The British Columbia Building Code | Notes to Part 4 | Structural Design Pt 1

Division B: Acceptable Solutions Notes to Part 4 – Structural Design
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Revision 2.01 Division B
Notes to Part 4
Structural Design
A- Structural Integrity. The requirements of Part 4, including the CSAdesign standards, generally provide a
satisfactory level of structural integrity. Additional considerations may, however, be required for building systems made of components
of different materials, whose interconnection is not covered by existing CSAdesign standards, buildings outside the scope of existing
CSAdesign standards, and buildings exposed to severe accidental loads such as vehicle impact or explosion. Furtherguidance can be
found in the Commentary entitled Structural Integrity in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part 4 of
Division B).”
A- Serviceability. Information on serviceability can be found in the Commentary entitled Deflection and
Vibration Criteria for Serviceability and Fatigue Limit States in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part 4 of
Division B).”
A- Structural Equivalents. Sentence provides for the use of design methods not specified in Part 4,
including full-scale testing and model analogues. This provision is usually used to permit the acceptance of new and innovative
structures or to permit the acceptance of model tests such as those used to determine structural behaviour, or snow or wind loads.
Sentence specifically requires that the level of safety and performance be at least equivalent to that provided by design to
Part 4 and requires that loads and designs conform to Section4.1.
Sentence and the provision for alternative solutions stated in Clauseof DivisionA are not intended to allow
structural design using design standards other than those listed in Part4. The acceptance of structures that have been designed to other
design standards would require the designer to prove to the appropriate authority that the structure provides the level of safety and
performance required by Clauseof DivisionA. The equivalence of safety and performance can only be established by
analyzing the structure for the loads and load factors set out in Section4.1. and by demonstrating that the structure at least meets the
requirements of the design standards listed in Sections4.3. and4.4.
A- Loads and Effects. Information on the definitions can be found in the Commentary entitled Limit States Design
in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part 4 of Division B).”
A- Temperature Changes. Information on effects due to temperature changes can be found in the Commentary
entitled Effects of Deformations in Building Components in the “User’s Guide – NBC 2015, Structural Commentaries (Part 4 of
Division B).”
A- Major Occupancies. In a building containing more than one major occupancy and classified in more than one
Importance Category, the classification of each independent structural system shall be the same as for any part of the building that is
dependent on that structural system and for the highest usage group according to Table
A-Table Importance Categories for Buildings.
Low Importance Category Buildings
Low human-occupancy farm buildings are defined in the National Farm Building Code of Canada 1995 as having an occupant
load of 1 person or less per 40 m
of floor area. Minor storage buildings include only those storage buildings that represent a
low direct or indirect hazard to human life in the event of structural failure, either because people are unlikely to be affected
by structural failure, or because structural failure causing damage to materials or equipment does not present a direct threat to
human life.
Buildings Containing Hazardous Materials
The following buildings contain sufficient quantities of toxic, explosive or other hazardous substances to be classified in the
High Importance Category of use and occupancy:
petrochemical facilities,
fuel storage facilities (other than those required for post-disaster use), and
manufacturing or storage facilities for dangerous goods.
Notes to Part 4 – Structural Design Division B: Acceptable Solutions
Division B Revision 2.01 British Columbia Building Code 2018
The following types of buildings may be classified in the Normal Importance Category: buildings that are equipped with
secondary containment of toxic, explosive or other hazardous substances, including but not limited to, double-wall tanks, dikes of
sufficient size to contain a spill, or other means to contain a spill or a blast within the property boundary of the facility and
prevent the release of harmful quantities of contaminants to the air, soil, groundwater, surface water or atmosphere, as the case
may be.
A-4.1.3. Limit States Design. Information on limit states design can be found in the Commentary entitled Limit States
Design in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of DivisionB).”
A- Load Combinations.
Load Combination Equations
The load combinations in Tables and apply to most situations for loadbearing building structures.
Guidance on special situations such as load combinations for fire resistance and building envelopes is given in the Commentary
entitled Limit States Design in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part 4 of Division B).”
Load Cases and Crane Load Effects
The load combinations in Table are to be evaluated for structures with crane load effects for the scenario where the
crane loads are zero, and for structures without crane loads. The load combinations in Table are to be evaluated for
structures with crane loads for the scenario where the crane load effects are other than zero.
Crane Loads
Crane-supporting structures that have cranes in multiple parallel bays should be designed for the maximum vertical crane load
with the cranes positioned for the most critical effect in conjunction with a lateral load with each crane in turn positioned for the
most critical effect. For load combinations that include crane loads, additional guidance can be found in CISC/ICCA 2013,
“Crane-Supporting Steel Structures: Design Guide.”
A- Effects of Lateral Earth Pressure, H, Pre-stress, P, and Imposed Deformation, T, in Design
Effects of Lateral Earth Pressure, H, in Design Calculations
For common building structures below ground level, such as walls, columns and frames, 1.5 H is added to load combinations
2 to 4. For cantilever retaining wall structures, see the Commentary entitled Limit States Design in the “User’s Guide –
NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part 4 of Division B).”
