Report BMS 92, National Bureau of
Standards, Washington, 1942.
(2) Ratings for plywood faced panel are based on phenolic resin glue being used for gluing facings to wood frames. If other types of glue are used for this purpose, the ratings
apply if the facings are nailed to the frames in addition to being glued.
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British Columbia Building Code 2018 Division B
D-2.6. Protected Steel Columns
D-2.6.1. Minimum Thickness of Protective Covering
The minimum thickness of protective covering to steel columns is shown in TablesD-2.6.1.-A toD-2.6.1.-F for fire-resistance ratings
from 30 min to 4 h.
Table D-2.5.1.
Minimum Thickness of Non-Loadbearing Solid Plaster Partitions, mm
Type of Plaster on Metal Lath
Fire-Resistance Rating
30min 45min 1h 1.5h 2h 3h 4h
Portland cement-sand
or Portland cement-lime-sand 50
Gypsum-sand 50
Gypsum-vermiculite, gypsum-perlite, Portland cement-vermiculite or
Portland cement-perlite
58 64 83 102
Notes to TableD-2.5.1.:
(1) Metal lath shall be expanded metal lath or welded woven wire fabric supported on 19 mm vertical light steel studs spaced not more than 600 mm o.c. Plaster shall be
applied to both sides of the lath.
(2) For mixture of Portland cement-sand plaster, see Sentence D-1.7.2.(2).
(3) CSA A82.30-M, “Interior Furring, Lathing and Gypsum Plastering,” does not permit solid plaster partitions less than 50 mm thick.
Table D-2.6.1.-A
Minimum Thickness of Concrete or Masonry Protection to Steel Columns, mm
Description of Cover
Fire-Resistance Rating
30min 45min 1h 1.5h 2h 3h 4h
Monolithic concrete
Type S concrete
(column spaces filled)
25 25 25 25 39 64 89
Type N or L concrete
(column spaces filled)
25 25 25 25 32 50 77
Concrete masonry units
or precast reinforced concrete units
Type S concrete (column spaces not filled) 50 50 50 50 64 89 115
Type N or L concrete (column spaces not filled) 50 50 50 50 50 77 102
Clay or shale brick
(column spaces filled)
50 50 50 50 50 64 77
Clay or shale brick
(column spaces not filled) 50 50 50 50 50 77 102
Hollow clay tile
(column spaces filled)
(6) (7) (7) (7)
Hollow clay tile
(column spaces not filled) 50
Notes to TableD-2.6.1.-A:
(1) Applies to cast-in-place concrete reinforced with 5.21 mm diam wire wrapped around column spirally 200 mm o.c., or 1.57 mm diam wire mesh with 100 mm by 100 mm
(2) The space between the protective covering and the web or flange of the column shall be filled with concrete, cement mortar or a mixture of cement mortar and
broken bricks.
(3) Concrete masonry shall be reinforced with 5.21 mm diam wire or wire mesh with 1.19 mm diam wire and 10 mm by 10 mm openings, laid in every second course.
(4) Brick cover 77 mm thick or less shall be reinforced with 2.34 mm diam wire or 1.19 mm diam wire mesh with 10 mm by 10 mm openings, laid in every second course.
(5) Hollow clay tiles and masonry mortar shall be reinforced with 1.19 mm diam wire mesh with 10 mm by 10 mm openings, laid in every horizontal joint and lapped
at corners.
(6) Hollow clay tiles shall conform to CAN/CSA-A82, “Fired Masonry Brick Made from Clay or Shale.”
(7) 50 mm nominal hollow clay tile, reinforced with 1.19 mm diam wire mesh with 10 mm by 10 mm openings laid in every horizontal joint and covered with 19 mm
gypsum-sand plaster and with limestone concrete fill in column spaces, has a 4 h fire-resistance rating.
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British Columbia Building Code 2018
Table D-2.6.1.-B
Minimum Thickness of Plaster Protection to Steel Columns, mm
Fire-Resistance Rating
30min 45min 1h 1.5h 2h 3h 4h
Gypsum-sand plaster on 9.5 mm gypsum lath
13 13 13 20 – – –
Gypsum-perlite or vermiculite plaster on 9.5 mm
gypsum lath
13 13 13 20 25 – –
Gypsum perlite or vermiculite plaster on 12.7 mm
gypsum lath
13 13 13 20 25 32 50
Gypsum perlite or vermiculite plaster on double
12.7 mm gypsum lath
13 13 13 20 25 25 32
Portland cement-sand plaster on metal lath
25 25 25 – – – –
Notes to TableD-2.6.1.-B:
(1) Fire-resistance ratings of 30 min and 45 min apply to columns whose M/D ratio is 30 or greater. Fire-resistance ratings greater than 45 min apply to columns whose M/D
ratio is greater than 60. Where the M/D ratio is between 30 and 60 and the required fire-resistance rating is greater than 45 min, the total thickness of protection specified
in the Table shall be increased by 50%. (To determine M/D, refer to Article D-2.6.4.)
(2) Where the thickness of plaster over gypsum lath is 25 mm or more, wire mesh with 1.57 mm diam wire and openings not exceeding 50 mm by 50 mm shall be placed
midway in the plaster.
(3) Lath held in place by 1.19 mm diam wire wrapped around lath 450 mm o.c.
(4) Expanded metal lath 1.36 kg/m
fastened to 9.5 mm by 19 mm steel channels held in vertical position around column by 1.19 mm diam wire ties.
(5) For mixture of Portland cement-sand plaster, see Sentence D-1.7.2.(2).
Table D-2.6.1.-C
Minimum Thickness of Gypsum-Sand Plaster on Metal Lath Protection to Steel Columns, mm
Fire-Resistance Rating
30min 45min 1h 1.5h 2h 3h
30 to 60 16 16 32 – – –
over 60 to 90 16 16 16 32 – –
over 90 to 120 16 16 16 25 39 –
over 120 to 180 16 16 16 16 25 –
over 180 16 16 16 16 25 39
Notes to TableD-2.6.1.-C:
(1) To determine the M/D ratio, refer to Article D-2.6.4.
Table D-2.6.1.-D
Minimum Thickness of Gypsum-Perlite or Gypsum-Vermiculite Plaster on Metal Lath Protection to Steel Columns, mm
Fire-Resistance Rating
30min 45min 1h 1.5h 2h 3h 4h
30 to 60 16 16 20 32 35 – –
over 60 to 90 16 16 16 20 26 35 45
over 90 to 120 16161616263545
over 120 to 180 16 16 16 16 20 32 35
over 180 16 16 16 16 16 26 35
Notes to TableD-2.6.1.-D:
(1) To determine the M/D ratio, refer to Article D-2.6.4.
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British Columbia Building Code 2018 Division B
Table D-2.6.1.-E
Steel Columns with Sheet-Steel Membrane and Insulation as Shown in Figures D-2.6.1-A. and D-2.6.1-B.
Type of Protection
Steel Thickness,
See Figure D-2.6.1.-A 0.51
No. 8 sheet-metal screws 9.5 mm long,
200 mm o.c.
50 mm mineral wool batts
45 min
See Figure D-2.6.1.-B 0.64
Self-threading screws or No. 8
sheet-metal screws, 600 mm o.c.
2 layers 12.7 mm gypsum board 1.5 h
See Figure D-2.6.1.-A 0.64
No. 8 sheet-metal screws, 9.5 mm long
200 mm o.c.
75 mm mineral wool batts,
12.7 mm
gypsum board
2 h
See Figure D-2.6.1.-B 0.76
Crimped joint or No. 8 sheet-metal
screws, 300 mm o.c.
2 layers 15.9 mm gypsum board 2 h
Notes to TableD-2.6.1.-E:
(1) Minimum thickness, galvanized or wiped-zinc-coated sheet-steel.
(2) Sheet-steel shall be securely fastened to the floor and superstructure, or where sheet-steel cover does not extend floor to floor, fire stopping shall be provided at the level
where sheet-steel protection ends. In the latter case, an alternate type of fire protection shall be applied between the fire stopping and the superstructure.
(3) Conforming to CAN/ULC-S702, “Mineral Fibre Thermal Insulation for Buildings,” Type 1A, minimum density 30 kg/m
: column section and batts wrapped with 25 mm
mesh chicken wire.
Table D-2.6.1.-F
Minimum M/D Ratio for Steel Columns Covered with Type X Gypsum Board Protection
Minimum Thickness of TypeX Gypsum
Board Protection,
Fire-Resistance Rating
1h 1.5h 2h 3h
12.7 75–––
15.9 55–––
25.4 35 60 – –
28.6 35 50 – –
31.8 35 40 75 –
38.1 35 35 55 –
41.3 35 35 45 –
44.5 35 35 35 –
47.6 35 35 35 –
50.8 35 35 35 75
63.5 35 35 35 45
Notes to TableD-2.6.1.-F:
(1) To determine the M/D ratio, refer to Article D-2.6.4.
(2) See Article D-2.6.5.
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British Columbia Building Code 2018
Figure D-2.6.1.-A
Column protected by sheet-steel membrane and mineral-wool insulation
Figure D-2.6.1.-B
Column protected by sheet-steel membrane and gypsum board
steel column
M/D not less
than 60
sheet steel
wire mesh
sheet metal screws
screw or crimp joint
steel column
M/D not less
than 60
sheet steel
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British Columbia Building Code 2018 Division B
D-2.6.2. Hollow Unit Masonry Columns
For hollow-unit masonry column protection, the thickness shown in Tables D-2.6.1.-A toD-2.6.1.-D is the equivalent thickness as
described in SubsectionD-1.6.
D-2.6.3. Effect of Plaster
The effect on fire-resistance ratings of the addition of plaster to masonry and monolithic concrete column protection is described in
D-2.6.4. Determination of M/D Ratio
1) The ratio M/D to which reference is made in Tables D-2.6.1.-B,D-2.6.1.-C,D-2.6.1.-D andD-2.6.1.-F shall be found
by dividing “M,” the mass of the column in kilograms per metre by “D,” the heated perimeter of the steel column section in metres.
2) The heated perimeter “D” of steel columns, shown as the dashed line in FigureD-2.6.4.-A, shall be equal to 2(B+H) in
Examples (1) and (2), and 3.14B in Example(3). In Figure D-2.6.4.-B, the heated perimeter “D” shall be equal to 2(B+H).
Figure D-2.6.4.-A
Example (1), standard or wide-flange beam; Example (2), hollow structural section (rectangular or square); Example (3), hollow
structural section (round)
example (1)
example (2)
example (3)
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British Columbia Building Code 2018
Figure D-2.6.4.-B
Columns protected by Type X gypsum board without sheet-steel membrane
D-2.6.5. Attachment of Gypsum Board
1) Where Type X gypsum board is used to protect a steel column without an outside sheet-steel membrane, the method of
gypsum board attachment to the column shall be as shown in Figure D-2.6.4.-B and shall meet the construction details described
in Sentences (2) to(7).
2) The Type X gypsum board shall be applied vertically without horizontal joints.
3) The first layer of gypsum board shall be attached to steel studs with screws spaced not more than 600 mm o.c. and other
layers of gypsum board shall be attached to steel studs and steel corner beads with screws spaced at a maximum of 300 mm o.c.
Where a single layer of gypsum board is used, attachment screws shall be spaced not more than 300 mm o.c.
4) Steel tie wires spaced at a maximum of 600 mm o.c. shall be used to secure the second last layer of gypsum board in 3- and
4-layer systems.
5) Studs shall be fabricated of galvanized steel not less than 0.53 mm thick and not less than 41.3 mm wide, with legs not
less than 33.3mm long and shall be 12.7 mm less than the assembly height.
6) Corner beads shall
a) be fabricated of galvanized steel that is not less than 0.41 mm thick,
b) have legs not less than 31 mm long,
c) be attached to the gypsum board or stud with 25.4 mm screws spaced not more than 300 mm o.c., and
d) have the attaching fasteners penetrate either another corner bead in multiple layer assemblies or the steel stud member.
7) In a 4-layer system, metal angles shall be fabricated of galvanized steel and shall be not less than 0.46 mm thick with legs
not less than 51 mm long.
1 layer
2 layers
3 layers
4 layers
1. structural member
2. steel studs
3. gypsum board (type x)
4. steel corner bead
5. tie wire
6. sheet metal angle
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British Columbia Building Code 2018 Division B
D-2.6.6. Concrete Filled Hollow Steel Columns
1) A fire-resistance rating, R, is permitted to be assigned to concentrically loaded hollow steel columns that are filled with
plain concrete, steel-fibre reinforced concrete or bar-reinforced concrete, that are fabricated and erected within the tolerances
stipulated in CSA S16, “Design of Steel Structures,” and that comply with Sentences (2) and(3), provided:
C = axial compressive force due to dead and live loads without load factors, kN,
but shall not exceed
a) 1.0 C'
for plain concrete filling (PC),
b) 1.1 C'
for steel-fibre reinforced concrete filling (FC), and
c) 1.7 C'
for bar-reinforced concrete filling (RC),
a = constant obtained from TableD-2.6.6.-A,
= specified compressive strength of concrete in accordance with CSA A23.3, “Design of Concrete Structures,”
= radius of gyration of the concrete area,
= area of concrete, mm
D = outside diameter of a round column or outside width of a square column,mm,
= initial elastic modulus for concrete, considering the effects of long-term loading for normal-weight concrete =
, where f
is expressed in MPa, S is the short-term load, and T is the total load on the
R = specified fire-resistance rating, min,
KL = effective length of column as defined in CSAS16, “Design of Steel Structures,”mm,
= , and
subject to the validity limits stated in TableD-2.6.6.-B.
Table D-2.6.6.-A
Values of Constant “a”
Filling Type Concrete Type
Steel Reinforcement Circular Columns Square Columns
PC S n/a 0.070 0.060
FC S ≈ 2% 0.075 0.065
RC S 1.5%-3% 0.080 0.070
RC S 3%-5% 0.085 0.075
PC N n/a 0.080 0.070
FC N ≈ 2% 0.085 0.075
20) D
R(KL – 1000)
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British Columbia Building Code 2018
2) A pair of steam vent holes shall be provided at each end of the hollow steel column and at each intermediate floor level,
and the holes shall be
a) not less than 13 mm in diameter,
b) located on opposite faces, 150 mm above or below a base plate, cap plate or concrete slab,
c) orientated so that adjacent pairs are perpendicular, and
d) not obstructed by other building elements.
3) Load application and reaction shall be through end bearing in accordance with CSA S16, “Design of Steel Structures.”
D-2.7. Individually Protected Steel Beams
D-2.7.1. Minimum Thickness of Protective Covering
The minimum thickness of protective covering on steel beams exposed to fire on 3sides for fire-resistance ratings from 30 min to
4 his shown in Table D-2.7.1.
RC N 1.5%-3% 0.090 0.080
RC N 3%-5% 0.095 0.085
Notes to TableD-2.6.6.-A:
(1) See Subsection D-1.4.
Table D-2.6.6.-B
Validity Limits
Type of Concrete Filling
f'c (MPa) 20 to 40 20 to 55 20 to 55
D (round) (mm) 140 to 410 140 to 410 165 to 410
D (square) (mm) 140 to 305 102 to 305 175 to 305
Reinforcement (%) n/a ≈ 2% of the concrete mix by mass 1.5% to 5% of cross-sectional area
Concrete Cover (mm) n/a n/a ≥ 25
R (min) ≤ 120 ≤ 180 ≤ 180
KL (mm) 2 000 to 4 000 2 000 to 4 500 2 000 to 4 500
1, 2 or 3 1, 2 or 3 1, 2 or 3
Notes to TableD-2.6.6.-B:
(1) Limits on size, number and spacing of bars and ties in accordance with CSA A23.3, “Design of Concrete Structures.”
(2) Classification of sections in accordance with CSA S16, “Design of Steel Structures.”
Table D-2.7.1.
Minimum Thickness of Cover to Individual Protected Steel Beams, mm
Description of Cover
Fire-Resistance Rating
30min 45min 1h 1.5h 2h 3h 4h
Type S concrete
(beam spaces filled solid) 25 25 25 25 32 50 64
Type N or L concrete
(beam spaces filled solid) 25252525253950
Gypsum-sand plaster on 9.5 mm gypsum lath
13 13 13 20 – – –
Gypsum-perlite or vermiculite plaster on 9.5 mm gypsum lath
13 13 13 13 25 – –
Gypsum-perlite or gypsum-vermiculite on 12.7 mm gypsum lath
13 13 13 20 25 39 50
Table D-2.6.6.-A (continued)
Values of Constant “a”
Filling Type Concrete Type
Steel Reinforcement Circular Columns Square Columns
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Fire-Performance Ratings Division B – Appendix D
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Division B
D-2.7.2. Types of Concrete
Concrete is referred to as TypeS, N or L, depending on the nature of the aggregate used. This is described in ArticleD-1.4.1.
D-2.7.3. Effect of Plaster
The effect on fire-resistance ratings of the addition of plaster finish to concrete or masonry beam protection is described in
D-2.7.4. Exceptions
The fire resistance of protected steel beams depends on the means used to hold the protection in place. Because of the importance of
this factor, no rating has been assigned in Table D-2.7.1. to masonry units used as protective cover to steel beams. These ratings,
however, may be determined on the basis of comparison with column protection at the discretion of the authority having jurisdiction,
if satisfactory means of fastening are provided.
D-2.7.5. Beam Protected by a Membrane
A steel beam or steel joist assembly that is entirely above a horizontal ceiling membrane will be protected from fire below the
membrane and will resist structural collapse for a period equal to the fire-resistance rating determined in conformance with
Subsection D-2.3. The support for this membrane shall be equivalent to that described in Subsection D-2.3. The rating on this basis
shall not exceed 1.5h.
