The British Columbia Building Code | Section 1.2. | Terms and Abbreviations Pt 1

Division B: Acceptable Solutions Part 1 – General
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Division B
Section 1.2. Terms and Abbreviations
1.2.1. Definitions of Words and Phrases Non-defined Terms
1) Words and phrases used in Division B that are not included in the list of definitions in Articleof
Division A shall have the meanings that are commonly assigned to them in the context in which they are used, taking
into account the specialized use of terms by the various trades and professions to which the terminology applies.
2) Where objectives and functional statements are referred to in Division B, they shall be the objectives and
functional statements described in Parts 2 and 3 of Division A.
3) Where acceptable solutions are referred to in Division B, they shall be the provisions stated in Parts 3 to 10. Defined Terms
1) The words and terms in italics in Division B shall have the meanings assigned to them in Articleof
Division A.
1.2.2. Symbols and Other Abbreviations Symbols and Other Abbreviations
1) The symbols and other abbreviations in Division B shall have the meanings assigned to them in
Articleof Division A and Article
Division B: Acceptable Solutions Part 1 – General
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Division B
Section 1.2. Terms and Abbreviations
1.2.1. Definitions of Words and Phrases Non-defined Terms
1) Words and phrases used in Division B that are not included in the list of definitions in Articleof
Division A shall have the meanings that are commonly assigned to them in the context in which they are used, taking
into account the specialized use of terms by the various trades and professions to which the terminology applies.
2) Where objectives and functional statements are referred to in Division B, they shall be the objectives and
functional statements described in Parts 2 and 3 of Division A.
3) Where acceptable solutions are referred to in Division B, they shall be the provisions stated in Parts 3 to 10. Defined Terms
1) The words and terms in italics in Division B shall have the meanings assigned to them in Articleof
Division A.
1.2.2. Symbols and Other Abbreviations Symbols and Other Abbreviations
1) The symbols and other abbreviations in Division B shall have the meanings assigned to them in
Articleof Division A and Article