Effects of Pre-stress, P, and Imposed Deformation, T, in Design Calculations
For structures and building envelopes designed in accordance with the requirements specified in the standards listed in
Section4.3., with the exception of Clauses 8 and 18 of CSAA23.3, “Design of Concrete Structures,” P and T need not be
included in the load combinations of Table For structures not within the scope of the standards listed in Section4.3.,
including building envelopes, P and T must be taken into account in the design calculations. For recommended load
combinations including T, see the Commentary entitled Limit States Design in the “User’s Guide – NBC 2015, Structural
Commentaries (Part 4 of Division B).”
A- Overturning, Uplift or Sliding. Information on overturning, uplift and sliding can be found in the
Commentary entitled Limit States Design in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”
A- Failure due to Fatigue. Failure due to fatigue of building structures referred to in Section4.3. and designed for
serviceability in accordance with Article is, in general, unlikely except for girders supporting heavily used cranes, on which
Article provides guidance.
A- Vibration Effects. Guidance on vibration effects can be found in the Commentary entitled Deflection and
Vibration Criteria for Serviceability and Fatigue Limit States in the “User’s Guide – NBC 2015, Structural Commentaries (Part 4 of
Division B).”
Division B: Acceptable Solutions Notes to Part 4 – Structural Design
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Revision 2.01 Division B
A- Loads and Load Combinations for Serviceability. The loads and load combinations for serviceability
depend on the serviceability limit states and on the properties of the structural materials. Information on loads and load combinations
for the serviceability limit states, other than those controlled by deflection, can be found in the Commentary entitled Deflection and
Vibration Criteria for Serviceability and Fatigue Limit States in the “User’s Guide – NBC 2015, Structural Commentaries (Part 4 of
Division B).”
A- Deflections. Serviceability criteria for deflections that cause damage to non-structural building components can
be found in the standards listed in Section4.3. Information on deflections can be found in the Commentary entitled Deflection and
Vibration Criteria for Serviceability and Fatigue Limit States in the “User’s Guide – NBC 2015, Structural Commentaries (Part 4 of
Division B).” Information on loads and load combinations for calculating deflection can be found in the Commentary entitled Limit
States Design in the “User’s Guide – NBC 2015, Structural Commentaries (Part 4 of Division B).”
A- Lateral Deflection of Buildings. The limitation of 1/500 drift per storey may be exceeded if it can be
established that the drift as calculated will not result in damage to non-structural elements. Information on lateral deflection can be
found in the Commentary entitled Wind Load and Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part 4 of
Division B).”
A- Floor Vibration. Information on floor vibration can be found in the Commentary entitled Deflection and
Vibration Criteria for Serviceability and Fatigue Limit States in the “User’s Guide – NBC 2015, Structural Commentaries (Part 4 of
Division B).” Information on loads and load combinations for the calculation of vibration can be found in the Commentary entitled
Limit States Design in the “User’s Guide – NBC 2015, Structural Commentaries (Part 4 of Division B).”
A- Dynamic Analyses of Floor Vibrations. Information on a dynamic analysis of floor vibrations from
rhythmic activities can be found in the Commentary entitled Deflection and Vibration Criteria for Serviceability and Fatigue Limit
States in the “User’s Guide – NBC 2015, Structural Commentaries (Part 4 of Division B).”
A- Lateral Vibration Under Wind Load. Information on lateral vibrations and accelerations under dynamic
wind loads can be found in the Commentary entitled Wind Load and Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC 2015, Structural
Commentaries (Part 4 of Division B).”
A- Counteracting Dead Load Due to Soil. Examples of structures that traditionally employ the dead load of
soil to resist loadings are pylon signs, tower structures, retaining walls, and deadmen, which resist wind uplift and overturning in
light structures.
A- Loads Due to Use of Floors and Roofs. In many areas of buildings, such as equipment areas, service rooms,
factories, storage areas, warehouses, museums, and office filing areas, live loads due to their intended use may exceed the minimum
specified loads listed in Table In these instances, the probable live load shall be calculated and used as the specified live load for
the design of that particular area.
A-Table Considerations for Live Loads.
Arenas, Grandstands and Stadia
The designer should give special consideration to the effects of vibration.
Attics – Limited Accessibility
Attic live loading is not required when the ceiling below the attic consists of removable panels that permit access to the ceiling
space without loading the ceiling supporting members. Attic live loading is not required in any area of the attic where the least
dimension of the attic space is less than 500 mm.
Corridors, Aisles and Rows of Seats
The spaces between rows of seats are typically designed for the loads of the occupancy they serve. Rows of seats typically discharge
into aisles that are designed for the loads used for the rows of seats. Corridors have a minimum width of 1100 mm and may serve
as collectors for aisles; they are therefore part of the exit system and are required to be designed for a minimum live load of
4.8 kPa.
Notes to Part 4 – Structural Design Division B: Acceptable Solutions
Division B Revision 2.01 British Columbia Building Code 2018
Floor Areas That Could Be Used As Viewing Areas
Some interior balconies, mezzanines, corridors, lobbies and aisles that are not intended to be used by an assembly of people as
viewing areas are sometimes used as such; consequently, they are subject to loadings much higher than those for the occupancies
they serve. Floor areas that may be subject to such higher loads must, therefore, be designed for a loading of 4.8 kPa.