D-2.8. Reinforced Concrete Columns
D-2.8.1. Minimum Dimensions
Minimum dimensions for reinforced concrete columns and minimum concrete cover for vertical steel reinforcement are obtained from
Articles D-2.8.2. to D-2.8.5., taking into account the type of concrete, the effective length of the column and the area of the vertical
D-2.8.2. Method
1) The minimum dimension, t, in millimetres, of a rectangular reinforced concrete column shall be equal to
a) 75 f (R+1) for all Types L and L40S concrete,
b) 80f (R+1) for Type S concrete when the design condition of the concrete column is defined in the second and fourth
columns of Table D-2.8.2.,
c) 80f (R+0.75) for Type N concrete when the design condition of the concrete column is defined in the second and
fourth columns of TableD-2.8.2., and
Gypsum-perlite or vermiculite plaster on double 12.7 mm gypsum lath
13 13 13 20 25 25 39
Portland cement-sand on metal lath
23 23 23 – – – –
Gypsum-sand on metal lath
(plaster in contact with lower flange) 16 20 25 39 – – –
Gypsum-sand on metal lath with air gap between plaster and lower flange
16 16 16 25 25 – –
Gypsum-perlite or gypsum-vermiculite on metal lath
16 16 16 23 23 35 48
Notes to TableD-2.7.1.:
(1) Where the thickness of plaster finish applied over gypsum lath is 26 mm or more, the plaster shall be reinforced with wire mesh with 1.57 mm diam wire and 50 mm by
50 mm openings placed midway in the plaster.
(2) Applies to cast-in-place concrete reinforced by 5.21 mm diam wire spaced 200 mm o.c. or 1.57 mm diam wire mesh with 100 mm by 100 mm openings.
(3) Lath held in place by 1.18 mm diam wire wrapped around the gypsum lath 450 mm o.c.
(4) Expanded metal lath 1.63 kg/m
fastened to 9.5 mm by 19 mm steel channels held in position by 1.19 mm diam wire.
(5) Plaster finish shall be reinforced with wire mesh with 1.57 mm diam wire and 50 mm by 50 mm openings placed midway in the plaster.
Table D-2.7.1. (continued)
Minimum Thickness of Cover to Individual Protected Steel Beams, mm
Description of Cover
Fire-Resistance Rating
30min 45min 1h 1.5h 2h 3h 4h
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British Columbia Building Code 2018
d) 100f (R+1) for Types S and N concrete when the design condition of the concrete column is defined in the third
column of Table D-2.8.2.
f = the value shown in Table D-2.8.2.,
R = the required fire-resistance rating in hours,
k = the effective length factor obtained from CSA A23.3, “Design of Concrete Structures,”
h = the unsupported length of the column in metres, and
p = the area of vertical reinforcement in the column as a percentage of the column area.
2) The diameter of a round column shall be not less than 1.2 times the value t determined in Sentence(1) for a
rectangular column.
D-2.8.3. Minimum Thickness of Concrete Cover
1) Where the required fire-resistance rating of a concrete column is 3 h or less, the minimum thickness in millimetres of
concrete cover over vertical steel reinforcement shall be equal to 25 times the number of hours of fire resistance required or 50mm,
whichever is less.
2) Where the required fire-resistance rating of a concrete column is greater than 3 h, the minimum thickness in millimetres
of concrete cover over vertical steel reinforcement shall be equal to 50 plus 12.5 times the required number of hours of fire
resistance in excess of 3 h.
3) Where the concrete cover over vertical steel required in Sentence (2) exceeds 62.5 mm, wire mesh reinforcement with
1.57 mm diameter wire and 100 mm openings shall be incorporated midway in the concrete cover to retain the concrete
in position.
D-2.8.4. Minimum Requirements
The structural design standards may require minimum column dimensions or concrete cover over vertical steel reinforcement differing
from those obtained in Sentences D-2.8.2.(1) and D-2.8.2.(2). Where a difference occurs, the greater dimension shall govern.
D-2.8.5. Addition of Plaster
The addition of plaster finish to the concrete column may be taken into account in determining the cover over vertical steel
reinforcement by applying the multiplying factors described in Subsection D-1.7. The addition of plaster shall not, however, justify
any decrease in the minimum column sizes shown.
Table D-2.8.2.
Values of Factor f
Overdesign Factor
Values of Factor f to be Used in Applying ArticleD-2.8.2.
Where kh is not more than 3.7 m
Where kh is more than 3.7 m but not more than 7.3 m
t is not more than 300mm,
p is not more than 3%
All other cases
1.00 1.0 1.2 1.0
1.25 0.9 1.1 0.9
1.50 0.83 1.0 0.83
Notes to TableD-2.8.2.:
(1) For conditions that do not fall within the limits described in Table D-2.8.2., further information may be obtained from Reference (7) in Subsection D-6.1.
(2) Overdesign factor is the ratio of the calculated load carrying capacity of the column to the column strength required to carry the specified loads determined in conformance
with CSA A23.3, “Design of Concrete Structures.”
(3) Where the factor f results in a t greater than 300 mm, the appropriate factor f for “All other cases” shall be applicable.
(4) Where p is equal to or less than 3% and the factor f results in a t less than 300 mm, the minimum thickness shall be 300 mm.
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British Columbia Building Code 2018 Division B
D-2.8.6. Built-in Columns
The fire-resistance rating of a reinforced concrete column that is built into a masonry or concrete wall so that not more than one face
may be exposed to the possibility of fire at one time may be determined on the basis of cover to vertical reinforcing steel alone. In order
to meet this condition, the wall shall conform to Subsection D-2.1. for the fire-resistance rating required.
D-2.9. Reinforced Concrete Beams
D-2.9.1. Minimum Cover Thickness
The minimum thickness of cover over principal steel reinforcement in reinforced concrete beams is shown in Table D-2.9.1. for
fire-resistance ratings from 30 min to 4 h where the width of the beam or joist is at least 100 mm.
D-2.9.2. Maximum Rating
No rating over 2 h may be assigned on the basis of Table D-2.9.1. to a beam or joist where the average width of the part that projects
below the slab is less than 140 mm, and no rating over 3 h may be assigned where the average width of the part that projects below the
slab is less than 165 mm.
D-2.9.3. Beam Integrated in Floor or Roof Slab
For the purposes of these ratings, a beam may be either independent of or integral with a floor or roof slab assembly.
D-2.9.4. Minimum Thickness
Where the upper extension or top flange of a joist or T-beam in a floor assembly contributes wholly or partly to the thickness of the
slab above, the total thickness at any point shall be not less than the minimum thickness described in Table D-2.2.1.-A for the
fire-resistance rating required.
D-2.9.5. Effect of Plaster
The addition of plaster finish to a reinforced concrete beam may be taken into account in determining the cover over principal
reinforcing steel by applying the multiplying factors described in Subsection D-1.7.
D-2.10. Prestressed Concrete Beams
D-2.10.1. Minimum Cross-Sectional Area and Thickness of Cover
The minimum cross-sectional area and thickness of concrete cover over steel tendons in prestressed concrete beams for fire-resistance
ratings from 30 min to 4 h are shown in Table D-2.10.1.
Table D-2.9.1.
Minimum Cover to Principal Steel Reinforcement in Reinforced Concrete Beams, mm
Type of Concrete
Fire-Resistance Rating
30min 45min 1h 1.5h 2h 3h 4h
Type S, N or L20202025253950
Table D-2.10.1.
Minimum Thickness of Concrete Cover over Steel Tendons in Prestressed Concrete Beams, mm
Type of
Area of Beam, cm
Fire-Resistance Rating
30min 45min 1h 1.5h 2h 3h 4h
Type S or N
260 to 970 25 39 50 64 – – –
Over 970 to 1 940 25 26 39 45 64 – –
Over 1 940 25 26 39 39 50 77 102
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British Columbia Building Code 2018
D-2.10.2. Minimum Cover Thickness
The cover for an individual tendon shall be the minimum thickness of concrete between the surface of the tendon and the fire-exposed
surface of the beam, except that for ungrouted ducts the assumed cover thickness shall be the minimum thickness of concrete between
the surface of the duct and the surface of the beam. For beams in which several tendons are used, the cover is assumed to be the average
of the minimum cover of the individual tendons. The cover for any individual tendon shall be not less than half the value given in
Table D-2.10.1. nor less than 25 mm.
D-2.10.3. Applicability of Ratings
The ratings in Table D-2.10.1. apply to a beam that is either independent of or integral with a floor or roof slab assembly. Minimum
thickness of slab and minimum cover to steel tendons in prestressed concrete slabs are contained in Subsection D-2.2.
D-2.10.4. Effect of Plaster
The addition of plaster finish to a prestressed concrete beam may be taken into account in determining the cover over steel tendons by
applying the multiplying factors described in Subsection D-1.7.
D-2.10.5. Minimum Cover
1) Except as provided in Sentence (2), in unbonded post-tensioned prestressed concrete beams, the concrete cover to the
tendon at the anchor shall be not less than 15 mm greater than the minimum required away from the anchor. The concrete cover
to the anchorage bearing plate and to the end of the tendon, if it projects beyond the bearing plate, shall be not less than 25 mm.
2) The requirements in Sentence (1) do not apply to those portions of beams not likely to be exposed to fire (suchas the ends
and the tops of flanges of beams immediately below slabs).
D-2.11. Glued-Laminated Timber Beams and Columns
D-2.11.1. Applicability of Information
The information in Subsection D-2.11. applies to glued-laminated timber beams and columns required to have fire-resistance ratings
greater than those afforded under the provisions of Article
D-2.11.2. Method of Calculation
1) The fire-resistance rating of glued-laminated timber beams and columns in minutes shall be equal to
a) 0.1 fB [4 − 2(B/D)] for beams that may be exposed to fire on 4 sides,
b) 0.1 fB [4 − (B/D)] for beams that may be exposed to fire on 3 sides,
c) 0.1 fB [3 − (B/D)] for columns that may be exposed to fire on 4 sides, and
d) 0.1 fB [3 − (B/2D)] for columns that may be exposed to fire on 3 sides,
f = the load factor shown in FigureD-2.11.2.-A,
B = the full dimension of the smaller side of a beam or column in millimetres before exposure to fire
[see Figure D-2.11.2.-B],
D = the full dimension of the larger side of a beam or column in millimetres before exposure to fire
[see Figure D-2.11.2.-B],
Type L Over 970 252525395077102
Notes to TableD-2.10.1.:
(1) Where the thickness of concrete cover over the tendons exceeds 64 mm, a wire mesh reinforcement with 1.57 mm diam wire and 100 mm by 100 mm openings shall be
incorporated in the beams to retain the concrete in position around the tendons. The mesh reinforcement shall be located midway in the cover.
Table D-2.10.1.
Minimum Thickness of Concrete Cover over Steel Tendons in Prestressed Concrete Beams, mm
Type of
Area of Beam, cm
Fire-Resistance Rating
30min 45min 1h 1.5h 2h 3h 4h
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British Columbia Building Code 2018 Division B
k = the effective length factor obtained from CSA O86, “Engineering Design in Wood,”
L = the unsupported length of a column in millimetres.
2) The factored resistance of a beam or column shall be determined by using the specified strengths in CSA O86,
“Engineering Design in Wood.”
Figure D-2.11.2.-A
Factors to compensate for partially loaded columns and beams
Note to FigureD-2.11.2.-A:
(1) See Sentence (2).
Figure D-2.11.2.-B
Full dimensions of glued-laminated beams and columns
Load factor, f
Factored load* / factored resistance
, %
In the case of beams, use bending
moment in place of load.
columns ≥ 12
and all beams
columns < 12
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British Columbia Building Code 2018 Revision 2.01 Division B
Section D-2 Fire-Resistance Ratings
D-2.1. Masonry and Concrete Walls
D-2.1.1. Minimum Equivalent Thickness for Fire-Resistance Rating
The minimum thicknesses of unit masonry and monolithic concrete walls are shown in TableD-2.1.1. Hollow masonry units and
hollow-core concrete panels shall be rated on the basis of equivalent thickness as described in SubsectionD-1.6.
D-2.1.2. Applicability of Ratings
1) Ratings obtained as described in ArticleD-2.1.1. apply to either loadbearing or non-loadbearing walls, except for walls
described in Sentences(2) to(6).
2) Ratings for walls with a thickness less than the minimum thickness prescribed for loadbearing walls in this Code apply to
non-loadbearing walls only.
3) Masonry cavity walls (consisting of 2wythes of masonry with an air space between) that are loaded to a maximum
allowable compressive stress of 380kPa have a fire resistance at least as great as that of a solid wall of a thickness equal to the sum
of the equivalent thicknesses of the 2wythes.
4) Masonry cavity walls that are loaded to a compressive stress exceeding 380kPa are not considered to be within the scope
of this Appendix.
5) A masonry wall consisting of 2types of masonry units, either bonded together or in the form of a cavity wall, shall be
considered to have a fire-resistance rating equal to that which would apply if the whole of the wall were of the material that gives
the lesser rating.
6) A non-loadbearing cavity wall made up of 2 precast concrete panels with an air space or insulation in the cavity between them
shall be considered to have a fire-resistance rating as great as that of a solid wall of a thickness equal to the sum of the thicknesses
of the 2 panels.
Table D-2.1.1.
Minimum Equivalent Thicknesses
of Unit Masonry and Monolithic Concrete Walls
Loadbearing and Non-Loadbearing, mm
Type of Wall
Fire-Resistance Rating
30min 45min 1h 1.5h 2h 3h 4h
Solid brick units (80% solid and over), actual overall thickness 63 76 90 108 128 152 178
Cored brick units and hollow tile units (less than 80% solid),
equivalent thickness
50 60 72 86 102 122 142
Solid and hollow concrete masonry units, equivalent thickness
Type S or N concrete
44 59 73 95 113 142 167
Type L
20S concrete 42 54 66 87 102 129 152
Type L
concrete 42 54 64 82 97 122 143
Type L
20S concrete 42 54 64 81 94 116 134
Type L
concrete 42 54 63 79 91 111 127
Monolithic concrete and concrete panels, equivalent thickness
Type S concrete 60 77 90 112 130 158 180
Type N concrete 59 74 87 108 124 150 171
Type L40S or Type L concrete 49 62 72 89 103 124 140
Notes to TableD-2.1.1.:
(1) See definition of equivalent thickness in Subsection D-1.6.
(2) Hollow concrete masonry units made with Type S or N concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength of 15 MPa based on net area, as defined in CSA A165.1,
“Concrete Block Masonry Units.”
Division B – Appendix D Fire-Performance Ratings
Division B Revision 2.01 British Columbia Building Code 2018
D-2.1.3. Framed Beams and Joists
Beams and joists that are framed into a masonry or concrete fire separation shall not reduce the thickness of the fire separation to less
than the equivalent thickness required for the fire separation.
D-2.1.4. Credit for Plaster Thickness
On monolithic walls and walls of unit masonry, the full plaster finish on one or both faces multiplied by the factor shown in
TableD-1.7.1. shall be included in the wall thickness shown in TableD-2.1.1., under the conditions and using the methods described
in SubsectionD-1.7.
D-2.1.5. Walls Exposed to Fire on Both Sides
1) Except as permitted in Sentence(2), portions of loadbearing reinforced concrete walls, which do not form a complete fire
separation and thus may be exposed to fire on both sides simultaneously, shall have minimum dimensions and minimum cover to
steel reinforcement in conformance with ArticlesD-2.8.2. to D-2.8.5.
2) A concrete wall exposed to fire from both sides as described in Sentence(1) has a fire-resistance rating of 2h if the
following conditions are met:
a) its equivalent thickness is not less than 200mm,
b) its aspect ratio (width/thickness) is not less than 4.0,
c) the minimum thickness of concrete cover over the steel reinforcement specified in Clause(d) is not less than 50mm,
d) each face of the wall is reinforced with both vertical and horizontal steel reinforcement in conformance with either
Clause10 or Clause14 of CSAA23.3, “Design of Concrete Structures,”
e) the structural design of the wall is governed by the minimum eccentricity (15+0.03h) specified in Clause10.15.3.1 of
CSAA23.3, “Design of Concrete Structures,” and
f) the effective length of the wall, kl
, is not more than 3.7m
k = effective length factor obtained from CSAA23.3, “Design of Concrete Structures,”
= unsupported length of the wall in metres.
D-2.2. Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Floor and Roof Slabs
D-2.2.1. Assignment of Rating
1) Floors and roofs in a fire test are assigned a fire-resistance rating which relates to the time that an average temperature rise
of 140°C or a maximum temperature rise of 180 °C at any location is recorded on the unexposed side, or the time required for
collapse to occur, whichever is the lesser. The thickness of concrete shown in TableD-2.2.1.-A shall be required to resist the
transfer of heat during the fire resistance period shown.
Table D-2.2.1.-A
Minimum Thickness of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Floor or Roof Slabs, mm
Type of Concrete
Fire-Resistance Rating
30min 45min 1h 1.5h 2h 3h 4h
Type S concrete 60 77 90 112 130 158 180
Type N concrete 59 74 87 108 124 150 171
Type L40S or Type L concrete 49 62 72 89 103 124 140
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British Columbia Building Code 2018 Revision 2.01 Division B
2) The concrete cover over the reinforcement and steel tendons shown in TableD-2.2.1.-B shall be required to maintain the
integrity of the structure and prevent collapse during the same period.
D-2.2.2. Floors with Hollow Units
The fire resistance of floors containing hollow units may be determined on the basis of equivalent thickness as described in
D-2.2.3. Composite Slabs
1) For composite concrete floor and roof slabs consisting of one layer of Type S or N concrete and another layer of
Type L40S or L concrete in which the minimum thickness of both the top and bottom layers is not less than 25mm, the combined
fire-resistance rating may be determined using the following expressions:
a) when the base layer consists of TypeS or N concrete,
b) when the base layer consists of TypeL40S or L concrete,
R = fire resistance of slab, h,
t = total thickness of slab,mm, and
d = thickness of base layer,mm.
2) If the base course described in Sentence(1) is covered by a top layer of material other than Type S, N, L40S orL
concrete, the top course thickness may be converted to an equivalent concrete thickness by multiplying the actual thickness by the
appropriate factor listed in TableD-2.2.3.-A. This equivalent concrete thickness may be added to the thickness of the base course
and the fire-resistance rating calculated using TableD-2.2.1.-A.
3) The minimum concrete cover under the main reinforcement for composite concrete floor and roof slabs with base slabs
less than 100mm thick shall conform to TableD-2.2.3.-B For base slabs 100mm or more thick, the minimum cover thickness
requirements of TableD-2.2.1.-B shall apply.
4) Where the top layer of a 2-layer slab is less than 25mm thick, the fire-resistance rating for the slab shall be calculated as
though the entire slab were made up of the type of concrete with the lesser fire resistance.
