The British Columbia Building Code | Section 2.1. | Application Pt 1
Division A: Compliance, Objectives and Functional Statements Part 2 – Objectives
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Division A
Section 2.1. Application
2.1.1. Application Application
1) This Part applies to all buildings covered in this Code. (See Article1.1.1.1.) Application of Objectives
(See NoteA-
1) Except as provided in Sentences (2) to(6), the objectives described in this Part apply
a) to all buildings covered in this Code (see Article1.1.1.1.), and
b) only to the extent that they relate to compliance with this Code as required in Article1.2.1.1.
2) Objective OS4, Resistance to Unwanted Entry, applies only to dwelling units. (See Article1.3.3.3.)
3) Objective OH3, Noise Protection, applies only to dwelling units.
4) Objective OH5, Hazardous Substances Containment, applies only to the extent defined in
a) Book II, (Plumbing Systems) of this Code, and
b) the British Columbia Fire Code.
5) Objective OA, Accessibility (including Objectives OA1, Accessible Path of Travel, and OA2, Accessible
Facilities), does not apply to
a) dwelling units, row houses, boarding houses, lodging houses and construction camps, except as required by
i) Article of Division B, or
ii) Subsection 3.8.5. of Division B,
b) apartment and condominium buildings except to the extent described in Subsection 3.8.2. of Division B,
c) high-hazard industrial
d) buildings that are not intended to be occupied on a daily or full-time basis, including automatic telephone
exchanges, pump houses and substations,
e) public toilet
buildings described in Clause of Division B, and
f) the storeys described in Clauses and (g) of Division B.
6) Objective OE, Environment, applies only to
a) buildings of residential occupancy to which Part 9 of Division B applies,
b) buildings containing business and personal services, mercantile or low-hazard industrial occupancies to which
Part 9 of Division B applies whose combined total floor area does not exceed 300 m
, and
c) buildings containing a mix of the residential and non-residential occupancies described in Clauses (a) and(b).
(See NoteA- (See also Article
Division A: Compliance, Objectives and Functional Statements Part 2 – Objectives
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Division A
Section 2.1. Application
2.1.1. Application Application
1) This Part applies to all buildings covered in this Code. (See Article1.1.1.1.) Application of Objectives
(See NoteA-
1) Except as provided in Sentences (2) to(6), the objectives described in this Part apply
a) to all buildings covered in this Code (see Article1.1.1.1.), and
b) only to the extent that they relate to compliance with this Code as required in Article1.2.1.1.
2) Objective OS4, Resistance to Unwanted Entry, applies only to dwelling units. (See Article1.3.3.3.)
3) Objective OH3, Noise Protection, applies only to dwelling units.
4) Objective OH5, Hazardous Substances Containment, applies only to the extent defined in
a) Book II, (Plumbing Systems) of this Code, and
b) the British Columbia Fire Code.
5) Objective OA, Accessibility (including Objectives OA1, Accessible Path of Travel, and OA2, Accessible
Facilities), does not apply to
a) dwelling units, row houses, boarding houses, lodging houses and construction camps, except as required by
i) Article of Division B, or
ii) Subsection 3.8.5. of Division B,
b) apartment and condominium buildings except to the extent described in Subsection 3.8.2. of Division B,
c) high-hazard industrial
d) buildings that are not intended to be occupied on a daily or full-time basis, including automatic telephone
exchanges, pump houses and substations,
e) public toilet
buildings described in Clause of Division B, and
f) the storeys described in Clauses and (g) of Division B.
6) Objective OE, Environment, applies only to
a) buildings of residential occupancy to which Part 9 of Division B applies,
b) buildings containing business and personal services, mercantile or low-hazard industrial occupancies to which
Part 9 of Division B applies whose combined total floor area does not exceed 300 m
, and
c) buildings containing a mix of the residential and non-residential occupancies described in Clauses (a) and(b).
(See NoteA- (See also Article