Lecture Halls and Classrooms
For the purposes of applying the requirements of Table, lecture halls with fixed seats are similar to theatres in
configuration (the seats may have a writing tablet affixed to one arm). Classrooms are typically furnished with full-sized desks
having separate or integrated seats.
Minimum Roof Live Load
Articles and stipulate a minimum uniform roof live load of 1.0kPa and a minimum concentrated live load of
1.3kN. These live loads are “use and occupancy loads” intended to provide for maintenance loadings: they are not reduced as a
function of area or as a function of the roof slope due to their variability in distribution and location.
Vehicle Loads
A special study should be undertaken to determine the distributed loads to be used for the design of floors and areas used by
vehicles exceeding 9 000 kg gross weight and of driveways and sidewalks over areaways and basements. Where appropriate,
the designer should refer to CSAS6, “Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code.”
A- Loads on Exterior Areas. In Article, “accessible” refers to the lack of a physical barrier that prevents or
restricts access by vehicles or persons to the site in the context of the specific use.
A- Tributary Area. Information on tributary area can be found in the Commentary entitled Live Loads in the “User’s
Guide – NBC 2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of DivisionB).”
A-Table Loads Due to Concentrations. Special study is required to determine concentrated loads for the design
of floors and areas used by vehicles exceeding 9 000 kg gross weight, and of driveways and sidewalks over areaways and basements.
Where appropriate the designer should refer to CSAS6, “Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code.”
A- Crane-Supporting Structures. Guidance on crane-supporting structures can be found in CSAS16, “Design of
Steel Structures.”
A- and Design of Guards. In the design of guards, due consideration should be given to the durability
of the members and their connections.
A- Loads on Firewalls. Information on loads on firewalls can be found in the Commentary entitled Structural
Integrity of Firewalls in the “User’s Guide – NBC 2015, Structural Commentaries (Part 4 of Division B).”
A- Coefficients for Snow Loads on Roofs. Information on coefficients for snow loads on roofs can be found in
the Commentary entitled Snow Loads in the “User’s Guide – NBC 2015, Structural Commentaries (Part 4 of Division B).”
Division B: Acceptable Solutions Notes to Part 4 – Structural Design
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Revision 2.01 Division B
A- Basic Roof Snow Load Factor. FigureA- shows the basic roof snow load factor, C
, plotted
against .
Figure A-
Basic roof snow load factor, C
A- Full and Partial Loading under Snow Loads. Information on full and partial snow loading on roofs can be
found in the Commentary entitled Snow Loads in the “User’s Guide – NBC 2015, Structural Commentaries (Part 4 of Division B).”
A- Rain Loads. Information on rain loads can be found in the Commentary entitled Rain Loads in the “User’s
Guide – NBC 2015, Structural Commentaries (Part 4 of Division B).”
A- Flow Control Drains. Book II (Plumbing Services) of this code contains requirements regarding the use of flow
control roof drains. The designer must ensure that the building complies with both Book I and Book II of the British Columbia
Building Code.
A- Roof Projections. Elevator, air-conditioning and fan housings, small penthouses and wide chimneys are
examples of roof projections.
Figure A-
Roof projections
A- Values of C
for Small Roof Projections. Calculating C
in accordance with Article rather than
Sentence results in lower values for small projections.
1000 200 300 400 500 600
= 1.0
= 0.75
= 0.5
Roof Projection
xd = l
Notes to Part 4 – Structural Design Division B: Acceptable Solutions
Division B Revision 2.01 British Columbia Building Code 2018
A- Snow on Gable Roofs.
Figure A-
Load cases for gable roofs
Notes to Figure A-
(1) Case II loading does not apply to gable roofs with slopes of 15° or less, to single-sloped (shed) roofs, or to flat roofs.
(2) The value of C
for load case I is as prescribed in Sentences and (4).
(3) Varies as a function of slope, α, as defined in Sentences and (6).
A- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). It is not currently possible to verify the reliability and accuracy of
CFD and no standards address it; as such, this method is not permitted to be used to determine specified wind loads.
A- and (2) Natural Frequency. Information on calculating the natural frequency of a building can be found in
the Commentary entitled Wind Load and Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC 2015, Structural Commentaries (Part 4 of
Division B).”
A- Procedure for Calculating Intermediate C
. Information on calculating intermediate values of C
between two exposures can be found in the Commentary entitled Wind Load and Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC 2015,
Structural Commentaries (Part 4 of Division B).”
A- Internal Gust Effect Factor, C
. The effect of building envelope flexibility can be included in the
calculation of C
. See the Commentary entitled Wind Load and Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC 2015, Structural Commentaries
(Part 4 of Division B).”
Slope, α
0° ≤ α ≤ 90°
15° < α ≤ 20°
20° < α ≤ 90°
0.25 + α/20
upwind side
downwind side
1. 0
Case I
Case II
Division B: Acceptable Solutions Notes to Part 4 – Structural Design
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Revision 2.01 Division B
A- and (3) Pressure Coefficients for Main Structural System on Rectangular Buildings.