Table D-2.2.1.-B
Minimum Concrete Cover over Reinforcement in Concrete Slabs, mm
Type of Concrete
Fire-Resistance Rating
30min 45min 1h 1.5h 2h 3h 4h
Type S, N, L40S or L concrete 20 20 20 20 25 32 39
Prestressed concrete slabs Type S,
N, L40S or L concrete
20 25 25 32 39 50 64
Table D-2.2.3.-A
Multiplying Factors for Equivalent Thickness
Top Course Material
Base Slab Normal Density Concrete
(TypeS or N)
Base Slab Low Density Concrete
(TypeL40S or L)
Gypsum board 3 2.25
Cellular concrete (mass density 400 – 560 kg/m
Vermiculite and perlite concrete (mass density 560 kg/m
or less) 1.75 1.50
Portland cement with sand aggregate 1 0.75
Terrazzo 1 0.75
R 0.00018t
– 0.00009dt
R 0.0001t
0.0002dt – 0.0001d
Division B – Appendix D Fire-Performance Ratings
Division B Revision 2.01 British Columbia Building Code 2018
D-2.2.4. Contribution of Plaster Finish
1) The contribution of plaster finish securely fastened to the underside of concrete may be taken into account in floor or
roof slabs under the conditions and using the methods described in SubsectionD-1.7.
2) Plaster finish on the underside of concrete floors or roofs may be used in lieu of concrete cover referred to in
SentenceD-2.2.1.(2) under the conditions and using the methods described in SubsectionD-1.7.
D-2.2.5. Concrete Cover
1) In prestressed concrete slab construction, the concrete cover over an individual tendon shall be the minimum thickness
of concrete between the surface of the tendon and the fire-exposed surface of the slab, except that for ungrouted ducts the
assumed cover thickness shall be the minimum thickness of concrete between the surface of the duct and the bottom of the slab.
For slabs in which several tendons are used, the cover is assumed to be the average of those of individual tendons, except that the
cover for any individual tendon shall be not less than half of the value given in TableD-2.2.1.-B nor less than 20mm.
2) Except as provided in Sentence(3), in post-tensioned prestressed concrete slabs, the concrete cover to the tendon at the
anchor shall be not less than 15mm greater than the minimum cover required by Sentence(1). Theminimum concrete cover to the
anchorage bearing plate and to the end of the tendon, if it projects beyond the bearing plate, shall be 20mm.
3) The requirements of Sentence(2) do not apply to those portions of slabs not likely to be exposed to fire, such as the ends
and tops.
D-2.2.6. Minimum Dimensions for Cover
Minimum dimensions and cover to steel tendons of prestressed concrete beams shall conform to SubsectionD-2.10.
D-2.3. Wood and Steel Framed Walls, Floors and Roofs
D-2.3.1. Maximum Fire-Resistance Rating
The fire-resistance rating of walls constructed of wood studs or cold-formed-steel studs, of floors constructed of wood joists, wood
I-joists, pre-manufactured wood trusses, cold-formed steel joists or open web steel joists, and of roofs constructed of wood joists,
pre-manufactured metal-plate-connected wood trusses or open web steel joists can be determined for ratings of not more than 90min
from the information in this Subsection.
D-2.3.2. Loadbearing Conditions
1) The fire-resistance ratings derived from the information in this Subsection apply to loadbearing and non-loadbearing
wood-framed and cold-formed-steel-framed walls, and to loadbearing floors and roofs, as specifically described in this Subsection.
2) Loadbearing conditions shall be as defined in CAN/ULC-S101, “Fire Endurance Tests of Building Construction and
Table D-2.2.3.-B
Minimum Concrete Cover under Bottom Reinforcement in Composite Concrete Slabs, mm
Base Slab Concrete Type
Fire-Resistance Rating
30min 45min 1h 1.5h 2h 3h 4h
Reinforced concrete
Type S, N, L40S or L 15 15 20 25 30 40 55
Prestressed concrete
Type S 20253040506575
Type N 20202535456070
Type L40S or L 20 20 25 30 40 50 60
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British Columbia Building Code 2018 Revision 2.01 Division B
D-2.3.3. Limitations of Component Additive Method
, Background Information.)
1) The fire-resistance rating of a framed assembly depends primarily on the time during which the membrane on the
fire-exposed side remains in place.
2) The assigned times in SentencesD-2.3.4.(2),(3) and(4) are not intended to be construed as the fire-resistance ratings of
the individual components of an assembly, nor are they intended to be construed as times that are applicable or acceptable for use
beyond the method and systems described in this Subsection. These assigned times are the individual contributions of each
component to the overall fire-resistance rating of an assembly, which is permitted to be derived using the component additive
method described in this Subsection.
3) The fire-resistance rating calculated by the component additive method cannot be increased by installing membranes in
multiple layers, other than as specified in TablesD-2.3.4.-A,D-2.3.4.-B, andD-2.3.4.-C.
D-2.3.4. Method of Calculation
1) In the component additive method, the fire-resistance rating of a framed assembly is calculated by adding the time
assigned in Sentence(2) for the membrane on the fire-exposed side to the time assigned in Sentence(3) for the framing members
and then adding any time assigned in Sentence(4) for additional protective measures, such as the inclusion of insulation or of
reinforcement for a membrane. For loadbearing walls where resilient metal channels are installed with a single layer of gypsum
board membrane in accordance with TableD-2.3.4.-A, the fire-resistance rating determined using this method of calculation must
be reduced by 10 min.
2) The times to be used in the component additive method that have been assigned to membranes on the fire-exposed side
of the assembly, which are partly based on their ability to remain in place during fire tests, are listed in
TablesD-2.3.4.-A,D-2.3.4.-B,D-2.3.4.-C andD-2.3.4.-D. (This is not to be confused with the fire-resistance rating of the
membrane, which also takes into account the rise in temperature on the unexposed side of the membrane.
Table D-2.3.4.-A
Time Assigned to Protective Membranes on Fire-Exposed Side of Wood-Framed and Cold-Formed-Steel-Framed Walls
Description of Finish
Time, min
Loadbearing Walls Non-Loadbearing Walls
11.0 mm Douglas Fir plywood phenolic bonded – 10
14.0 mm Douglas Fir plywood phenolic bonded – 15
12.7 mm Type X gypsum board 25
15.9 mm Type X gypsum board 40
Double 12.7 mm Type X gypsum board
50 80
Notes to TableD-2.3.4.-A:
(1) Applies to stud cavities filled with mineral wool conforming to CAN/ULC-S702, “Mineral Fibre Thermal Insulation for Buildings,” and having a mass per unit area of not less
than 2 kg/m
, with no additional credit for insulation according to Table D-2.3.4.-G.
(2) Applies only to wood-framed walls.
(3) Applies only to steel-framed walls.
(4) Resilient metal channels are permitted to be installed at a spacing of 400 mm o.c. with no effect on the rating of the wall assembly.
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Division B Revision 2.01 British Columbia Building Code 2018
Table D-2.3.4.-B
Time Assigned to Gypsum Board Membranes on Fire-Exposed Side of Floors
Description of Finish Resilient Metal Channels
Time, min
Floors with Wood or Steel Joists Floors with Open-Web Steel Joists
12.7 mm Type X gypsum board
Spaced ≤ 400 mm o.c.
15.9 mm Type X gypsum board 40 –
12.7 mm Type X gypsum board
15.9 mm Type X gypsum board 40
Double 12.7 mm Type X gypsum board Spaced ≤ 400 mm o.c.
Double 12.7 mm Type X gypsum board Spaced at 600 mm o.c.
Double 15.9 mm Type X gypsum board Spaced ≤ 600 mm o.c.
Notes to TableD-2.3.4.-B:
(1) See Figures A-, A- and A- in Note A- for the attachment of single and double layers of gypsum board to resilient metal channels.
(2) Resilient metal channels must be installed to achieve the stated rating.
(3) Applies to wood joists, wood trusses, wood I-joists and cold-formed steel joists (C-shaped joists).
(4) Applies to wood joists and pre-fabricated metal-plate-connected wood trusses.
(5) Resilient metal channels must be installed or gypsum board must be applied directly to the structural members, which must be spaced not more than 400 mm o.c.
(6) Resilient metal channels are permitted to be installed with no effect on the rating of the floor assembly. Gypsum board is also permitted to be directly applied to the
structural members.
Table D-2.3.4.-C
Time Assigned to Gypsum Board Membranes on Fire-Exposed Side of Roofs
Description of Finish Time, min
12.7 mm Type X gypsum board 25
15.9 mm Type X gypsum board 40
Notes to TableD-2.3.4.-C:
(1) Applies to wood joists, pre-fabricated metal-plate-connected wood trusses, and open-web steel joists with ceiling supports spaced ≤ 400 mm o.c.
Table D-2.3.4.-D
Time Assigned for Contribution of Lath and Plaster Protection on Fire-Exposed Side
Type of Lath Plaster Thickness, mm
Type of Plaster Finish
Portland Cement and
or Lime and Sand
Gypsum and Sand or
Gypsum Wood Fibre
Gypsum and Perlite or
Gypsum and Vermiculite
Time, min
9.5 mm gypsum 13 – 35 55
19 – 50 80
Metal 19205080
23 25 65 80
26 30 80 80
Notes to TableD-2.3.4.-D:
(1) For mixture of Portland cement-sand plaster, see Sentence D-1.7.2.(2).
(2) Applies to loadbearing and non-loadbearing wood studs or non-loadbearing cold-formed-steel studs, to floors constructed of wood joists or open-web steel joists, and to
roofs constructed of wood joists, pre-manufactured metal-plate-connected wood trusses, or open-web steel joists.
(3) Values shown for these membranes have been limited to 80 min because the fire-resistance ratings of framed assemblies derived from these Tables must not exceed
1.5 h.
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British Columbia Building Code 2018 Revision 2.01 Division B
3) The times to be used in the component additive method that have been assigned to wall framing members and to floor
and roof framing members are listed in TablesD-2.3.4.-E andD-2.3.4.-F respectively.
4) Preformed insulation of glass, rock or slag fibre and cellulose fibre insulation provide additional protection to wood studs
by shielding the studs from exposure to the fire and thus delaying the time of collapse. The use of preformed glass fibre, preformed
rock or slag fibre and dry-blown cellulose insulation material does not decrease the rating of wall assemblies with the membranes
identified in TableD-2.3.4.-A. Similarly, the use of preformed glass fibre, preformed rock or slag fibre and cellulose insulation
material does not decrease the rating of floor assemblies constructed with wood joists, wood trusses, wood I-joists and
cold-formed-steel floor joists (C-shaped joists), provided the insulation is not in direct contact with the membranes identified in
TableD-2.3.4.-B. The use of reinforcement in the membrane exposed to fire also adds to the fire resistance by extending the time
to failure. TableD-2.3.4.-G shows the time increments that may be added to the fire resistance if these features are incorporated in
the assembly.
Table D-2.3.4.-E
Time Assigned for Contribution of Wood-Framed or Cold-Formed-Steel-Framed Walls
Description of Frame
Time, min
Loadbearing Walls Non-Loadbearing Walls
Wood studs spaced ≤ 400 mm o.c. 20
Wood studs spaced ≤ 600 mm o.c.
Cold-formed-steel studs spaced ≤ 400 mm o.c.
Cold-formed-steel studs spaced ≤ 600 mm o.c. 10 –
Table D-2.3.4.-F
Time Assigned for Contribution of Wood or Steel Frame of Floors and Roofs
Description of Frame
Time, min
Type of Assembly Structural Members
Wood joists, wood I-joists, wood trusses and cold-formed-steel joists spaced ≤ 600 mm o.c.
Open-web steel joists with ceiling supports spaced ≤ 400 mm o.c.
Wood joists spaced ≤ 400 mm o.c. 10
Open-web steel joists with ceiling supports spaced ≤ 400 mm o.c. 10
Wood truss assemblies [metal-plate-connected] spaced ≤ 600 mm o.c. 5
Notes to TableD-2.3.4.-F:
(1) Resilient metal channels are permitted to be installed with no effect on the rating of the floor assembly.
(2) Applies only to floor structural members that are protected by a membrane.
Division B – Appendix D Fire-Performance Ratings
Division B Revision 2.01 British Columbia Building Code 2018
5) Cellulose fibre insulation conforming to CAN/ULC-S703, “Cellulose Fibre Insulation for Buildings,” applied in
conformance with CAN/CGSB-92.2-M, “Trowel or Spray Applied Acoustical Material,” does not affect the fire-resistance rating
of a non-loadbearing cold-formed-steel stud wall assembly, provided that it is sprayed to either face of the wall cavity.
D-2.3.5. Considerations for Various Types of Assemblies
1) Interior vertical fire separations are to be rated for exposure to fire on each side (see Sentence3.1.7.3.(2)). The method
described in this Subsection applies when a membrane is provided on both sides of the assembly. However, in the calculation of
the fire-resistance rating of such an assembly using this method, no additional contribution to fire resistance is to be assigned for a
membrane on the non-fire-exposed side, since its contribution is already accounted for in the values assigned to the other
components of the assembly.
2) Exterior wall assemblies required to have a fire-resistance rating are required to be rated for exposure to fire from the
interior side only (see Sentence3.1.7.3.(3)). When deriving a fire-resistance rating for such wall assemblies using the method
described in this Subsection, only wood studs with a single layer of gypsum board or non-loadbearing cold-formed-steel studs
conforming to TableD-2.3.4.-E may be used. Such walls must have a membrane on the exterior side of the stud consisting of
plywood, oriented strandboard or gypsum sheathing and exterior cladding. Additional materials are also permitted between the
required sheathing and cladding. The spaces between the studs are to be filled with insulation conforming to CAN/ULC-S702,
“Mineral Fibre Thermal Insulation for Buildings,” and having a mass per unit area of not less than 1.22kg/m
of wall surface.
Table D-2.3.4.-G
Time Assigned for Additional Protection
Description of Additional Protection Time, min
Add to the fire-resistance rating of wood stud walls, sheathed with gypsum board or lath and plaster, if the spaces between the
studs are filled with preformed insulation of rock or slag fibres conforming to CAN/ULC-S702, “Mineral Fibre Thermal Insulation for
Buildings,” and with a mass per unit area of not less than 1.22 kg/m
of wall surface
Add to the fire-resistance rating of non-loadbearing wood stud walls, sheathed with gypsum board or lath and plaster, if the spaces
between the studs are filled with preformed insulation of glass fibres conforming to CAN/ULC-S702, “Mineral Fibre Thermal
Insulation for Buildings,” and having a mass per unit area of not less than 0.6 kg/m
of wall surface
Add to the fire-resistance rating of loadbearing wood stud walls sheathed with gypsum board if the spaces between the studs are
filled with insulation of cellulose fibres conforming to CAN/ULC-S703, “Cellulose Fibre Insulation for Buildings,” and having a
density of not less than 50 kg/m
Add to the fire-resistance rating of plaster on gypsum lath ceilings if 0.76 mm diam wire mesh with 25 mm by 25 mm openings
or 1.57 mm diam diagonal wire reinforcing at 250 mm o.c. is placed between lath and plaster
Add to the fire-resistance rating of plaster on gypsum lath ceilings if 76 mm wide metal lath strips are placed over joints between
lath and plaster
Add to the fire-resistance rating of plaster on 9.5 mm thick gypsum lath ceilings (Table D-2.3.4.-D) if supports for lath
are 300 mm o.c.
Add to the fire-resistance rating of floor assemblies if the spaces between the structural members are filled with preformed
insulation of rock or slag fibres conforming to CAN/ULC-S702, “Mineral Fibre Thermal Insulation for Buildings,” and having a mass
per unit area of not less than 1.22 kg/m
of floor surface
Add to the fire-resistance rating of floor assemblies if the spaces between the structural members are filled with wet-blown
cellulose fibres conforming to CAN/ULC-S703, “Cellulose Fibre Insulation for Buildings,” and having a density of
not less than 50 kg/m
Add to the fire-resistance rating of floor assemblies where the floor topping on the unexposed side of the floor assemblies consists
of concrete not less than 38 mm thick
Notes to TableD-2.3.4.-G:
(1) Applies to wood-framed walls only.
(2) Applies to wood joists, wood trusses, wood I-joists and cold-formed-steel joists (C-shaped joists).
(3) Applies to cellulose fibre:
(i) for wood joists, wood I-joist and wood trusses–that is spray-applied with a minimum density of 50 kg/m
, a minimum depth of 90 mm on the underside of the
subfloor, and of 90 mm on the sides of the structural members;
(ii) for cold-formed-steel joists–that is spray-applied with a minimum density of 50 kg/m
and a minimum thickness of 90 mm on the underside of the subfloor, of 90 mm
on the sides of the structural members, and of 13 mm on the underside of the bottom flange other than at resilient metal channel locations.
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British Columbia Building Code 2018 Revision 2.01 Division B
However, in the calculation of the fire-resistance rating of such an assembly, no additional contribution to fire resistance is to be
assigned for a membrane on the non-fire-exposed side, since its contribution is already accounted for in the values assigned to the
other components of the assembly.
3) In the case of a floor or roof assembly, the Code only requires testing for fire exposure from below. Floors or roofs must
have an upper flooring or roofing membrane in accordance with TableD-2.3.5.
4) Insulation used in the cavities of a wood joist or metal-plate-connected wood truss floor assembly with a single layer of
gypsum board will not reduce the assigned fire-resistance rating of the assembly, provided:
a) the insulation is preformed of rock, slag or glass fibre conforming to CAN/ULC-S702, “Mineral Fibre Thermal
Insulation for Buildings,” and having a mass per unit area of not more than 1.1kg/m
and is installed adjacent to the
bottom edge of the framing member, directly above steel furring channels,
b) the gypsum board ceiling membrane is attached to
i) wood trusses in conformance with SentenceD-2.3.9.(2) by way of steel furring channels spaced not more than
400mm o.c., and the channels are secured to each bottom truss member with a double strand of 1.2mm galvanized
steel wire, or
ii) wood joists by way of resilient metal or steel furring channels spaced not more than 400mm o.c. in conformance
with SentencesD-2.3.9.(2) and(3), and
c) a steel furring channel is installed midway between each furring channel mentioned in Clause (b) to provide additional
support for the insulation.
Table D-2.3.5.