Figure A- and (3)
Values of C
for main structural system on rectangular buildings
Plan View of Building
Elevation View of Building
On side walls
On leeward face
= C
= C
−0.3 for < 0.25
−0.5 for ≥ 1.0
+ 0.88
On windward face
= C
0.6 for < 0.25
0.8 for ≥ 1.0
+ 2
On roof
= C
−1.0 for ≥ 1.0
−0.5 for x > H
−1.0 for x ≤ H
< 1.0
for 0.25 ≤ < 1.0
for 0.25 ≤ < 1.0
Notes to Part 4 – Structural Design Division B: Acceptable Solutions
Division B Revision 2.01 British Columbia Building Code 2018
A- Pressure coefficients for roof and wall claddings and secondary structural supports of
cladding on rectangular buildings.
Figure A-
Values of C
for roof and wall claddings and secondary structural supports of cladding on rectangular buildings
Notes to Figure A-
(1) The larger of W or D is to be used.
(2) Where vertical ribs deeper than 1 m are present on the walls, the dimensions 0.1D and 0.1W must be changed to 0.2D and 0.2W and the
negative value of C
must be changed from -1.2 to -1.4.
A- and (3) Exposure Factor for Dynamic Procedure.
Figure A- and (3)
Exposure factor, C
, for dynamic procedure
Notes to Figure A- and (3):
(1) Curve A represents C
for open terrain, as defined in Clause
(2) Curve B represents C
for rough terrain, as defined in Clause
0.1(W or D)
0.1(W or D)
0.2(W or D)
0.2(W or D)
0.1(W or D)
= ±0.9
= –1.0
= +0.9 and –1.2
= –2.3
= –1.5
Elevation View of Building Plan View of Building
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.8
Exposure factor, C
Height above ground, m
56 810
Division B: Acceptable Solutions Notes to Part 4 – Structural Design
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Revision 2.01 Division B
A- Peak Factor, Size Reduction Factor and Gust Energy Ratio.
Figure A-
Peak factor, g
Figure A-
Size reduction factor, s
0.02 0.04
Average Fluctuation Rate, ν cycles/second
Peak Factor, g
2 ln(νT)
2 ln(νT)
T = 3600 s
2 4
0.001 0.002 0.004 0.007 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.05 0. 10 .2 0. 30 .5 1. 0
s =
1 +
1 +
w/H = 2.0
Reduced Frequency, f
Size Reduction Factor, s
Notes to Part 4 – Structural Design Division B: Acceptable Solutions
Division B Revision 2.01 British Columbia Building Code 2018
Figure A-
Gust energy ratio, F
A- Full and Partial Wind Loading. Information on full and partial loading under wind loads can be found in the
Commentary entitled Wind Load and Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC 2015, Structural Commentaries (Part 4 of Division B).”
Figure A-
Full and partial wind loading
A- Exterior Ornamentations, Equipment and Appendages. Appendages may increase the overall forces in
the design of the building structure and need to be accounted for.
A- Notation.
Definition of e
Information on the calculation of torsional moments can be found in the Commentary entitled Design for Seismic Effects in the
“User’s Guide – NBC 2015, Structural Commentaries (Part 4 of Division B).”
Case A: full wind pressure applied in
both directions separately
Case B: Case A wind pressure applied
only on parts of wall faces
Case C: 75% of full wind pressure applied
in both directions simultaneously
Case D: 50% of Case C wind load removed
from part of projected area
Division B: Acceptable Solutions Notes to Part 4 – Structural Design
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Revision 2.01 Division B
Definition of W
Information on the definition of dead load, W, can be found in the Commentary entitled Design for Seismic Effects in the
“User’s Guide – NBC 2015, Structural Commentaries (Part 4 of Division B).”
A- General Design of the SFRS. Information on the general design requirements for the SFRS can be found in
the Commentary entitled Design for Seismic Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC 2015, Structural Commentaries (Part 4 of
Division B).”
A- General Design of Stiff Elements. Information on the general design requirements for stiff elements can be
found in the Commentary entitled Design for Seismic Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of
A- and (c) Stiffness Imparted to the Structure from Elements Not Part of the SFRS. Information
on stiffness imparted to the structure from elements not part of the SFRS can be found in the Commentary entitled Design for Seismic
Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”
A- Structural Modelling. Information on structural modelling can be found in the Commentary entitled Design
for Seismic Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”
A- and Table Site Class. Information on Site Class can be found in the Commentary entitled Design
for Seismic Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”
A-Table Serviceability Limit States for Earthquake. Information on serviceability limit states for earthquake
can be found in the Commentary entitled Design for Seismic Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries
(Part4 of Division B).”
A-Table Structural Irregularities.
Structural Irregularities
Information on structural irregularities can be found in the Commentary entitled Design for Seismic Effects in the “User’s
Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”
Gravity-Induced Lateral Demand – Type 9 Irregularity
Uncoupled concrete and masonry shear walls where a large fraction of the overturning resistance is provided by axial compression,
rather than through yielding of the longitudinal reinforcement, are less susceptible to amplified displacements due to
gravity-induced lateral demands because the axial loads have a self-centering effect on the shear walls. Walls that are stronger than
the foundation and other systems such as coupled walls, braced frames, and moment frames are more susceptible to amplified
displacements due to gravity-induced lateral demands. A lower limit on is thus specified for such systems. Further information
on the impacts of gravity-induced lateral demands on the seismic response of buildings can be found in the Commentary entitled
Design for Seismic Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”
A- Dynamic Analysis Procedures. Information on dynamic analysis procedures can be found in the
Commentary entitled Design for Seismic Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”
A-Table Industrial-Type Steel Structures. Guidance on the height limits, system restrictions and additional
analysis and design requirements for steel SFRSs in industrial-type structures, intended essentially to support equipment, tanks or an
industrial process, can be found in Annex M, Seismic Design of Industrial Steel Structures, of CSAS16, “Design of Steel Structures.”
A- Vertical Variations in R
. Information on vertical variations in R
can be found in the Commentary
entitled Design for Seismic Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”
A- R
and Equivalent Systems. Information on the R
of equivalent systems can be found in the
Commentary entitled Design for Seismic Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”
A- and (5)
Mid-rise Timber SFRS. Information on structural irregularities in mid-rise wood construction and
on how to determine the number of storeys for application in Sentences
 and (5) can be found in the Commentary entitled
Design for Seismic Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”
Notes to Part 4 – Structural Design Division B: Acceptable Solutions
Division B Revision 2.01 British Columbia Building Code 2018
A- Gravity-Induced Lateral Demand – Type 9 Irregularity. Structural systems that include components
such as inclined columns or horizontal floor cantilevers can induce lateral force demands on the SFRS under gravity loads.
Buildings with such gravity-induced lateral demands on the SFRS are more likely to experience severe damage during strong ground
shaking due to their tendency to drift only in one direction, leading to large residual displacements or instability. To determine if a
building is susceptible to amplification of displacements due to gravity-induced lateral demands, the lateral resistance of the yielding
mechanism to resist earthquake forces alone, Q
, must be compared with the gravity-induced lateral demand, Q
, at the same location.
Theforce component selected for this comparison depends on the yielding mechanism for the SFRS. For example, for a coupled wall,
the overturning moment resistance at the level of the expected plastic hinges should be compared with the overturning moment
demand (at the same level) due to gravity loads alone, whereas for a steel-braced frame, the storey shear at the critical level of the
yielding system should be compared with the storey shear demand (at the same level) due to the gravity loads alone. If the
gravity-induced lateral demands exceed the limits prescribed in Sentence, amplifications in seismic displacements due to
gravity-induced lateral demands can only be identified through non-linear dynamic analyses using models that adequately represent
the hysteretic behaviour of the SFRS. Further information on the impacts of gravity-induced lateral demands on the seismic response
of buildings can be found in the Commentary entitled Design for Seismic Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural
Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”
A- Gravity-Induced Lateral Demand – Non-Linear Dynamic Analysis. Information on non-linear
dynamic analysis can be found in the Commentary entitled Design for Seismic Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural
Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”
A- Determination of the Fundamental Period, T
. Information on the determination of the fundamental
period, T
, can be found in the Commentary entitled Design for Seismic Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural
Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”
A- Linear Dynamic Analysis. Information on Linear Dynamic Analysis can be found in the Commentary
entitled Design for Seismic Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”
A- Non-linear Dynamic Analysis. Information on Non-linear Dynamic Analysis can be found in the
Commentary entitled Design for Seismic Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”
A- Ground Motion Histories. Information on ground motion histories can be found in the Commentary
entitled Design for Seismic Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”
A- Accidental Torsional Moments. Information on accidental torsional moments can be found in the
Commentary entitled Design for Seismic Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”
A- Deflections and Sway Effects. Information on deflections and sway effects can be found in the
Commentary entitled Design for Seismic Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”
A- Diaphragms and their Connections. Information on diaphragms and their connections can be found in
the Commentary entitled Design for Seismic Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of
Division B).”
A- Ductile Diaphragms. Information on the design of struts, collectors, chords and connections for ductile
diaphragms can be found in the Commentary entitled Design for Seismic Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural
Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”
Division B: Acceptable Solutions Notes to Part 4 – Structural Design
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Revision 2.01 Division B
A- Influence of Dynamic Diaphragm In-plane Response.
In lieu of carrying out a special study as stated in Subclause, the anticipated total deformation demand on the
vertical elements of the SFRS, including inelastic deformations, may be taken as equal to R
+ Δ
) - R
, i.e., the difference
between the total storey drift including inelastic deformation effects and diaphragm deformations, R
+ Δ
), and the
diaphragm deformation under R
times the seismic load, where R
may be replaced by the actual overstrength of the SFRS vertical
elements. The design engineer must verify that the SFRS vertical elements have sufficient deformation capacity to accommodate
the computed deformation demand. If the vertical elements of the SFRS do not have sufficient deformation capacity, the design
forces for the vertical elements of the SFRS must be magnified by R
(1 + Δ
+ ΔD/ΔB). The calculation of the magnified
design forces is iterative as the Δ
ratio may change when using higher design forces for the vertical elements of the SFRS.