Flooring or Roofing Membranes
Type of Assembly Structural Members Subfloor or Roof Deck Finished Flooring or Roofing
Wood or open-web steel joists
metal-plate-connected wood
12.5 mm plywood or
15.5 mm oriented strandboard or
17 mm T & G softwood or
14 mm phenolic-bonded Douglas Fir
plywood (no finished flooring required)
Hardwood or softwood flooring on building
Resilient flooring, parquet floor, felted
synthetic fibre floor coverings, carpeting,
or ceramic tile on 8 mm thick panel-type
Ceramic tile on 30 mm mortar bed
Open-web steel joists
50 mm reinforced concrete or
50 mm concrete on metal lath or formed
steel sheet or
40 mm reinforced gypsum-fibre concrete
on 12.7 mm gypsum board
Finish flooring
Wood joists, wood I-joists, wood
trusses and cold-formed-steel joists
minimum 15.5 mm T & G plywood or
minimum 15.5 mm oriented strandboard
No requirement
Wood or open-web steel joists
wood trusses
12.5 mm plywood or
15.5 mm oriented strandboard or
17 mm T & G softwood or
14 mm phenolic-bonded Douglas Fir
plywood (no finished flooring required)
Finish roofing material with or without
Open-web steel joists
50 mm reinforced concrete or
50 mm concrete on metal lath or formed
steel sheet or
40 mm reinforced gypsum-fibre concrete
on 12.7 mm gypsum board
Finish roofing material with or without
Notes to TableD-2.3.5.:
(1) Applies to single layer of gypsum board membrane, and lath and plaster.
Division B – Appendix D Fire-Performance Ratings
Division B Revision 2.01 British Columbia Building Code 2018
5) Except as required in SentenceD-2.3.5.(4), resilient metal or steel furring channels may be used to attach a gypsum board
ceiling membrane to a floor assembly using wood joists, metal-plate-connected wood trusses and open-web steel joists, or to a roof
assembly. The channels must be made of galvanized steel not less than 0.5mm thick spaced not more than 600mm o.c.
perpendicular to the framing members, with an overlap of not less than 100mm at splices and a minimum end clearance between
the channels and walls of 15mm.
D-2.3.6. Framing Members
1) The values shown in TablesD-2.3.4.-A,D-2.3.4.-B,D-2.3.4.-D andD-2.3.12. apply to membranes supported on framing
members installed in their conventional orientation and spaced in conformance with TablesD-2.3.4.-E andD-2.3.4.-F.
2) Wood studs and wood roof framing members are to be not less than 38mm by 89mm. Wood floor joists are to be not
less than 38mm by 184mm, except where they are used in an assembly from TableD-2.3.4.-D or from TableD-2.3.5. that uses a
single layer of gypsum board as the lower (ceiling) membrane, in which case, wood floor joists are to be not less than 38 mm
by 89 mm.
3) Wood roof trusses are to consist of wood chord and web framing members not less than 38 mm by 89 mm and metal
connector plates fabricated from galvanized steel not less than 1mm in nominal thickness with projecting teeth not less
than 8 mm long.
4) Wood floor trusses are to consist of:
a) metal-plate-connected wood trusses that are not less than 305mm deep with wood chord and web framing members not
less than 38mm by 64mm and metal connector plates fabricated from galvanized steel not less than 1mm in nominal
thickness with projecting teeth not less than 8mm long;
b) metal-web wood trusses that are not less than 286mm deep with wood chords not less than 38mm by 64mm and
V-shaped webs made from galvanized steel not less than 1
mm in nominal thickness with plate areas having teeth not less
than 8 mm long; or
c) fingerjoined wood trusses that are not less than 330mm deep with fingerjoined connections, chord members not less
than 38mm by 64mm, and web members not less than 38mm by 38mm glued together with a R-14 phenol-resorcinol
resin conforming to CSA O112.10, “Evaluation of Adhesives for Structural Wood Products (Limited Moisture
5) Wood I-joists are to be not less than 241mm deep with flanges that are not less than 38mm by 38mm and an oriented
strandboard or plywood web that is not less than 9.5mm thick.
6) The dimensions for dressed lumber given in CSAO141, “Softwood Lumber,” are to be used for wood studs, joists,
I-joists and trusses.
7) Cold-formed-steel studs for non-loadbearing walls are to consist of galvanized steel that is not less than 0.5 mm thick and
not less than 63mm wide, and have a flange that is not less than 31mm wide.
8) Cold-formed-steel studs in non-loadbearing wall assemblies are to be installed with not less than a 12 mm clearance
between the top of the stud and the top of the runner to allow for expansion in the event of a fire. Where the studs are required to
be attached for alignment purposes during erection, they must be attached to the bottom runners only.
9) Cold-formed-steel studs for loadbearing walls are to consist of galvanized steel that is not less than 0.912 mm thick but
not greater than 1.52mm thick, with a C-shaped cross-section not less than 92mm deep by 41mm wide and 12.7 mm
stiffening lips.
10) Cold-formed-steel studs in loadbearing wall assemblies are to be installed with diagonal cross-bracing.
11) Cold-formed-steel floor joists (C-shaped joists) are to be not less than 41 mm wide × 203 mm deep × 1.22mm
material thickness.
12) The allowable spans for wood joists listed in the Span Tables in Part 9 are provided for floors supporting specific
D-2.3.7. Plaster Finish
The thickness of plaster finish shall be measured from the face of gypsum or metal lath.
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British Columbia Building Code 2018 Revision 2.01 Division B
D-2.3.8. Edge Support for Gypsum Board in Wall Assembly
Gypsum board installed over framing or furring in a wall assembly shall be installed so that all edges are supported, except that
15.9 mm Type X gypsum board may be installed horizontally with the horizontal joints unsupported when framing members are at
400 mm o.c. maximum.
D-2.3.9. Membrane Fastening
1) Except as provided in Sentences(2) to(5), TableD-2.3.4.-B and SentenceD-2.3.5.(5), the application of lath and plaster
finish shall conform to CSA A82.30-M, “Interior Furring, Lathing and Gypsum Plastering,” and of gypsum board finish shall
conform to ASTM C 840, “Application and Finishing of Gypsum Board.”
2) Where a membrane referred to in TableD-2.3.4.-A,D-2.3.4.-B,D-2.3.4.-C ,D-2.3.4.-D orD-2.3.12. is applied to steel
framing or furring, fasteners shall penetrate not less than 10mm through the metal.
3) Except as provided in Sentence(4), where a membrane referred to in TableD-2.3.4.-A, D-2.3.4.-B, D-2.3.4.-C,
D-2.3.4.-D orD-2.3.12. is applied to wood framing or furring, minimum fastener penetrations into wood members shall conform
to TableD-2.3.9. for the time assigned to the membrane.
4) Where a membrane is applied in 2layers, the fastener penetrations described in TableD-2.3.9. shall apply to the base
layer. Fasteners for the face layer shall penetrate not less than 20 mm into wood supports.
5) In a double layer application of gypsum board on wood supports, fastener spacing shall conform to ASTM C 840,
“Application and Finishing of Gypsum Board.”
D-2.3.10. Ceiling Membrane Openings – Combustible Construction
1) Except as permitted in ArticleD-2.3.12., where a floor or roof assembly of combustible construction is assigned a
fire-resistance rating on the basis of this Subsection and incorporates a ceiling membrane described in TableD-2.3.4.-B, D-2.3.4.-C
orD-2.3.4.-D, the ceiling membrane may be penetrated by openings leading to ducts within concealed spaces above the membrane
a) the assembly is not required to have a fire-resistance rating in excess of 1h,
b) the area of any openings does not exceed 930 cm
(see Sentence(2)),
c) the aggregate area of openings does not exceed 1% of the ceiling area of the fire compartment,
d) the depth of the concealed space above the ceiling is not less than 230 mm,
e) no dimension of any opening exceeds 310 mm,
f) supports are provided for openings with any dimension exceeding 150 mm where framing members are spaced greater
than 400 mm o.c.,
g) individual openings are spaced not less than 2 m apart,
h) the ducts above the membrane are sheet steel and are supported by steel strapping firmly attached to the framing
members, and
i) the clearance between the top surface of the membrane and the bottom surface of the ducts is not less than 100 mm.
Table D-2.3.9.
Membrane Fastening
Type of Membrane
Minimum Penetration of Fasteners for Membrane Protection on Wood Framing, mm
5-25 30-35 40 50 55-70 80
Single layer 20 29 32 – – –
Double layer202020293544
Gypsum lath 20 20 23 23 29 29
Notes to TableD-2.3.9.:
(1) Assigned contributions of membranes to fire resistance are listed in Tables D-2.3.4.-A, D-2.3.4.-B, D-2.3.4.-C, D-2.3.4.-D and D-2.3.12.
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Division B Revision 2.01 British Columbia Building Code 2018
2) Where an individual opening permitted in Sentence(1) exceeds 130 cm
in area, it shall be protected by
a) a fire stop flap conforming to CAN/ULC-S112.2, “Fire Test of Ceiling Firestop Flap Assemblies,” that activates at a
temperature approximately 30°C above the normal maximum temperature that occurs in the ducts, whether the air duct
system is operating or shut down, or
b) thermal protection above the duct consisting of the same materials as used for the ceiling membrane, mechanically
fastened to the ductwork and extending 200 mm beyond the opening on all sides (seeArticleD-2.3.10.).
Figure D-2.3.10.
Thermal protection above a duct
D-2.3.11. Ceiling Membrane Openings – Noncombustible Construction
1) Except as permitted in ArticleD-2.3.12., where a floor or roof assembly of noncombustible construction is assigned a
fire-resistance rating on the basis of this Subsection and incorporates a ceiling membrane described in TableD-2.3.4.-B, D-2.3.4.-C
orD-2.3.4.-D, the ceiling membrane may be penetrated by openings leading to ducts located within concealed spaces provided:
a) the area of any opening does not exceed 930 cm
(see Sentence(2)),
b) the aggregate area of openings does not exceed 2% of the ceiling area of the fire compartment,
c) no dimension of any opening exceeds 400 mm,
d) individual openings are spaced not less than 2 m apart,
e) openings are located not less than 200 mm from major structural members such as beams, columns or joists,
f) the ducts above the membrane are sheet steel and are supported by steel strapping firmly attached to the framing
members, and
g) the clearance between the top surface of the membrane and the bottom surface of the duct is not less than 100 mm.
2) Where an individual opening permitted in Sentence (1) exceeds 130 cm
in area, it shall be protected by
a) a fire stop flap conforming to CAN/ULC-S112.2, “Fire Test of Ceiling Firestop Flap Assemblies,” that activates at a
temperature approximately 30°C above the normal maximum temperature that occurs in the ducts, whether the air duct
system is operating or shut down, or
b) thermal protection above the duct consisting of the same materials as used for the ceiling membrane, mechanically
fastened to the ductwork and extending 200mm beyond the opening on all sides (see ArticleD-2.3.10.).
100 mm
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British Columbia Building Code 2018 Revision 2.01 Division B
D-2.3.12. Ceiling Membrane Rating
Where the fire-resistance rating of a ceiling assembly is to be determined on the basis of the membrane only and not of the complete
assembly, the ratings may be determined from TableD-2.3.12., provided no openings described in ArticlesD-2.3.10. andD-2.3.11. are
located within the ceiling membrane.
D-2.3.13. Membrane Penetrations in Combustible and Noncombustible Construction
1) Where a wall, floor or roof assembly is assigned a fire-resistance rating on the basis of this Subsection and includes a
membrane or membranes described in TableD-2.3.4.-A,D-2.3.4.-B,D-2.3.4.-C,D-2.3.4.-D orD-2.3.12., penetrations of the
membrane or membranes must be fire stopped in conformance with the applicable requirements in Article3.1.9.1. or
D-2.3.14. Beams
1) Where a steel beam is included with an open-web steel joist and is protected by the same continuous ceiling, the beam is
assumed to have a fire-resistance rating equal to that assigned to the rest of the assembly.
2) The ratings in this Subsection assume that the construction to which the beam is related is a normal one and does not
carry unusual loads from the floor or slab above.
D-2.3.15. Wired Glass Assembly Support
1) Openings in a vertical fire separation having a fire-resistance rating of not more than 1h are allowed to be protected by
wired glass assemblies, provided the wired glass is
a) not less than 6mm thick;
b) reinforced by a steel wire mesh in the form of diamonds, squares or hexagons having dimensions of
i) approximately 25mm across the flats, using wire of not less than 0.45mm diameter, or
ii) approximately 13mm across the flats, using wire of not less than 0.40mm diameter, the wire to be centrally
embedded during manufacture and welded or intertwined at each intersection;
c) set in fixed steel frames with metal not less than 1.35mm thick and providing a glazing stop of not less than 20mm on
each side of the glass; and
d) limited in area so that
i) individual panes are not more than 0.84m
, with neither height nor width more than 1.4m, and
ii) the area not structurally supported by mullions is not more than 7.5m
2) It is intended that the structural mullions referred to in Subclause(1)(d)(ii) will not distort or be displaced to the extent
that there would be a failure of the wired glass closure during the period for which a closure in the fire separation would be
expected to function. Hollow structural steel tubing not less than 100mm square filled with a Portland cement-based grout will
satisfy the intent of the Subclause.
Table D-2.3.12.
Fire-Resistance Rating for Ceiling Membranes
Description of Membrane Fire-Resistance Rating, min
15.9 mm Type X gypsum board with ≥ 75 mm mineral wool batt insulation above board 30
19 mm gypsum-sand plaster on metal lath 30
Double 14.0 mm Douglas Fir plywood phenolic bonded 30
Double 12.7 mm Type X gypsum board 45
25 mm gypsum-sand plaster on metal lath 45
Double 15.9 mm Type X gypsum board 60
32 mm gypsum-sand plaster on metal lath 60
Division B – Appendix D Fire-Performance Ratings
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D-2.4. Solid Wood Walls, Floors and Roofs
D-2.4.1. Minimum Thickness
The minimum thickness of solid wood walls, floors and roofs for fire-resistance ratings from 30min to 1.5h is shown in
D-2.4.2. Increased Fire-Resistance Rating
1) The fire-resistance rating of the assemblies described in TableD-2.4.1. may be increased by 15min if one of the following
finishes is applied on the fire-exposed side:
a) 12.7 mm thick gypsum board,
b) 20 mm thick gypsum-sand plaster on metal lath, or
c) 13 mm thick gypsum-sand plaster on 9.5 mm gypsum lath.
2) Fastening of the plaster to the wood structure shall conform to SubsectionD-2.3.
D-2.4.3. Supplementary Ratings
Supplementary ratings based on tests are included in TableD-2.4.3. The ratings given shall apply to constructions that conform in all
details with the descriptions given.
Table D-2.4.1.
Minimum Thickness of Solid Wood Walls, Roofs and Floors, mm
Type of Construction
Fire-Resistance Rating
30min 45min 1h 1.5h
Solid wood floor with building paper and finish flooring
on top
89 114 165 235
Solid wood, splined or tongued and grooved floor with
building paper and finish flooring on top
64 76 – –
Solid wood walls of loadbearing vertical plank
89 114 140 184
Solid wood walls of non-loadbearing horizontal plank
89 89 89 140
Notes to TableD-2.4.1.:
(1) See CSA O141, “Softwood Lumber,” for sizes.
(2) The fire-resistance ratings and minimum dimensions for floors also apply to solid wood roof decks of comparable thickness with finish roofing material.
(3) The assembly shall consist of 38 mm thick members on edge fastened together with 101 mm common wire nails spaced not more than 400 mm o.c. and staggered in the
direction of the grain.
(4) The floor shall consist of 64 mm by 184 mm wide planks either tongued and grooved or with 19 mm by 38 mm splines set in grooves and fastened together with 88 mm
common nails spaced not more than 400 mm o.c.
Table D-2.4.3.
Fire-Resistance Rating of Non-Loadbearing Built-up Solid Wood Partitions
Construction Details Actual Overall Thickness, mm Fire-Resistance Rating
Solid panels of wood boards 64 mm to 140 mm wide grooved and joined with wood
splines, nailed together, boards placed vertically with staggered joints, 3 boards thick
58 30 min
Solid panels with 4 mm plywood facings
glued to 46 mm solid wood core of glued,
tongued and grooved construction for both sides and ends of core pieces with tongued
and grooved rails in the core about 760 mm apart
54 1 h
Notes to TableD-2.4.3.:
(1) The ratings and notes are taken from “Fire Resistance Classifications of Building Constructions,” Building Materials and Structures Report BMS 92, National Bureau of
Standards, Washington, 1942.
(2) Ratings for plywood faced panel are based on phenolic resin glue being used for gluing facings to wood frames. If other types of glue are used for this purpose, the ratings
apply if the facings are nailed to the frames in addition to being glued.
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British Columbia Building Code 2018 Revision 2.01 Division B
D-2.5. Solid Plaster Partitions
D-2.5.1. Minimum Thickness
The minimum thickness of solid plaster partitions for fire-resistance ratings from 30 min to 4 h is shown in TableD-2.5.1.
Table D-2.5.1.
Minimum Thickness of Non-Loadbearing Solid Plaster Partitions, mm
Type of Plaster on Metal Lath
Fire-Resistance Rating
30min 45min 1h 1.5h 2h 3h 4h
Portland cement-sand
or Portland cement-lime-sand 50
Gypsum-sand 50
Gypsum-vermiculite, gypsum-perlite, Portland cement-vermiculite or
Portland cement-perlite
58 64 83 102
Notes to TableD-2.5.1.:
(1) Metal lath shall be expanded metal lath or welded woven wire fabric supported on 19 mm vertical light steel studs spaced not more than 600 mm o.c. Plaster shall be
applied to both sides of the lath.
(2) For mixture of Portland cement-sand plaster, see Sentence D-1.7.2.(2).
(3) CSA A82.30-M, “Interior Furring, Lathing and Gypsum Plastering,” does not permit solid plaster partitions less than 50 mm thick.
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D-2.6. Protected Steel Columns
D-2.6.1. Minimum Thickness of Protective Covering
The minimum thickness of protective covering to steel columns is shown in TablesD-2.6.1.-A toD-2.6.1.-F for fire-resistance ratings
from 30 min to 4 h.
Table D-2.6.1.-A
Minimum Thickness of Concrete or Masonry Protection to Steel Columns, mm
Description of Cover
Fire-Resistance Rating
30min 45min 1h 1.5h 2h 3h 4h
Monolithic concrete
Type S concrete
(column spaces filled)
25 25 25 25 39 64 89
Type N or L concrete
(column spaces filled)
25 25 25 25 32 50 77
Concrete masonry units
or precast reinforced concrete units
Type S concrete (column spaces not filled) 50 50 50 50 64 89 115
Type N or L concrete (column spaces not filled) 50 50 50 50 50 77 102
Clay or shale brick
(column spaces filled)
50 50 50 50 50 64 77
Clay or shale brick
(column spaces not filled) 50 50 50 50 50 77 102
Hollow clay tile
(column spaces filled)
(6) (7) (7) (7)
Hollow clay tile
(column spaces not filled) 50
Notes to TableD-2.6.1.-A:
(1) Applies to cast-in-place concrete reinforced with 5.21 mm diam wire wrapped around column spirally 200 mm o.c., or 1.57 mm diam wire mesh with 100 mm by 100 mm
(2) The space between the protective covering and the web or flange of the column shall be filled with concrete, cement mortar or a mixture of cement mortar and
broken bricks.
(3) Concrete masonry shall be reinforced with 5.21 mm diam wire or wire mesh with 1.19 mm diam wire and 10 mm by 10 mm openings, laid in every second course.
(4) Brick cover 77 mm thick or less shall be reinforced with 2.34 mm diam wire or 1.19 mm diam wire mesh with 10 mm by 10 mm openings, laid in every second course.
(5) Hollow clay tiles and masonry mortar shall be reinforced with 1.19 mm diam wire mesh with 10 mm by 10 mm openings, laid in every horizontal joint and lapped
at corners.
(6) Hollow clay tiles shall conform to CAN/CSA-A82, “Fired Masonry Brick Made from Clay or Shale.”
(7) 50 mm nominal hollow clay tile, reinforced with 1.19 mm diam wire mesh with 10 mm by 10 mm openings laid in every horizontal joint and covered with 19 mm
gypsum-sand plaster and with limestone concrete fill in column spaces, has a 4 h fire-resistance rating.
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Table D-2.6.1.-B
Minimum Thickness of Plaster Protection to Steel Columns, mm
Fire-Resistance Rating
30min 45min 1h 1.5h 2h 3h 4h
Gypsum-sand plaster on 9.5 mm gypsum lath
13 13 13 20 – – –
Gypsum-perlite or vermiculite plaster on 9.5 mm
gypsum lath
13 13 13 20 25 – –
Gypsum perlite or vermiculite plaster on 12.7 mm
gypsum lath
13 13 13 20 25 32 50
Gypsum perlite or vermiculite plaster on double
12.7 mm gypsum lath
13 13 13 20 25 25 32
Portland cement-sand plaster on metal lath
Notes to TableD-2.6.1.-B:
(1) Fire-resistance ratings of 30 min and 45 min apply to columns whose M/D ratio is 30 or greater. Fire-resistance ratings greater than 45 min apply to columns whose M/D
ratio is greater than 60. Where the M/D ratio is between 30 and 60 and the required fire-resistance rating is greater than 45 min, the total thickness of protection specified
in the Table shall be increased by 50%. (To determine M/D, refer to Article D-2.6.4.)
(2) Where the thickness of plaster over gypsum lath is 25 mm or more, wire mesh with 1.57 mm diam wire and openings not exceeding 50 mm by 50 mm shall be placed
midway in the plaster.
(3) Lath held in place by 1.19 mm diam wire wrapped around lath 450 mm o.c.
(4) Expanded metal lath 1.36 kg/m
fastened to 9.5 mm by 19 mm steel channels held in vertical position around column by 1.19 mm diam wire ties.
(5) For mixture of Portland cement-sand plaster, see Sentence D-1.7.2.(2).
Table D-2.6.1.-C
Minimum Thickness of Gypsum-Sand Plaster on Metal Lath Protection to Steel Columns, mm
Fire-Resistance Rating
30min 45min 1h 1.5h 2h 3h
30 to 60 16 16 32 – – –
over 60 to 90 16 16 16 32 – –
over 90 to 120 16 16 16 25 39 –
over 120 to 180 16 16 16 16 25 –
over 180 16 16 16 16 25 39
Notes to TableD-2.6.1.-C:
(1) To determine the M/D ratio, refer to Article D-2.6.4.
Table D-2.6.1.-D
Minimum Thickness of Gypsum-Perlite or Gypsum-Vermiculite Plaster on Metal Lath Protection to Steel Columns, mm
Fire-Resistance Rating
30min 45min 1h 1.5h 2h 3h 4h
30 to 60 16 16 20 32 35 – –
over 60 to 90 16 16 16 20 26 35 45
over 90 to 120 16161616263545
over 120 to 180 16 16 16 16 20 32 35
over 180 16 16 16 16 16 26 35
Notes to TableD-2.6.1.-D:
(1) To determine the M/D ratio, refer to Article D-2.6.4.
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Table D-2.6.1.-E
Steel Columns with Sheet-Steel Membrane and Insulation as Shown in Figures D-2.6.1-A. and D-2.6.1-B.
Type of Protection
Steel Thickness,
See Figure D-2.6.1.-A 0.51
No. 8 sheet-metal screws 9.5 mm long,
200 mm o.c.
50 mm mineral wool batts
45 min
See Figure D-2.6.1.-B 0.64
Self-threading screws or No. 8
sheet-metal screws, 600 mm o.c.
2 layers 12.7 mm gypsum board 1.5 h
See Figure D-2.6.1.-A 0.64
No. 8 sheet-metal screws, 9.5 mm long
200 mm o.c.
75 mm mineral wool batts,
12.7 mm
gypsum board
2 h
See Figure D-2.6.1.-B 0.76
Crimped joint or No. 8 sheet-metal
screws, 300 mm o.c.
2 layers 15.9 mm gypsum board 2 h
Notes to TableD-2.6.1.-E:
(1) Minimum thickness, galvanized or wiped-zinc-coated sheet-steel.
(2) Sheet-steel shall be securely fastened to the floor and superstructure, or where sheet-steel cover does not extend floor to floor, fire stopping shall be provided at the level
where sheet-steel protection ends. In the latter case, an alternate type of fire protection shall be applied between the fire stopping and the superstructure.
(3) Conforming to CAN/ULC-S702, “Mineral Fibre Thermal Insulation for Buildings,” Type 1A, minimum density 30 kg/m
: column section and batts wrapped with 25 mm
mesh chicken wire.
Table D-2.6.1.-F
Minimum M/D Ratio for Steel Columns Covered with Type X Gypsum Board Protection
Minimum Thickness of TypeX Gypsum
Board Protection,
Fire-Resistance Rating
1h 1.5h 2h 3h
12.7 75–––
15.9 55–––
25.4 35 60 – –
28.6 35 50 – –
31.8 35 40 75 –
38.1 35 35 55 –
41.3 35 35 45 –
44.5 35 35 35 –
47.6 35 35 35 –
50.8 35 35 35 75
63.5 35 35 35 45
Notes to TableD-2.6.1.-F:
(1) To determine the M/D ratio, refer to Article D-2.6.4.
(2) See Article D-2.6.5.
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British Columbia Building Code 2018 Revision 2.01 Division B
Figure D-2.6.1.-A
Column protected by sheet-steel membrane and mineral-wool insulation
Figure D-2.6.1.-B
Column protected by sheet-steel membrane and gypsum board
steel column
M/D not less
than 60
sheet steel
wire mesh
sheet metal screws
screw or crimp joint
steel column
M/D not less
than 60
sheet steel
Division B – Appendix D Fire-Performance Ratings
Division B Revision 2.01 British Columbia Building Code 2018
D-2.6.2. Hollow Unit Masonry Columns
For hollow-unit masonry column protection, the thickness shown in Tables D-2.6.1.-A toD-2.6.1.-D is the equivalent thickness as
described in SubsectionD-1.6.
D-2.6.3. Effect of Plaster
The effect on fire-resistance ratings of the addition of plaster to masonry and monolithic concrete column protection is described in
D-2.6.4. Determination of M/D Ratio
1) The ratio M/D to which reference is made in Tables D-2.6.1.-B,D-2.6.1.-C,D-2.6.1.-D andD-2.6.1.-F shall be found by
dividing “M,” the mass of the column in kilograms per metre by “D,” the heated perimeter of the steel column section in metres.
2) The heated perimeter “D” of steel columns, shown as the dashed line in FigureD-2.6.4.-A, shall be equal to 2(B+H) in
Examples (1) and (2), and 3.14B in Example(3). In Figure D-2.6.4.-B, the heated perimeter “D” shall be equal to 2(B+H).
Figure D-2.6.4.-A
Example (1), standard or wide-flange beam; Example (2), hollow structural section (rectangular or square); Example (3), hollow
structural section (round)
example (1)
example (2)
example (3)
Fire-Performance Ratings Division B – Appendix D
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Revision 2.01 Division B
Figure D-2.6.4.-B
Columns protected by Type X gypsum board without sheet-steel membrane
D-2.6.5. Attachment of Gypsum Board
1) Where Type X gypsum board is used to protect a steel column without an outside sheet-steel membrane, the method of
gypsum board attachment to the column shall be as shown in Figure D-2.6.4.-B and shall meet the construction details described in
Sentences (2) to(7).
2) The Type X gypsum board shall be applied vertically without horizontal joints.
3) The first layer of gypsum board shall be attached to steel studs with screws spaced not more than 600 mm o.c. and other
layers of gypsum board shall be attached to steel studs and steel corner beads with screws spaced at a maximum of 300 mm o.c.
Where a single layer of gypsum board is used, attachment screws shall be spaced not more than 300 mm o.c.
4) Steel tie wires spaced at a maximum of 600 mm o.c. shall be used to secure the second last layer of gypsum board in 3-
and 4-layer systems.
5) Studs shall be fabricated of galvanized steel not less than 0.53 mm thick and not less than 41.3 mm wide, with legs not less
than 33.3mm long and shall be 12.7 mm less than the assembly height.
6) Corner beads shall
a) be fabricated of galvanized steel that is not less than 0.41 mm thick,
b) have legs not less than 31 mm long,
c) be attached to the gypsum board or stud with 25.4 mm screws spaced not more than 300 mm o.c., and
d) have the attaching fasteners penetrate either another corner bead in multiple layer assemblies or the steel stud member.
7) In a 4-layer system, metal angles shall be fabricated of galvanized steel and shall be not less than 0.46 mm thick with legs
not less than 51 mm long.
1 layer
2 layers
3 layers
4 layers
1. structural member
2. steel studs
3. gypsum board (type x)
4. steel corner bead
5. tie wire
6. sheet metal angle
Division B – Appendix D Fire-Performance Ratings
Division B Revision 2.01 British Columbia Building Code 2018
D-2.6.6. Concrete Filled Hollow Steel Columns
1) A fire-resistance rating, R, is permitted to be assigned to concentrically loaded hollow steel columns that are filled with
plain concrete, steel-fibre reinforced concrete or bar-reinforced concrete, that are fabricated and erected within the tolerances
stipulated in CSA S16, “Design of Steel Structures,” and that comply with Sentences (2) and(3), provided:
C = axial compressive force due to dead and live loads without load factors, kN,
but shall not exceed
a) 1.0 C'
for plain concrete filling (PC),
b) 1.1 C'
for steel-fibre reinforced concrete filling (FC), and
c) 1.7 C'
for bar-reinforced concrete filling (RC),
a = constant obtained from TableD-2.6.6.-A,
= specified compressive strength of concrete in accordance with CSA A23.3, “Design of Concrete Structures,”
= radius of gyration of the concrete area,
=area of concrete, mm
D = outside diameter of a round column or outside width of a square column,mm,
= initial elastic modulus for concrete, considering the effects of long-term loading for normal-weight concrete =
, where f
is expressed in MPa, S is the short-term load, and T is the total load on the
R = specified fire-resistance rating, min,
KL = effective length of column as defined in CSAS16, “Design of Steel Structures,”mm,
= , and
subject to the validity limits stated in TableD-2.6.6.-B.
20) D
R(KL – 1000)
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British Columbia Building Code 2018 Revision 2.01 Division B
2) A pair of steam vent holes shall be provided at each end of the hollow steel column and at each intermediate floor level,
and the holes shall be
a) not less than 13 mm in diameter,
b) located on opposite faces, 150 mm above or below a base plate, cap plate or concrete slab,
c) orientated so that adjacent pairs are perpendicular, and
d) not obstructed by other building elements.
3) Load application and reaction shall be through end bearing in accordance with CSA S16, “Design of Steel Structures.”
Table D-2.6.6.-A
Values of Constant “a”
Filling Type Concrete Type
Steel Reinforcement Circular Columns Square Columns
PC S n/a 0.070 0.060
FC S ≈ 2% 0.075 0.065
RC S 1.5%-3% 0.080 0.070
RC S 3%-5% 0.085 0.075
PC N n/a 0.080 0.070
FC N ≈ 2% 0.085 0.075
RC N 1.5%-3% 0.090 0.080
RC N 3%-5% 0.095 0.085
Notes to TableD-2.6.6.-A:
(1) See Subsection D-1.4.
Table D-2.6.6.-B
Validity Limits
Type of Concrete Filling
f'c (MPa) 20 to 40 20 to 55 20 to 55
D (round) (mm) 140 to 410 140 to 410 165 to 410
D (square) (mm) 140 to 305 102 to 305 175 to 305
Reinforcement (%) n/a ≈ 2% of the concrete mix by mass 1.5% to 5% of cross-sectional area
Concrete Cover (mm) n/a n/a ≥ 25
R (min) ≤ 120 ≤ 180 ≤ 180
KL (mm) 2 000 to 4 000 2 000 to 4 500 2 000 to 4 500
1, 2 or 3 1, 2 or 3 1, 2 or 3
Notes to TableD-2.6.6.-B:
(1) Limits on size, number and spacing of bars and ties in accordance with CSA A23.3, “Design of Concrete Structures.”
(2) Classification of sections in accordance with CSA S16, “Design of Steel Structures.”
Division B – Appendix D Fire-Performance Ratings
Division B Revision 2.01 British Columbia Building Code 2018
D-2.7. Individually Protected Steel Beams
D-2.7.1. Minimum Thickness of Protective Covering
The minimum thickness of protective covering on steel beams exposed to fire on 3sides for fire-resistance ratings from 30 min to
4his shown in Table D-2.7.1.
D-2.7.2. Types of Concrete
Concrete is referred to as TypeS, N or L, depending on the nature of the aggregate used. This is described in ArticleD-1.4.1.
D-2.7.3. Effect of Plaster
The effect on fire-resistance ratings of the addition of plaster finish to concrete or masonry beam protection is described in
D-2.7.4. Exceptions
The fire resistance of protected steel beams depends on the means used to hold the protection in place. Because of the importance of
this factor, no rating has been assigned in Table D-2.7.1. to masonry units used as protective cover to steel beams. These ratings,
however, may be determined on the basis of comparison with column protection at the discretion of the authority having jurisdiction,
if satisfactory means of fastening are provided.
D-2.7.5. Beam Protected by a Membrane
A steel beam or steel joist assembly that is entirely above a horizontal ceiling membrane will be protected from fire below the
membrane and will resist structural collapse for a period equal to the fire-resistance rating determined in conformance with
Subsection D-2.3. The support for this membrane shall be equivalent to that described in Subsection D-2.3. The rating on this basis
shall not exceed 1.5h.
Table D-2.7.1.
Minimum Thickness of Cover to Individual Protected Steel Beams, mm
Description of Cover
Fire-Resistance Rating
30min 45min 1h 1.5h 2h 3h 4h
Type S concrete
(beam spaces filled solid) 25 25 25 25 32 50 64
Type N or L concrete
(beam spaces filled solid) 25252525253950
Gypsum-sand plaster on 9.5 mm gypsum lath
13 13 13 20 – – –
Gypsum-perlite or vermiculite plaster on 9.5 mm gypsum lath
13 13 13 13 25 – –
Gypsum-perlite or gypsum-vermiculite on 12.7 mm gypsum lath
13 13 13 20 25 39 50
Gypsum-perlite or vermiculite plaster on double 12.7 mm gypsum lath
13 13 13 20 25 25 39
Portland cement-sand on metal lath
23 23 23 – – – –
Gypsum-sand on metal lath
(plaster in contact with lower flange) 16 20 25 39 – – –
Gypsum-sand on metal lath with air gap between plaster and lower flange
16 16 16 25 25 – –
Gypsum-perlite or gypsum-vermiculite on metal lath
16 16 16 23 23 35 48
Notes to TableD-2.7.1.:
(1) Where the thickness of plaster finish applied over gypsum lath is 26 mm or more, the plaster shall be reinforced with wire mesh with 1.57 mm diam wire and 50 mm by
50 mm openings placed midway in the plaster.
(2) Applies to cast-in-place concrete reinforced by 5.21 mm diam wire spaced 200 mm o.c. or 1.57 mm diam wire mesh with 100 mm by 100 mm openings.
(3) Lath held in place by 1.18 mm diam wire wrapped around the gypsum lath 450 mm o.c.
(4) Expanded metal lath 1.63 kg/m
fastened to 9.5 mm by 19 mm steel channels held in position by 1.19 mm diam wire.
(5) Plaster finish shall be reinforced with wire mesh with 1.57 mm diam wire and 50 mm by 50 mm openings placed midway in the plaster.
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British Columbia Building Code 2018 Revision 2.01 Division B
D-2.8. Reinforced Concrete Columns
D-2.8.1. Minimum Dimensions
Minimum dimensions for reinforced concrete columns and minimum concrete cover for vertical steel reinforcement are obtained
from Articles D-2.8.2. to D-2.8.5., taking into account the type of concrete, the effective length of the column and the area of the
vertical reinforcement.
D-2.8.2. Method
1) The minimum dimension, t, in millimetres, of a rectangular reinforced concrete column shall be equal to
a) 75 f (R+1) for all Types L and L40S concrete,
b) 80f (R+1) for Type S concrete when the design condition of the concrete column is defined in the second and fourth
columns of Table D-2.8.2.,
c) 80f (R+0.75) for Type N concrete when the design condition of the concrete column is defined in the second and
fourth columns of TableD-2.8.2., and
d) 100f (R+1) for Types S and N concrete when the design condition of the concrete column is defined in the third
column of Table D-2.8.2.
f = the value shown in Table D-2.8.2.,
R = the required fire-resistance rating in hours,
k = the effective length factor obtained from CSA A23.3, “Design of Concrete Structures,”
h = the unsupported length of the column in metres, and
p = the area of vertical reinforcement in the column as a percentage of the column area.