Reducing the Δ
ratio by increasing the stiffness of the roof diaphragm relative to that of the vertical elements of the SFRS may
be considered to reduce the deformation demand on the vertical elements of the SFRS. Additional information can be found in
the Commentary entitled Design for Seismic Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of
Division B).”
The dynamic response of the diaphragm with the vertical elements of the SFRS under seismic excitation involves several modes of
vibration that affect both the amplitude and distribution of in-plane shears and bending moments in the roof diaphragm.
The shape of the fundamental mode of vibration resembles the deflected shape of the diaphragm/vertical SFRS elements under a
distributed lateral load while higher modes involve increasing numbers of zero crossings of the deflected shapes along the length of
the diaphragm, similar to the modes of a simply supported beam with distributed mass. Shears and bending moments therefore
deviate from the values obtained from the equivalent static force procedure essentially due to higher mode response. Modal
contributions to shears and bending moments in the diaphragms can be obtained from a Linear Dynamic Analysis.
The contribution from the higher modes is generally more pronounced when the ΔD/ΔB ratio, the period in the first mode, or
the ratio S
(2.0) is increased. It also increases when the SFRS is designed with a higher R
factor as inelastic deformations
of the vertical elements of the SFRS attenuate the first mode response. Methods to take into account the inelastic higher mode
effects on in-plane diaphragm shears and moments are discussed in the Commentary entitled Design for Seismic Effects in the
“User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”
A- Discontinuities. Information on elements supporting discontinuities can be found in the Commentary
entitled Design for Seismic Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”
A- Vertical Variations in R
. Information on elements of the SFRS below the variation in R
can be found
in the Commentary entitled Design for Seismic Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of
A- Concurrent Yielding. Information on the effects of concurrent yielding of elements can be found in the
Commentary entitled Design for Seismic Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”
A- Design Force in Elements. Information on the design force in elements can be found in the Commentary
entitled Design for Seismic Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”
A- Foundation Movement. The bearing stress distribution in soil or rock that is used to determine the factored
overturning resistance of the foundation influences the rotation of the foundation, which occurs due to the forces applied by the SFRS.
Generally, all foundations will rotate on soil or rock. In particular, footings (a type of foundation unit) often undergo uplift at one end,
and if the factored bearing stress at the other end is only over a short length, then the uplift and rotation of the footing can be
significant. CSAA23.3, “Design of Concrete Structures,” contains design requirements for footings that rotate and uplift; see also the
Commentary entitled Design for Seismic Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of Division B)”
for guidance and methods to account for foundation movement.
A- Actual Lateral Load Capacity of the SFRS. The actual lateral load capacity of the SFRS includes the
effects of member overstrengths similar to those used to determine the R
factors. The applicable CSAdesign standards include
requirements on calculating the overstrengths and capacities, which may be based on the members’ nominal or probable resistance.
The actual capacities are larger than the factored loads and factored resistances and, in many cases, can be significantly larger.
Note that the foundations designed to develop the capacity of the SFRS will undergo movements and Sentence
still applies.
Notes to Part 4 – Structural Design Division B: Acceptable Solutions
Division B Revision 2.01 British Columbia Building Code 2018
A- Overturning Resistance of the Foundation. For the special case where the foundation is a footing, and
where it and the attached SFRS are not constrained against rotation, it is permitted, with certain limitations, to size the footing to have
a factored overturning resistance less than the overturning capacity of the supported SFRS. This approach results in a smaller footing,
increased footing rotations, increased drifts in the structure, and increased soil stresses, all of which are over and above those associated
with footings sized to have a factored overturning resistance equal to or greater than the overturning capacity of the SFRS. The footing
itself must have a factored resistance capable of developing the required soil or rock reactions. An example of a footing and SFRS that
are not constrained against rotation is an SFRS on a footing near the ground surface such that it can rotate freely and is attached to a
gravity-load-resisting system (non-SFRS) that is laterally flexible and provides little lateral resistance. For this case, the SFRS is usually
analyzed on its own and the resulting displacements are imposed on the non-SFRS elements in order to assess the effects on them.
Cases where the footing and SFRS are attached to a system that has significant lateral stiffness require careful analysis and engineering
judgement, or the footing can be capacity-designed.
Limiting the overturning moment on the foundation and the R
value provides some control on the increase in lateral displacement,
drift and stress in the soil or rock. Cases that exceed these limits require special study.
For the common case where the SFRS and/or the footing are constrained in some way against rotation, the footing’s factored resistance
must be equal to or greater than the capacity of the supported SFRS. An example of an SFRS constrained against freely rotating with
the footing is an SFRS attached to adjacent foundation walls by below-grade diaphragms. Examples of footings constrained against free
rotation are footings that use soil anchors to resist overturning, footings on piles, and raft foundations. Notethat Sentence
still applies.
See CSAA23.3, “Design of Concrete Structures,” and the Commentary entitled Design for Seismic Effects in the “User’s Guide –
NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of DivisionB).”