2) The diameter of a round column shall be not less than 1.2 times the value t determined in Sentence(1) for a
rectangular column.
D-2.8.3. Minimum Thickness of Concrete Cover
1) Where the required fire-resistance rating of a concrete column is 3 h or less, the minimum thickness in millimetres of
concrete cover over vertical steel reinforcement shall be equal to 25 times the number of hours of fire resistance required or
50 mm, whichever is less.
2) Where the required fire-resistance rating of a concrete column is greater than 3 h, the minimum thickness in millimetres
of concrete cover over vertical steel reinforcement shall be equal to 50 plus 12.5 times the required number of hours of fire
resistance in excess of 3 h.
Table D-2.8.2.
Values of Factor f
Overdesign Factor
Values of Factor f to be Used in Applying ArticleD-2.8.2.
Where kh is not more than 3.7 m
Where kh is more than 3.7 m but not more than 7.3 m
t is not more than 300mm,
p is not more than 3%
All other cases
1.00 1.0 1.2 1.0
1.25 0.9 1.1 0.9
1.50 0.83 1.0 0.83
Notes to TableD-2.8.2.:
(1) For conditions that do not fall within the limits described in Table D-2.8.2., further information may be obtained from Reference (7) in Subsection D-7
(2) Overdesign factor is the ratio of the calculated load carrying capacity of the column to the column strength required to carry the specified loads determined in conformance
with CSA A23.3, “Design of Concrete Structures.”
(3) Where the factor f results in a t greater than 300 mm, the appropriate factor f for “All other cases” shall be applicable.
(4) Where p is equal to or less than 3% and the factor f results in a t less than 300 mm, the minimum thickness shall be 300 mm.
Division B – Appendix D Fire-Performance Ratings
Division B Revision 2.01 British Columbia Building Code 2018
3) Where the concrete cover over vertical steel required in Sentence (2) exceeds 62.5 mm, wire mesh reinforcement with
1.57 mm diameter wire and 100 mm openings shall be incorporated midway in the concrete cover to retain the concrete
in position.
D-2.8.4. Minimum Requirements
The structural design standards may require minimum column dimensions or concrete cover over vertical steel reinforcement
differing from those obtained in Sentences D-2.8.2.(1) and D-2.8.2.(2). Where a difference occurs, the greater dimension shall govern.
D-2.8.5. Addition of Plaster
The addition of plaster finish to the concrete column may be taken into account in determining the cover over vertical steel
reinforcement by applying the multiplying factors described in Subsection D-1.7. The addition of plaster shall not, however, justify any
decrease in the minimum column sizes shown.
D-2.8.6. Built-in Columns
The fire-resistance rating of a reinforced concrete column that is built into a masonry or concrete wall so that not more than one face
may be exposed to the possibility of fire at one time may be determined on the basis of cover to vertical reinforcing steel alone. In
order to meet this condition, the wall shall conform to Subsection D-2.1. for the fire-resistance rating required.
D-2.9. Reinforced Concrete Beams
D-2.9.1. Minimum Cover Thickness
The minimum thickness of cover over principal steel reinforcement in reinforced concrete beams is shown in Table D-2.9.1. for
fire-resistance ratings from 30 min to 4 h where the width of the beam or joist is at least 100 mm.
D-2.9.2. Maximum Rating
No rating over 2 h may be assigned on the basis of Table D-2.9.1. to a beam or joist where the average width of the part that projects
below the slab is less than 140 mm, and no rating over 3 h may be assigned where the average width of the part that projects below the
slab is less than 165 mm.
D-2.9.3. Beam Integrated in Floor or Roof Slab
For the purposes of these ratings, a beam may be either independent of or integral with a floor or roof slab assembly.
D-2.9.4. Minimum Thickness
Where the upper extension or top flange of a joist or T-beam in a floor assembly contributes wholly or partly to the thickness of the
slab above, the total thickness at any point shall be not less than the minimum thickness described in Table D-2.2.1.-A for the
fire-resistance rating required.
D-2.9.5. Effect of Plaster
The addition of plaster finish to a reinforced concrete beam may be taken into account in determining the cover over principal
reinforcing steel by applying the multiplying factors described in Subsection D-1.7.
Table D-2.9.1.
Minimum Cover to Principal Steel Reinforcement in Reinforced Concrete Beams, mm
Type of Concrete
Fire-Resistance Rating
30min 45min 1h 1.5h 2h 3h 4h
Type S, N or L20202025253950
Fire-Performance Ratings Division B – Appendix D
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Revision 2.01 Division B
D-2.10. Prestressed Concrete Beams
D-2.10.1. Minimum Cross-Sectional Area and Thickness of Cover
The minimum cross-sectional area and thickness of concrete cover over steel tendons in prestressed concrete beams for fire-resistance
ratings from 30 min to 4 h are shown in Table D-2.10.1.
D-2.10.2. Minimum Cover Thickness
The cover for an individual tendon shall be the minimum thickness of concrete between the surface of the tendon and the
fire-exposed surface of the beam, except that for ungrouted ducts the assumed cover thickness shall be the minimum thickness of
concrete between the surface of the duct and the surface of the beam. For beams in which several tendons are used, the cover is
assumed to be the average of the minimum cover of the individual tendons. The cover for any individual tendon shall be not less than
half the value given in Table D-2.10.1. nor less than 25 mm.
D-2.10.3. Applicability of Ratings
The ratings in Table D-2.10.1. apply to a beam that is either independent of or integral with a floor or roof slab assembly. Minimum
thickness of slab and minimum cover to steel tendons in prestressed concrete slabs are contained in Subsection D-2.2.
D-2.10.4. Effect of Plaster
The addition of plaster finish to a prestressed concrete beam may be taken into account in determining the cover over steel tendons by
applying the multiplying factors described in Subsection D-1.7.
D-2.10.5. Minimum Cover
1) Except as provided in Sentence (2), in unbonded post-tensioned prestressed concrete beams, the concrete cover to the
tendon at the anchor shall be not less than 15 mm greater than the minimum required away from the anchor. The concrete cover
to the anchorage bearing plate and to the end of the tendon, if it projects beyond the bearing plate, shall be not less than 25 mm.
2) The requirements in Sentence (1) do not apply to those portions of beams not likely to be exposed to fire (suchas the
ends and the tops of flanges of beams immediately below slabs).
Table D-2.10.1.
Minimum Thickness of Concrete Cover over Steel Tendons in Prestressed Concrete Beams, mm
Type of
Area of Beam, cm
Fire-Resistance Rating
30min 45min 1h 1.5h 2h 3h 4h
Type S or N
260 to 970 25 39 50 64 – – –
Over 970 to 1 940 25 26 39 45 64 – –
Over 1 940 25 26 39 39 50 77 102
Type L Over 970 252525395077102
Notes to TableD-2.10.1.:
(1) Where the thickness of concrete cover over the tendons exceeds 64 mm, a wire mesh reinforcement with 1.57 mm diam wire and 100 mm by 100 mm openings shall be
incorporated in the beams to retain the concrete in position around the tendons. The mesh reinforcement shall be located midway in the cover.
Division B – Appendix D Fire-Performance Ratings
Division B Revision 2.01 British Columbia Building Code 2018
D-2.11. Mass Timber Elements
D-2.11.1. Determination of Rating
1) The design methodologies described in this Section are intended to be used to establish fire resistance ratings on the basis
of the structural elements being exposed to the standard fire exposure conditions in accordance with CAN/ULC–S101.
2) In a standard fire-resistance test, loadbearing timber beams and columns are assigned a fire-resistance rating that relates to
the time in the test at which the applied load can no longer be sustained. Wall, floor and roof assemblies are assigned a
fire-resistance rating that relates to the time in the test that is the lesser of any of the times at which
a) an average temperature rise of 140°C or a maximum temperature rise of 180°C at any location is recorded on the
unexposed side,
b) there is passage of flame or passage of gases hot enough to ignite cotton pads through the unexposed side, or,
c) the applied load is no longer being sustained, where the assembly is loadbearing.
D-2.11.2. Applicability of Methods
1) The method of calculation in Article D-2.11.3. applies to glued-laminated timber beams and columns required to have
fire-resistance ratings greater than those afforded under the provisions of Article
2) The method of calculation in Article D-2.11.4. applies to mass timber members required to have a fire-resistance rating,
including solid-sawn timber and glued-laminated timber beams and columns required to have fire-resistance ratings greater than
those afforded under the provisions of Article
3) The two methods of calculation in Articles D-2.11.3. and D-2.11.4. are separate and independent methodologies that use
different approaches to the development of fire-resistance ratings for mass timber elements.
D-2.11.3. Method A - Glued-Laminated Timber Beams and Columns
1) The fire-resistance rating of glued-laminated timber beams and columns in minutes shall be equal to
a) 0.1 fB [4 − 2(B/D)] for beams that may be exposed to fire on 4 sides,
b) 0.1 fB [4 − (B/D)] for beams that may be exposed to fire on 3 sides,
c) 0.1 fB [3 − (B/D)] for columns that may be exposed to fire on 4 sides, and
d) 0.1 fB [3 − (B/2D)] for columns that may be exposed to fire on 3 sides,
f = the load factor shown in FigureD-2.11.3
B = the full dimension of the smaller side of a beam or column in millimetres before exposure to fire
[see Figure D-2.11.3
D = the full dimension of the larger side of a beam or column in millimetres before exposure to fire
[see Figure D-2.11.3
k = the effective length factor obtained from CSA O86, “Engineering Design in Wood,”
L = the unsupported length of a column in millimetres.
Fire-Performance Ratings Division B – Appendix D
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Revision 2.01 Division B
2) The factored resistance of a beam or column shall be determined by using the specified strengths in CSA O86,
“Engineering Design in Wood.”
Figure D-2.11.3.-A
Factors to compensate for partially loaded columns and beams
Note to FigureD-2.11.3
(1) See Sentence (2).
Figure D-2.11.3
Full dimensions of glued-laminated beams and columns
Load factor, f
Factored load* / factored resistance
, %
In the case of beams, use bending
moment in place of load.
columns ≥ 12
and all beams
columns < 12
Division B – Appendix D Fire-Performance Ratings
Division B Revision 2.01 British Columbia Building Code 2018
D-2.11.4. Method B - Mass Timber Members and Elements
1) A fire-resistance rating is permitted to be assigned to mass timber structural members, such as beams and columns of
glued-laminated timber, solid-sawn timber and structural composite lumber, using the method of calculation in Annex B, “Fire
resistance of large cross-section wood elements”, of CSA O86, “Engineering Design in Wood”.
2) Except as required in Sentence (3) and provided in Sentences (4) to (6), a fire-resistance rating is permitted to be assigned
to mass timber wall, floor and roof assemblies, including those constructed of cross-laminated timber, using the method of
calculation in Annex B, “Fire resistance of large cross-section wood elements”, of CSA O86, “Engineering Design in Wood”.
3) Except as permitted in Sentence (4), for wall, floor and roof assemblies described in Sentence (2), protection shall be
applied to the assembly to ensure the integrity and thermal insulation properties of the assembly for the fire-resistance rating period
calculated, consisting of
a) except as provided in Clause (b), for floor and roof assemblies, at least one of the following protection methods applied
to the unexposed surface
i) not less than 12.5 mm thick OSB or plywood, with staggering of joints from the joints in the mass timber assembly
ii) not less than 38 mm thick concrete topping, or
iii) not less than 25 mm thick gypsum-concrete topping
b) for plank decking designed in accordance with Clause B.10, at least one of the protection methods for the unexposed
surface listed in Clause B.10.4 applied to the unexposed surface
c) for interior wall assemblies, at least one of the following protection methods applied to at least one side of the assembly,
with staggering of joints from the joints in the mass timber assembly
i) not less than 12.5 mm thick OSB or plywood, or
ii) not less than 12.7 mm thick Type X gypsum board, and
d) for exterior wall assemblies, at least one of the following protection methods applied to at least one side of the assembly,
with staggering of joints from the joints in the mass timber assembly
i) not less than 12.5 mm thick OSB or plywood,
ii) not less than 12.7 mm thick Type X gypsum board,
iii) not less than 12.7 mm thick gypsum sheathing on the exterior side of the assembly, or
iv) not less than 50 mm thick rock or slag insulation sheathing on the exterior side of the assembly.
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4) For wall, floor and roof assemblies constructed of cross-laminated timber, the joints between mass timber panels need
not be protected using one of the protection methods in Sentence (3) provided the joints are either lapped or splined to ensure the
integrity and thermal insulation properties of the assembly for the fire-resistance rating period calculated. [see Figure D-2.11.4.(4)]
Figure D-2.11.4.
Structural joint details in cross-laminated timber elements
5) For interior wall assemblies, the additional fire-resistance times assigned in Clause B.8.1 shall only be applicable when
both sides of the wall assembly are protected using one of the options in Clause B.8. When the level of protection differs on the
two sides, the additional fire-resistance time assigned is the lesser of the two values for the different levels of protection being used.
6) For exterior wall assemblies, the additional fire-resistance times assigned in Clause B.8.1 shall only be applicable when
a) the protection is applied to the interior (fire-exposed) side of the wall assembly, and
b) except for wall assemblies constructed of cross-laminated timber as described in Sentence (4), there is at least one of the
protection methods in Subclauses (3)(d)(i) to (iv) applied on the exterior (unexposed) side of the assembly.
construction adhesive or caulking bead
Side view of splined joint between panels of cross-laminated timber
metal fastener
construction adhesive or caulking bead
Side view of lapped joint between panels of cross-laminated timber
metal fastener
Fire-Performance Ratings Division B – Appendix D
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Division B
Section D-3 Flame-Spread Ratings and Smoke Developed
D-3.1. Interior Finish Materials
D-3.1.1. Scope of Information
Tables D-3.1.1.-A andD-3.1.1.-B show flame-spread ratings and smoke developed classifications for combinations of some common
interior finish materials. The values are based on all the evidence available at present. Many materials have not been included because
of lack of test evidence or because of inability to classify or describe the material in generic terms for the purpose of assigning ratings.
Table D-3.1.1.-A
Assigned Flame-Spread Ratings and Smoke Developed Classifications for Combinations of Wall and
Ceiling Finish Materials and Surface Coatings
Applicable Material
Minimum Thickness, mm
Surface Coating
Paint or Varnish not more
than 1.3mm Thick,
Cellulosic Wallpaper not
more than One Layer
Brick, concrete, tile None None
0/0 25/50Steel, copper, aluminum None 0.33
Gypsum plaster CSA A82.22-M None
Gypsum board CAN/CSA-A82.27-M
9.5 25/50 25/50
ASTM C 1396/C 1396M
Lumber None 16 150/300 150/300
Douglas Fir plywood
CSA O121
11 150/100 150/300Poplar plywood
CSA O153
Plywood with Spruce face veneer
CSA O151
Douglas Fir plywood
CSA O121 6 150/100 150/100
Fibreboard low density CAN/ULC-S706 11 X/100 150/100
Type 1
9 150/X
Standard 6 150/300 150/300
Particleboard ANSI A208.1 12.7 150/300
Waferboard, OSB CSA O437.0 –
(5) (5)
CSA O325 –
(5) (5)
Notes to TableD-3.1.1.-A:
(1) See Sentence D-1.1.1.(5) for standards used to assign flame-spread ratings and smoke developed classifications.
(2) Flame-spread ratings and smoke developed classifications for paints and varnish are not applicable to shellac and lacquer.
(3) Flame-spread ratings and smoke developed classifications for paints apply only to alkyd and latex paints.
(4) The flame-spread ratings and smoke developed classifications shown are for those plywoods without a cellulose resin overlay.
(5) Insufficient test information available.
Effective December 10, 2018 to December 11, 2019
Division B – Appendix D Fire-Performance Ratings
Division B
D-3.1.2. Ratings
The ratings shown in TablesD-3.1.1.-A andD-3.1.1.-B are arranged in groups corresponding to the provisions of this Code.
Theratings apply to materials falling within the general categories indicated.
D-3.1.3. Table Entries
In TablesD-3.1.1.-A andD-3.1.1.-B, the first number of each entry relates to flame spread and the second number to smoke
developed limit. For example:
25/50 represents a flame-spread rating of 0 to 25 and a smoke developed classification of 0 to 50,
150/300 represents a flame-spread rating of 75 to 150 and a smoke developed classification of 100 to 300, and
X/X applied to walls and ceilings means a flame-spread rating over 150 and a smoke developed classification over 300.
D-3.1.4. Effect of Surface Coatings
Thin surface coatings can modify flame-spread characteristics either upward or downward. Table D-3.1.1.-A includes a number of
thin coatings that increase the flame-spread rating of the base material, so that these may be considered where more precise control
over flame-spread hazard is desired.
D-3.1.5. Proprietary Materials
1) Information on flame-spread rating of proprietary materials and fire-retardant treatments that cannot be described in
sufficient detail to ensure reproducibility is available through the listing and labeling services of Underwriters’ Laboratories of
Canada, Intertek Testing Services NA Ltd., or other recognized testing laboratory.
2) A summary of flame-spread test results published prior to 1965 has been prepared by NRC (see Item (1) in
Subsection D-6.1.).
D-3.1.6. Limitations and Conditions
1) The propagation of flame along a surface in the standard test involves some finite depth of the material or materials
behind the surface, and this involvement extends to the depth to which temperature variations are to be found during the course of
the test; for many commonly used lining materials, such as wood, the depth involved is about 25 mm.
2) For all the combustible materials described in Table D-3.1.1.-A, a minimum dimension is shown, and this represents the
thickness of the test samples on which the rating has been based; when used in greater thicknesses than that shown, these materials
may have a slightly lower flame-spread rating, and thinner specimens may have higher flame-spread ratings.
Table D-3.1.1.-B
Flame-Spread Ratings and Smoke-Developed Classifications for Combinations of
Common Floor Finish Materials and Surface Coatings
Materials Applicable Standard FSR/SDC
Hardwood or softwood flooring either unfinished or finished with a spar or urethane varnish coating None 300/300
Wool carpet (woven), pile weight not less than 1120 g/m
, applied with or without felt underlay
CAN/CGSB-4.129 300/300
Nylon carpet, pile weight not less than 610 g/m
and not more than 800 g/m
, applied with or without felt underlay
CAN/CGSB-4.129 300/500
Nylon carpet, pile weight not less than 610 g/m
and not more than 1355 g/m
, glued down to concrete CAN/CGSB-4.129 300/500
Wool/nylon blend carpet (woven) with not more than 20% nylon and pile weight not less than 1120 g/m
CAN/CGSB-4.129 300/500
Nylon/wool blend carpet (woven) with not more than 50% wool, pile weight not less than 610 g/m
and not more
than 800 g/m
CAN/CGSB-4.129 300/500
Polypropylene carpet, pile weight not less than 500 g/m
and not more than 1200 g/m
, glued down to concrete CAN/CGSB-4.129 300/500
Notes to TableD-3.1.1.-B:
(1) Tested on the floor of the tunnel in conformance with provisions of CAN/ULC-S102.2, “Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Flooring, Floor Coverings, and
Miscellaneous Materials and Assemblies.”
(2) Flame-Spread Rating/Smoke Developed Classification.
(3) Type 1 or 2 underlay as described in CGSB 4-GP-36M, “Carpet Underlay, Fiber Type.”
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British Columbia Building Code 2018 Division B
3) No rating has been included for foamed plastic materials because it is not possible at this time to identify these products
with sufficient accuracy on a generic basis. Materials of this type that melt when exposed to the test flame generally show an
increase in flame-spread rating as the thickness of the test specimen increases.
D-3.1.7. Referenced Standards
In Tables D-3.1.1.-A and D-3.1.1.-B, the standards applicable to the materials described are noted because the ratings depend on
conformance with these specifications.
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British Columbia Building Code 2018 Revision 2.01 Division B
Section D-3 Flame-Spread Ratings and Smoke Developed
D-3.1. Interior Finish Materials
D-3.1.1. Scope of Information
Tables D-3.1.1.-A andD-3.1.1.-B show flame-spread ratings and smoke developed classifications for combinations of some common
interior finish materials. The values are based on all the evidence available at present. Many materials have not been included because
of lack of test evidence or because of inability to classify or describe the material in generic terms for the purpose of assigning ratings.
Table D-3.1.1.-A
Assigned Flame-Spread Ratings and Smoke Developed Classifications for Combinations of Wall and
Ceiling Finish Materials and Surface Coatings
Applicable Material
Minimum Thickness, mm
Surface Coating
Paint or Varnish not more
than 1.3mm Thick,
Cellulosic Wallpaper not
more than One Layer
Brick, concrete, tile None None
0/0 25/50Steel, copper, aluminum None 0.33
Gypsum plaster CSA A82.22-M None
Gypsum board CAN/CSA-A82.27-M
9.5 25/50 25/50
ASTM C 1396/C 1396M
Lumber None 16 150/300 150/300
Douglas Fir plywood
CSA O121
11 150/100 150/300Poplar plywood
CSA O153
Plywood with Spruce face veneer
CSA O151
Douglas Fir plywood
CSA O121 6 150/100 150/100
Fibreboard low density CAN/ULC-S706 11 X/100 150/100
Type 1
9 150/X
Standard 6 150/300 150/300
Particleboard ANSI A208.1 12.7 150/300
Waferboard, OSB CSA O437.0 –
(5) (5)
CSA O325 –
(5) (5)
Notes to TableD-3.1.1.-A:
(1) See Sentence D-1.1.1.(5) for standards used to assign flame-spread ratings and smoke developed classifications.
(2) Flame-spread ratings and smoke developed classifications for paints and varnish are not applicable to shellac and lacquer.
(3) Flame-spread ratings and smoke developed classifications for paints apply only to alkyd and latex paints.
(4) The flame-spread ratings and smoke developed classifications shown are for those plywoods without a cellulose resin overlay.
(5) Insufficient test information available.
Division B – Appendix D Fire-Performance Ratings
Division B Revision 2.01 British Columbia Building Code 2018
D-3.1.2. Ratings
The ratings shown in TablesD-3.1.1.-A andD-3.1.1.-B are arranged in groups corresponding to the provisions of this Code.
Theratings apply to materials falling within the general categories indicated.
D-3.1.3. Table Entries
In TablesD-3.1.1.-A andD-3.1.1.-B, the first number of each entry relates to flame spread and the second number to smoke
developed limit. For example:
25/50 represents a flame-spread rating of 0 to 25 and a smoke developed classification of 0 to 50,
150/300 represents a flame-spread rating of 75 to 150 and a smoke developed classification of 100 to 300, and
X/X applied to walls and ceilings means a flame-spread rating over 150 and a smoke developed classification over 300.
D-3.1.4. Effect of Surface Coatings
Thin surface coatings can modify flame-spread characteristics either upward or downward. Table D-3.1.1.-A includes a number of
thin coatings that increase the flame-spread rating of the base material, so that these may be considered where more precise control
over flame-spread hazard is desired.
D-3.1.5. Proprietary Materials
1) Information on flame-spread rating of proprietary materials and fire-retardant treatments that cannot be described in
sufficient detail to ensure reproducibility is available through the listing and labeling services of Underwriters’ Laboratories of
Canada, Intertek Testing Services NA Ltd., or other recognized testing laboratory.
2) A summary of flame-spread test results published prior to 1965 has been prepared by NRC (see Item (1) in
Subsection D-7
D-3.1.6. Limitations and Conditions
1) The propagation of flame along a surface in the standard test involves some finite depth of the material or materials
behind the surface, and this involvement extends to the depth to which temperature variations are to be found during the course of
the test; for many commonly used lining materials, such as wood, the depth involved is about 25 mm.
2) For all the combustible materials described in Table D-3.1.1.-A, a minimum dimension is shown, and this represents the
thickness of the test samples on which the rating has been based; when used in greater thicknesses than that shown, these materials
may have a slightly lower flame-spread rating, and thinner specimens may have higher flame-spread ratings.
Table D-3.1.1.-B
Flame-Spread Ratings and Smoke-Developed Classifications for Combinations of
Common Floor Finish Materials and Surface Coatings
Materials Applicable Standard FSR/SDC
Hardwood or softwood flooring either unfinished or finished with a spar or urethane varnish coating None 300/300
Wool carpet (woven), pile weight not less than 1120 g/m
, applied with or without felt underlay
CAN/CGSB-4.129 300/300
Nylon carpet, pile weight not less than 610 g/m
and not more than 800 g/m
, applied with or without felt underlay
CAN/CGSB-4.129 300/500
Nylon carpet, pile weight not less than 610 g/m
and not more than 1355 g/m
, glued down to concrete CAN/CGSB-4.129 300/500
Wool/nylon blend carpet (woven) with not more than 20% nylon and pile weight not less than 1120 g/m
CAN/CGSB-4.129 300/500
Nylon/wool blend carpet (woven) with not more than 50% wool, pile weight not less than 610 g/m
and not more
than 800 g/m
CAN/CGSB-4.129 300/500
Polypropylene carpet, pile weight not less than 500 g/m
and not more than 1200 g/m
, glued down to concrete CAN/CGSB-4.129 300/500
Notes to TableD-3.1.1.-B:
(1) Tested on the floor of the tunnel in conformance with provisions of CAN/ULC-S102.2, “Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Flooring, Floor Coverings, and
Miscellaneous Materials and Assemblies.”
(2) Flame-Spread Rating/Smoke Developed Classification.
(3) Type 1 or 2 underlay as described in CGSB 4-GP-36M, “Carpet Underlay, Fiber Type.”
Fire-Performance Ratings Division B – Appendix D
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Revision 2.01 Division B
3) No rating has been included for foamed plastic materials because it is not possible at this time to identify these products
with sufficient accuracy on a generic basis. Materials of this type that melt when exposed to the test flame generally show an
increase in flame-spread rating as the thickness of the test specimen increases.
D-3.1.7. Referenced Standards
In Tables D-3.1.1.-A and D-3.1.1.-B, the standards applicable to the materials described are noted because the ratings depend on
conformance with these specifications.
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Section D-4 Noncombustibility
D-4.1. Test Method
D-4.1.1. Determination of Noncombustibility
1) Noncombustibility is required of certain components of buildings by the provisions of this Code, which specifies
noncombustibility by reference to CAN/ULC-S114, “Test for Determination of Non-Combustibility in Building Materials.”
2) The test to which reference is made in Sentence(1) is severe, and it may be assumed that any building material containing
even a small proportion of combustibles will itself be classified as combustible. The specimen, 38 mm by 51 mm, is exposed to a
temperature of 750°C in a small furnace. The essential criteria for noncombustibility are that the specimen does not flame or
contribute to temperature rise.
D-4.2. Materials Classified as Combustible
D-4.2.1. Combustible Materials
Most materials from animal or vegetable sources will be classed as combustible by CAN/ULC-S114, “Test for Determination of
Non-Combustibility in Building Materials,” and wood, wood fibreboard, paper, felt made from animal or vegetable fibres, cork,
plastics, asphalt and pitch would therefore be classed as combustible.
D-4.2.2. Composite Materials
Materials that consist of combustible and noncombustible elements in combination will in many cases also be classed as combustible,
unless the proportion of combustibles is very small. Some mineral wool insulations with combustible binder, cinder concrete, cement
and wood chips and wood-fibred gypsum plaster would also be classed as combustible.
D-4.2.3. Effect of Chemical Additives
The addition of a fire-retardant chemical is not sufficient to change a combustible product to a noncombustible product.
D-4.3. Materials Classified as Noncombustible
D-4.3.1. Typical Examples
Noncombustible materials include brick, ceramic tile, concrete made from Portland cement with noncombustible aggregate, plaster
made from gypsum with noncombustible aggregate, metals commonly used in buildings, glass, granite, sandstone, slate, limestone
and marble.
Fire-Performance Ratings Division B – Appendix D
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Division B
Section D-5 Protection of Openings in Fire-Rated Assemblies
D-5.1. Scope
D-5.1.1. Installation Information
1) The information in this Section specifies requirements for the installation of fire doors and fire dampers in
gypsum-board-protected stud wall assemblies.
D-5.2. Installation of Fire Doors and Fire Dampers
D-5.2.1. References
1) Fire doors and fire dampers in gypsum-board-protected steel stud non-loadbearing walls required to have a fire-resistance
rating shall be installed in conformance with Section 9.24. of this Code and the applicable requirements of NFPA 80, “Fire Doors
and Other Opening Protectives.”
2) Fire doors and fire dampers in gypsum-board-protected wood stud walls required to have a fire-resistance rating shall be
installed in conformance with Section 9.23. of this Code and the applicable requirements of NFPA 80, “Fire Doors and Other
Opening Protectives.”
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British Columbia Building Code 2018 Division B
Section D-6 Background Information
D-6.1. Fire Test Reports
Summaries of available fire test information have been published by NRC as follows:
(1) M. Galbreath, Flame Spread Performance of Common Building Materials. Technical Paper No. 170, Division of Building
Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, April 1964. NRCC7820.
(2) M. Galbreath and W.W. Stanzak, Fire Endurance of Protected Steel Columns and Beams. Technical Paper No. 194, Division of
Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, April 1965. NRCC 8379.
(3) T.Z. Harmathy and W.W. Stanzak, Elevated-Temperature Tensile and Creep Properties of Some Structural and Prestressing Steels.
American Society for Testing and Materials, Special Technical Publication 464, 1970, p. 186 (DBR Research Paper No. 424)
NRCC 11163.
(4) T.Z. Harmathy, Thermal Performance of Concrete Masonry Walls in Fire. American Society for Testing and Materials, Special
Technical Publication 464, 1970, p. 209 (DBR Research Paper No. 423) NRCC 11161.
(5) L.W. Allen, Fire Endurance of Selected Non-Loadbearing Concrete Masonry Walls. DBR Fire Study No. 25, Division of Building
Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, March 1970. NRCC 11275.
(6) A. Rose, Comparison of Flame Spread Ratings by Radiant Panel, Tunnel Furnace, and Pittsburgh-Corning Apparatus. DBR Fire
Study No. 22, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, June 1969. NRCC 10788.
(7) T.T. Lie and D.E. Allen, Calculation of the Fire Resistance of Reinforced Concrete Columns. DBR Technical Paper No. 378,
Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, August 1972. NRCC 12797.
(8) W.W. Stanzak, Column Covers: A Practical Application of Sheet Steel as a Protective Membrane. DBR Fire Study No. 27,
Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, February 1972. NRCC 12483.
(9) W.W. Stanzak, Sheet Steel as a Protective Membrane for Steel Beams and Columns. DBR Fire Study No. 23, Division of Building
Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, November 1969. NRCC 10865.
(10) W.W. Stanzak and T.T. Lie, Fire Tests on Protected Steel Columns with Different Cross-Sections. DBR Fire Study No. 30,
Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, February 1973. NRCC13072.
(11) G. Williams-Leir and L.W. Allen, Prediction of Fire Endurance of Concrete Masonry Walls. DBR Technical Paper No. 399,
Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, November 1973. NRCC 13560.
(12) G. Williams-Leir, Prediction of Fire Endurance of Concrete Slabs. DBR Technical Paper No. 398, Division of Building Research,
National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, November 1973. NRCC 13559.
(13) A. Rose, Flammability of Fibreboard Interior Finish Materials. Building Research Note No. 68, Division of Building Research,
National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, October 1969.
(14) L.W. Allen, Effect of Sand Replacement on the Fire Endurance of Lightweight Aggregate Masonry Units. DBR Fire Study No.26,
Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, September 1971. NRCC 12112.
(15) L.W. Allen, W.W. Stanzak and M. Galbreath, Fire Endurance Tests on Unit Masonry Walls with Gypsum Wallboard. DBR Fire
Study No. 32, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, February 1974, NRCC13901.
(16) W.W. Stanzak and T.T. Lie, Fire Resistance of Unprotected Steel Columns. Journal of Structural Division, Proc., Am. Soc. Civ.
Eng., Vol.99, No.ST5 Proc. Paper 9719, May 1973 (DBR Research Paper No. 577) NRCC 13589.
(17) T.T. Lie and T.Z. Harmathy, Fire Endurance of Concrete-Protected Steel Columns. A.C.I. Journal, January 1974, Title No. 71-4
(DBR Technical Paper No. 597) NRCC 13876.
(18) T.T. Lie, A Method for Assessing the Fire Resistance of Laminated Timber Beams and Columns. Can. J. Civ. Eng., Vol. 4, No. 2,
June 1977 (DBR Technical Paper No. 718) NRCC 15946.
(19) T.T. Lie, Calculation of the Fire Resistance of Composite Concrete Floor and Roof Slabs. Fire Technology, Vol. 14, No. 1,
February1978 (DBR Technical Paper No. 772) NRCC 16658.
(20) M.A. Sultan, Y.P. Séguin and P. Leroux. Results of Fire Resistance Tests on Full-Scale Floor Assemblies, Institute for Research in
Construction, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, May 1998, IRC-IR-764.
(21) M.A. Sultan, J.C. Latour, P. Leroux, R.C. Monette, Y.P. Séguin and J.P. Henrie, Results of Fire Resistance Tests on Full-Scale Floor
Assemblies - Phase II, Institute for Research in Construction, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, March 2005, RR-184.
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Division B – Appendix D Fire-Performance Ratings
Division B
(22) M.A. Sultan and G.D. Lougheed, Results of Fire Resistance Tests on Full-Scale Gypsum Board Wall Assemblies, Institute for
Research in Construction, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, August 2002, IRC-IR-833.
(23) V.K.R. Kodur, M.A. Sultan, J.C. Latour, P. Leroux, R.C. Monette, Experimental Studies on the Fire Resistance of Load-Bearing
Steel Stud Walls, Research Report, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, August 2013, RR-343.
D-6.2. Obsolete Materials and Assemblies
Building materials, components and structural members and assemblies in buildings constructed before 1995 may have been assigned
ratings based on earlier editions of the Supplement to the National Building Code of Canada or older reports of fire tests. To assist
users in determining the ratings of these obsolete assemblies and structural members, the following list of reference documents has
been prepared. Although some of these publications are out of print, reference copies are available through NRC.
(1) M. Galbreath, Fire Endurance of Unit Masonry Walls. Technical Paper No.207, Division of Building Research, National
Research Council Canada, Ottawa, October1965. NRCC8740.
(2) M. Galbreath, Fire Endurance of Light Framed and Miscellaneous Assemblies. Technical Paper No.222, Division of Building
Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, June1966. NRCC9085.
(3) M. Galbreath, Fire Endurance of Concrete Assemblies. Technical Paper No.235, Division of Building Research, National
Research Council Canada, Ottawa, November1966. NRCC9279.
(4) Guideline on Fire Ratings of Archaic Materials and Assemblies. Rehabilitation Guideline#8, U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development, Germantown, Maryland 20767, October1980.
(5) T.Z. Harmathy, Fire Test of a Plank Wall Construction. Fire Study No.2, Division of Building Research, National Research
Council Canada, Ottawa, July1960. NRCC5760.
(6) T.Z. Harmathy, Fire Test of a Wood Partition. Fire Study No.3, Division of Building Research, National Research Council
Canada, Ottawa, October1960. NRCC5769.
D-6.3. Assessment of Archaic Assemblies
Information in this document applies to new construction. Please refer to early editions of the Supplement to the National Building
Code of Canada for the assessment or evaluation of assemblies that do not conform to the information in this edition of the National
Building Code. As with other documents, this Code is revised according to the information presented to the standing committee
responsible for its content, and with each update new material may be added and material that is not relevant may be deleted.
D-6.4. Development of the Component Additive Method
The component additive method was developed based upon the following observations and conclusions drawn from published as well
as unpublished test information.
Study of the test data showed that structural failure preceded failure by other criteria (transmission of heat or hot gases) in most of the
tests of loadbearing wood-framed assemblies. The major contributor to fire resistance was the membrane on the fire-exposed side.
Fire tests of wood joist floors without protective ceilings resulted in structural failure between 8 and 10min. Calculation of the time
for wood joists to approach breaking stress, based upon the charring rate of natural woods, suggested a time of 10min for structural
failure. This time was subtracted from the fire-resistance test results of wood joist floors and the remainder considered to be the
contribution of the membrane.