A- Interconnection of Foundation Elements. Information on the interconnection of piles or pile caps,
drilled piers, and caissons can be found in the Commentary entitled Design for Seismic Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015,
Structural Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”
A- Earthquake Lateral Pressures from Backfill or Natural Ground. Information on methods of
computing the seismic lateral pressures from backfill or natural ground can be found in the Commentary entitled Design for Seismic
Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of DivisionB).”
A- Cyclic Inelastic Behaviour of Foundation Elements. Information on the cyclic inelastic behaviour
of piles or pile caps, drilled piers, and caissons can be found in the Commentary entitled Design for Seismic Effects in the “User’s
Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”
A- Alternative Foundation Ties. Alternative methods of tying foundations together, such as a properly
reinforced floor slab capable of resisting the required tension and compression forces, may be used. Passive soil pressure against buried
pile caps may not be used to resist these forces.
A- Liquefaction. Information on liquefaction can be found in the Commentary entitled Design for Seismic
Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of DivisionB).”
A- Slope Stability. Information on slope instability can be found in the Commentary entitled Design for Seismic
Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of DivisionB).”
A- Elements of Structures, Non-structural Components and Equipment. Information on the
requirements of Article can be found in the Commentary entitled Design for Seismic Effects in the “User’s Guide –
NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of DivisionB).”
A-Table Non-structural Components and Equipment. The failure or detachment of non-structural
components and equipment during an earthquake can present a major threat to life safety. The design requirements presented in
Article are intended to ensure that such components and their connections to the building will retain their integrity during
strong ground shaking. Guidelines for the seismic risk reduction of such components are given in CAN/CSA-S832, “Seismic Risk
Reduction of Operational and Functional Components (OFCs) of Buildings.”
A- Storage Racks. Free-standing steel pallet storage racks contain only materials typically loaded by forklift.
They are designed to store loaded pallets, however in some cases, the stored material does not sit on a pallet. There is no occupancy
within the racks. Information on racks can be found in the Commentary entitled Design for Seismic Effects in the “User’s Guide
NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of DivisionB).”
Division B: Acceptable Solutions Notes to Part 4 – Structural Design
British Columbia Building Code 2018 Revision 2.01 Division B
A- and (16)(c) Glass Fallout and Failure. Information on glass fallout and testing for glass fallout can be
found in AAMA 501.6, “Recommended Dynamic Test Method For Determining The Seismic Drift Causing Glass Fallout From
A Wall System.” Every surface other than inaccessible areas or areas where occupancy is prevented or access is prevented should be
considered a “walking surface.” Additional information can be found in ASCE/SEI 7, “Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and
Other Structures,” in FEMA P-750, “NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions for New Buildings and Other Structures,” and
FEMA 450-1, “NEHRP Recommended Provisions for Seismic Regulations for New Buildings and Other Structures,”and related
commentaries, and in the Commentary entitled Design for Seismic Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural
Commentaries (Part4 of DivisionB).”
A- Design Review. It is strongly recommended that a design review of the seismically isolated structure and its
isolation system be carried out by an independent team of professional engineers and geoscientists experienced in seismic analysis
methods and the theory and application of seismic isolation. The design review should include, but not be limited to, the following:
a) site-specific spectra,
b) ground motion time histories,
c) modeling and analyses,
d) testing program and results, and
e) final design of all structural framing elements and isolation system components.
A- Non-Linear Dynamic Analysis. Three-dimensional Non-Linear Dynamic Analysis is a complex process
requiring special expertise. Guidance on Non-linear Dynamic Analysis can be found in the Commentary entitled Design for Seismic
Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of DivisionB).”
A- Ground Motion Time Histories. Ground motion time histories and their horizontal and vertical
components must be appropriately selected and scaled according to accepted practice. Further information on ground motion time
histories can be found in the Commentary entitled Design for Seismic Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural
Commentaries (Part4 of DivisionB).”
A- Design Review. It is strongly recommended that a design review of the structure and the supplementary
energy dissipation system be carried out by an independent team of professional engineers and geoscientists experienced in seismic
analysis methods and the theory and application of supplementary energy dissipation. The design review should include, but not be
limited to, the following:
a) ground motion time histories,
b) modeling and analyses,
c) testing program and results, and
d) final design of all structural framing elements and supplemental energy dissipation system components.
A- Non-linear Dynamic Analysis. Three-dimensional Non-linear Dynamic Analysis is a complex process
requiring special expertise. Guidance on Non-linear Dynamic Analysis can be found in the Commentary entitled Design for Seismic
Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of DivisionB).”
A- Ground Motion Time Histories. Ground motion time histories and their horizontal and vertical
components must be appropriately selected and scaled according to accepted practice. Further information on ground motion time
histories can be found in the Commentary entitled Design for Seismic Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural
Commentaries (Part4 of DivisionB).”
A- Subsurface Investigation. Where acceptable information on subsurface conditions already exists, the
investigation may not require further physical subsurface exploration or testing.
A- Responsibilities of the Designer as Defined in Part 4. In certain situations, such as when the design is
highly technical, it may be necessary for the “other suitably qualified person” to be someone responsible to the designer. In such cases
the authority having jurisdiction may wish to order that the review be done by the designer.