The figures obtained for the contribution of membranes were then applied to the test results for open web steel joist floors and wood
and steel stud walls and values of 20min for the contribution of wood stud framing and 10min for steel framing were derived.
The fire-resistance rating has been limited to 1.5h as this method of developing ratings for framed assemblies was new and untried.
Although this is the subject of current review, no decision has been made to extend the ratings beyond 1.5h.
(1) M. Galbreath, G. C. Gosselin, and R. B. Chauhan, Historical Guide to Chapter2 of the Supplement to the National Building
Code of Canada, Committee Paper FPR1-3, Prepared for the Standing Committee on Fire Performance Ratings, May1987.
Example showing fire-resistance rating of a typical membrane assembly, calculated using the component additive method.
1 hour Gypsum Board/Wood Stud Interior Partition
A 1h fire-resistance rating is required for an interior wood framed partition, using 12.7mm TypeX gypsum board.
a) Since gypsum board is used (SentenceD-2.3.4.(2) and TableD-2.3.4.-A) time assigned to 12.7mm TypeX gypsum
board membrane on the fire-exposed side of the partition=25min
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British Columbia Building Code 2018 Division B
b) Time assigned to wood framing members at 400mm o.c. (SentenceD-2.3.4.(3) and TableD-2.3.4.-E)=20min
c) Time assigned to insulation, if the spaces between the studs are filled with preformed insulation of rock or slag fibres
conforming to CAN/ULC-S702, “Mineral Fibre Thermal Insulation for Buildings,” (SentenceD-2.3.4.(4) and
d) Time assigned to the membrane on the non-fire-exposed side (SentenceD-2.3.5.(1))=0min
Fire-resistance rating=25+20+15=60min
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British Columbia Building Code 2018 Revision 2.01 Division B
Section D-6 Fire Performance of Exterior Wall Assemblies
D-6.1. Scope
D-6.1.1. Exterior Wall Assemblies
Table D-6.1.1. shows construction specifications for exterior wall assemblies that are deemed to satisfy the criteria of
Clause when tested in accordance with CAN/ULC-S134, “Fire Test of Exterior Wall Assemblies.” These exterior wall
assemblies are suitable for use in buildings permitted to be of encapsulated mass timber construction.
Table D-6.1.1.
Construction Specifications for Exterior Wall Assemblies that Are Deemed to Satisfy the Criteria of Clause
when Tested in Accordance with CAN/ULC-S134
Sheathing Cladding Design
EXTW-1 38 mm × 89 mm
wood studs
at 400 mm o.c.
89 mm thick rock
slag fibre in
formed by
-- 12.7 mm thick
treated plywood
EXTW-2 38 mm × 140 mm
wood studs
at 400 mm o.c.
140 mm thick rock
slag fibre in
formed by
≥ 12.7 mm thick
EXTW-3 38 mm × 140 mm
wood studs
at 400 mm o.c.
140 mm thick rock
slag fibre in
formed by
15.9 mm
EXTW-4 38 mm × 140 mm
wood studs
at 600 mm o.c.
attached to
timber (CLT)
wall panels ≥
38 mm thick
140 mm thick
glass, rock or
slag fibre in
formed by studs
≥ 12.7 mm thick
Division B – Appendix D Fire-Performance Ratings
Division B Revision 2.01 British Columbia Building Code 2018
EXTW-5 89 mm horizontal
Z-bars spaced at
600 mm o.c.
attached to CLT
wall panels ≥ 105
mm thick
89 mm thick rock
or slag fibre in
formed by
-- Noncombustible
cladding attached
to 19 mm
vertical hat
channels spaced
at 600 mm o.c.
Notes to Table D-6.1.1.:
(1) The stated stud dimensions are maximum values. Where wood studs with a smaller depth are used, the thickness of absorptive material in the cavities formed by the studs
must be reduced accordingly.
(2) Horizontal blocking between the vertical studs or horizontal stud plates must be installed at vertical intervals of at most 2 324 mm, such that the maximum clear length
between the horizontal blocking or stud plates is 2 286 mm.
(3) The absorptive material must conform to CAN/ULC-S702, “Mineral Fibre Thermal Insulation for Buildings.”
(4) The absorptive material must have a density not less than 32 kg/m
(5) The fire-retardant-treated plywood siding must conform to the requirements of Article and must have been conditioned in conformance with ASTM D 2898,
“Accelerated Weathering of Fire-Retardant-Treated Wood for Fire Testing,” before being tested in accordance with CAN/ULC-S102, “Test for Surface Burning
Characteristics of Building Materials and Assemblies.”
(6) The fire-retardant-treated plywood must conform to the requirements of Article
(7) Horizontal blocking between the vertical studs or horizontal stud plates must be installed at vertical intervals of at most 2 438 mm, such that the maximum clear length
between the horizontal blocking or stud plates is 2 400 mm.
(8) A water-resistant barrier may be attached to the face of the CLT wall panels.
Table D-6.1.1. (continued)
Construction Specifications for Exterior Wall Assemblies that Are Deemed to Satisfy the Criteria of Clause
when Tested in Accordance with CAN/ULC-S134
Fire-Performance Ratings Division B – Appendix D
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Revision 2.01 Division B
Section D-7 Background Information
D-7.1. Fire Test Reports
Summaries of available fire test information have been published by NRC as follows:
(1) M. Galbreath, Flame Spread Performance of Common Building Materials. Technical Paper No. 170, Division of Building
Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, April 1964. NRCC7820.
(2) M. Galbreath and W.W. Stanzak, Fire Endurance of Protected Steel Columns and Beams. Technical Paper No. 194, Division of
Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, April 1965. NRCC 8379.
(3) T.Z. Harmathy and W.W. Stanzak, Elevated-Temperature Tensile and Creep Properties of Some Structural and Prestressing Steels.
American Society for Testing and Materials, Special Technical Publication 464, 1970, p. 186 (DBR Research Paper No. 424)
NRCC 11163.
(4) T.Z. Harmathy, Thermal Performance of Concrete Masonry Walls in Fire. American Society for Testing and Materials, Special
Technical Publication 464, 1970, p. 209 (DBR Research Paper No. 423) NRCC 11161.
(5) L.W. Allen, Fire Endurance of Selected Non-Loadbearing Concrete Masonry Walls. DBR Fire Study No. 25, Division of Building
Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, March 1970. NRCC 11275.
(6) A. Rose, Comparison of Flame Spread Ratings by Radiant Panel, Tunnel Furnace, and Pittsburgh-Corning Apparatus. DBR Fire
Study No. 22, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, June 1969. NRCC 10788.
(7) T.T. Lie and D.E. Allen, Calculation of the Fire Resistance of Reinforced Concrete Columns. DBR Technical Paper No. 378,
Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, August 1972. NRCC 12797.
(8) W.W. Stanzak, Column Covers: A Practical Application of Sheet Steel as a Protective Membrane. DBR Fire Study No. 27,
Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, February 1972. NRCC 12483.
(9) W.W. Stanzak, Sheet Steel as a Protective Membrane for Steel Beams and Columns. DBR Fire Study No. 23, Division of Building
Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, November 1969. NRCC 10865.
(10) W.W. Stanzak and T.T. Lie, Fire Tests on Protected Steel Columns with Different Cross-Sections. DBR Fire Study No. 30,
Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, February 1973. NRCC13072.
(11) G. Williams-Leir and L.W. Allen, Prediction of Fire Endurance of Concrete Masonry Walls. DBR Technical Paper No. 399,
Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, November 1973. NRCC 13560.
(12) G. Williams-Leir, Prediction of Fire Endurance of Concrete Slabs. DBR Technical Paper No. 398, Division of Building Research,
National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, November 1973. NRCC 13559.
(13) A. Rose, Flammability of Fibreboard Interior Finish Materials. Building Research Note No. 68, Division of Building Research,
National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, October 1969.
(14) L.W. Allen, Effect of Sand Replacement on the Fire Endurance of Lightweight Aggregate Masonry Units. DBR Fire Study
No.26, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, September 1971. NRCC 12112.
(15) L.W. Allen, W.W. Stanzak and M. Galbreath, Fire Endurance Tests on Unit Masonry Walls with Gypsum Wallboard. DBR Fire
Study No. 32, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, February 1974, NRCC13901.
(16) W.W. Stanzak and T.T. Lie, Fire Resistance of Unprotected Steel Columns. Journal of Structural Division, Proc., Am. Soc. Civ.
Eng., Vol.99, No.ST5 Proc. Paper 9719, May 1973 (DBR Research Paper No. 577) NRCC 13589.
(17) T.T. Lie and T.Z. Harmathy, Fire Endurance of Concrete-Protected Steel Columns. A.C.I. Journal, January 1974, Title No. 71-4
(DBR Technical Paper No. 597) NRCC 13876.
(18) T.T. Lie, A Method for Assessing the Fire Resistance of Laminated Timber Beams and Columns. Can. J. Civ. Eng., Vol. 4, No. 2,
June 1977 (DBR Technical Paper No. 718) NRCC 15946.
(19) T.T. Lie, Calculation of the Fire Resistance of Composite Concrete Floor and Roof Slabs. Fire Technology, Vol. 14, No. 1,
February1978 (DBR Technical Paper No. 772) NRCC 16658.
(20) M.A. Sultan, Y.P. Séguin and P. Leroux. Results of Fire Resistance Tests on Full-Scale Floor Assemblies, Institute for Research in
Construction, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, May 1998, IRC-IR-764.
(21) M.A. Sultan, J.C. Latour, P. Leroux, R.C. Monette, Y.P. Séguin and J.P. Henrie, Results of Fire Resistance Tests on Full-Scale Floor
Assemblies - Phase II, Institute for Research in Construction, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, March 2005, RR-184.
Division B – Appendix D Fire-Performance Ratings
Division B Revision 2.01 British Columbia Building Code 2018
(22) M.A. Sultan and G.D. Lougheed, Results of Fire Resistance Tests on Full-Scale Gypsum Board Wall Assemblies, Institute for
Research in Construction, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, August 2002, IRC-IR-833.
(23) V.K.R. Kodur, M.A. Sultan, J.C. Latour, P. Leroux, R.C. Monette, Experimental Studies on the Fire Resistance of Load-Bearing
Steel Stud Walls, Research Report, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, August 2013, RR-343.
(24) E. Gibbs, B.C. Taber, G.D. Lougheed, J.Z. Su and N. Bénichou, Solutions for Mid-Rise Wood Construction: Full-Scale Standard
Fire Test for Exterior Wall Assembly Using Lightweight Wood Frame Construction with Gypsum Sheathing (Test EXTW-1),
Report to Research Consortium for Wood and Wood-Hybrid Mid-Rise Buildings, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa,
December 2014, A1-100035-01.4.
(25) E. Gibbs, B.C. Taber, G.D. Lougheed, J.Z. Su and N. Bénichou, Solutions for Mid-Rise Wood Construction: Full-Scale Standard
Fire Test for Exterior Wall Assembly Using a Simulated Cross-Laminated Timber Wall Assembly with Gypsum Sheathing (Test
EXTW-2), Report to Research Consortium for Wood and Wood-Hybrid Mid-Rise Buildings, National Research Council Canada,
Ottawa, December 2014, A1-100035-01.5.
(26) E. Gibbs, B.C. Taber, G.D. Lougheed, J.Z. Su and N. Bénichou, Solutions for Mid-Rise Wood Construction: Full-Scale Standard
Fire Test for Exterior Wall Assembly Using Lightweight Wood Frame Construction with Interior Fire-Retardant-Treated
Plywood Sheathing (Test EXTW-3), Report to Research Consortium for Wood and Wood-Hybrid Mid-Rise Buildings, National
Research Council Canada, Ottawa, December 2014, A1-100035-01.6.
(27) E. Gibbs and J. Su, Full Scale Exterior Wall Test on Nordic Cross-Laminated Timber System, National Research Council Canada,
Ottawa, January 2015, A1-006009.1.
D-7.2. Obsolete Materials and Assemblies
Building materials, components and structural members and assemblies in buildings constructed before 1995 may have been assigned
ratings based on earlier editions of the Supplement to the National Building Code of Canada or older reports of fire tests. To assist
users in determining the ratings of these obsolete assemblies and structural members, the following list of reference documents has
been prepared. Although some of these publications are out of print, reference copies are available through NRC.
(1) M. Galbreath, Fire Endurance of Unit Masonry Walls. Technical Paper No.207, Division of Building Research, National Research
Council Canada, Ottawa, October1965. NRCC8740.
(2) M. Galbreath, Fire Endurance of Light Framed and Miscellaneous Assemblies. Technical Paper No.222, Division of Building
Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, June1966. NRCC9085.
(3) M. Galbreath, Fire Endurance of Concrete Assemblies. Technical Paper No.235, Division of Building Research, National
Research Council Canada, Ottawa, November1966. NRCC9279.
(4) Guideline on Fire Ratings of Archaic Materials and Assemblies. Rehabilitation Guideline#8, U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development, Germantown, Maryland 20767, October1980.
(5) T.Z. Harmathy, Fire Test of a Plank Wall Construction. Fire Study No.2, Division of Building Research, National Research
Council Canada, Ottawa, July1960. NRCC5760.
(6) T.Z. Harmathy, Fire Test of a Wood Partition. Fire Study No.3, Division of Building Research, National Research Council
Canada, Ottawa, October1960. NRCC5769.
D-7.3. Assessment of Archaic Assemblies
Information in this document applies to new construction. Please refer to early editions of the Supplement to the National Building
Code of Canada for the assessment or evaluation of assemblies that do not conform to the information in this edition of the National
Building Code. As with other documents, this Code is revised according to the information presented to the standing committee
responsible for its content, and with each update new material may be added and material that is not relevant may be deleted.
Fire-Performance Ratings Division B – Appendix D
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Revision 2.01 Division B
D-7.4. Development of the Component Additive Method
The component additive method was developed based upon the following observations and conclusions drawn from published as well
as unpublished test information.
Study of the test data showed that structural failure preceded failure by other criteria (transmission of heat or hot gases) in most of the
tests of loadbearing wood-framed assemblies. The major contributor to fire resistance was the membrane on the fire-exposed side.
Fire tests of wood joist floors without protective ceilings resulted in structural failure between 8 and 10min. Calculation of the time
for wood joists to approach breaking stress, based upon the charring rate of natural woods, suggested a time of 10min for structural
failure. This time was subtracted from the fire-resistance test results of wood joist floors and the remainder considered to be the
contribution of the membrane.
The figures obtained for the contribution of membranes were then applied to the test results for open web steel joist floors and wood
and steel stud walls and values of 20min for the contribution of wood stud framing and 10min for steel framing were derived.
The fire-resistance rating has been limited to 1.5h as this method of developing ratings for framed assemblies was new and untried.
Although this is the subject of current review, no decision has been made to extend the ratings beyond 1.5h.
(1) M. Galbreath, G. C. Gosselin, and R. B. Chauhan, Historical Guide to Chapter2 of the Supplement to the National Building Code
of Canada, Committee Paper FPR1-3, Prepared for the Standing Committee on Fire Performance Ratings, May1987.
Example showing fire-resistance rating of a typical membrane assembly, calculated using the component additive method.
1 hour Gypsum Board/Wood Stud Interior Partition
A 1h fire-resistance rating is required for an interior wood framed partition, using 12.7mm TypeX gypsum board.
a) Since gypsum board is used (SentenceD-2.3.4.(2) and TableD-2.3.4.-A) time assigned to 12.7mm TypeX gypsum board
membrane on the fire-exposed side of the partition=25min
b) Time assigned to wood framing members at 400mm o.c. (SentenceD-2.3.4.(3) and TableD-2.3.4.-E)=20min
c) Time assigned to insulation, if the spaces between the studs are filled with preformed insulation of rock or slag fibres
conforming to CAN/ULC-S702, “Mineral Fibre Thermal Insulation for Buildings,” (SentenceD-2.3.4.(4) and
d) Time assigned to the membrane on the non-fire-exposed side (SentenceD-2.3.5.(1))=0min
Fire-resistance rating=25+20+15=60min
Fire-Performance Ratings Division B – Appendix D
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Revision 2.01 Division B
D-7.4. Development of the Component Additive Method
The component additive method was developed based upon the following observations and conclusions drawn from published as well
as unpublished test information.
Study of the test data showed that structural failure preceded failure by other criteria (transmission of heat or hot gases) in most of the
tests of loadbearing wood-framed assemblies. The major contributor to fire resistance was the membrane on the fire-exposed side.
Fire tests of wood joist floors without protective ceilings resulted in structural failure between 8 and 10min. Calculation of the time
for wood joists to approach breaking stress, based upon the charring rate of natural woods, suggested a time of 10min for structural
failure. This time was subtracted from the fire-resistance test results of wood joist floors and the remainder considered to be the
contribution of the membrane.
The figures obtained for the contribution of membranes were then applied to the test results for open web steel joist floors and wood
and steel stud walls and values of 20min for the contribution of wood stud framing and 10min for steel framing were derived.
The fire-resistance rating has been limited to 1.5h as this method of developing ratings for framed assemblies was new and untried.
Although this is the subject of current review, no decision has been made to extend the ratings beyond 1.5h.
(1) M. Galbreath, G. C. Gosselin, and R. B. Chauhan, Historical Guide to Chapter2 of the Supplement to the National Building Code
of Canada, Committee Paper FPR1-3, Prepared for the Standing Committee on Fire Performance Ratings, May1987.
Example showing fire-resistance rating of a typical membrane assembly, calculated using the component additive method.
1 hour Gypsum Board/Wood Stud Interior Partition
A 1h fire-resistance rating is required for an interior wood framed partition, using 12.7mm TypeX gypsum board.
a) Since gypsum board is used (SentenceD-2.3.4.(2) and TableD-2.3.4.-A) time assigned to 12.7mm TypeX gypsum board
membrane on the fire-exposed side of the partition=25min
b) Time assigned to wood framing members at 400mm o.c. (SentenceD-2.3.4.(3) and TableD-2.3.4.-E)=20min
c) Time assigned to insulation, if the spaces between the studs are filled with preformed insulation of rock or slag fibres
conforming to CAN/ULC-S702, “Mineral Fibre Thermal Insulation for Buildings,” (SentenceD-2.3.4.(4) and
d) Time assigned to the membrane on the non-fire-exposed side (SentenceD-2.3.5.(1))=0min
Fire-resistance rating=25+20+15=60min