A- Innovative Designs. It is important that innovative approaches to foundation design be carried out by a person
especially qualified in the specific method applied and that the design provide a level of safety and performance at least equivalent to
that provided for or implicit in the design carried out by the methods referred to in Part4. Provision must be made for monitoring the
subsequent performance of such structures so that the long-term sufficiency of the design can be evaluated.
Notes to Part 4 – Structural Design Division B: Acceptable Solutions
Division B Revision 2.01 British Columbia Building Code 2018
A- Ultimate Limit States for Foundations. Information on ultimate limit states for foundations, including
terminology and resistance factors, can be found in the Commentary entitled Foundations in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015,
Structural Commentaries (Part4 of DivisionB).”
A- Design of Foundations for Differential Movements. Information on the design of foundations for
differential movements can be found in the Commentary entitled Foundations in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural
Commentaries (Part4 of DivisionB).”
A- Depth of Foundations. When adfreezing has occurred and subsequent freezing results in soil expansion
beneath this area, the resulting uplift effect is sometimes referred to as frost jacking.
A heated building that is insulated to prevent heat loss through the foundation walls should be considered as an unheated structure
unless the effect of the insulation is taken into account in determining the maximum depth of frost penetration.
A- Excavations. Information on excavations can be found in the Commentary entitled Foundations in the “User’s
Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”
A- Shallow Foundations. Information on shallow foundations can be found in the Commentary entitled
Foundations in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”
A- Deep Foundation Units. A deep foundation unit can be pre-manufactured or cast-in-place; it can be driven,
jacked, jetted, screwed, bored or excavated; it can be of wood, concrete or steel or a combination thereof.
A- Deep Foundations. Information on deep foundations can be found in the Commentary entitled Foundations
in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”
A- Load Testing of Piles. ASTM D 1143/D 1143M, “Deep Foundations Under Static Axial Compressive Load,”
defines routine load test procedures that have been extensively used.
A- Precast Concrete. CSAA23.3, “Design of Concrete Structures,” requires precast concrete members to conform
to CSAA23.4, “Precast Concrete – Materials and Construction.”
A- Welded Construction. Qualification for fabricators and erectors of welded construction is found in
Clause24.3 of CSAS16, “Design of Steel Structures.”
A- Cold-Formed Stainless Steel Members. There is currently no Canadian standard for the design of
cold-formed stainless steel structural members. As an interim measure, design may be carried out using the limit states design
provisions of ASCE/SEI 8, “Design of Cold-Formed Stainless Steel Structural Members,” except that load factors, load combinations
and load combination factors shall be in accordance with Subsection4.1.3.
A- Design Basis for Glass. The load factors in Tables and must be applied to the adjusted
wind load before designing in accordance with the referenced standard. Additional information is given in the Commentary entitled
Wind Load and Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”
A- Design Basis for Parking Structures and Repair Garages. See the Commentary entitled Live Loads in
the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”
Notes to Part 4 – Structural Design Division B: Acceptable Solutions
Division B Revision 2.01 British Columbia Building Code 2018
A- Ultimate Limit States for Foundations. Information on ultimate limit states for foundations, including
terminology and resistance factors, can be found in the Commentary entitled Foundations in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015,
Structural Commentaries (Part4 of DivisionB).”
A- Design of Foundations for Differential Movements. Information on the design of foundations for
differential movements can be found in the Commentary entitled Foundations in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural
Commentaries (Part4 of DivisionB).”
A- Depth of Foundations. When adfreezing has occurred and subsequent freezing results in soil expansion
beneath this area, the resulting uplift effect is sometimes referred to as frost jacking.
A heated building that is insulated to prevent heat loss through the foundation walls should be considered as an unheated structure
unless the effect of the insulation is taken into account in determining the maximum depth of frost penetration.
A- Excavations. Information on excavations can be found in the Commentary entitled Foundations in the “User’s
Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”
A- Shallow Foundations. Information on shallow foundations can be found in the Commentary entitled
Foundations in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”
A- Deep Foundation Units. A deep foundation unit can be pre-manufactured or cast-in-place; it can be driven,
jacked, jetted, screwed, bored or excavated; it can be of wood, concrete or steel or a combination thereof.
A- Deep Foundations. Information on deep foundations can be found in the Commentary entitled Foundations
in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”
A- Load Testing of Piles. ASTM D 1143/D 1143M, “Deep Foundations Under Static Axial Compressive Load,”
defines routine load test procedures that have been extensively used.
A- Precast Concrete. CSAA23.3, “Design of Concrete Structures,” requires precast concrete members to conform
to CSAA23.4, “Precast Concrete – Materials and Construction.”
A- Welded Construction. Qualification for fabricators and erectors of welded construction is found in
Clause24.3 of CSAS16, “Design of Steel Structures.”
A- Cold-Formed Stainless Steel Members. There is currently no Canadian standard for the design of
cold-formed stainless steel structural members. As an interim measure, design may be carried out using the limit states design
provisions of ASCE/SEI 8, “Design of Cold-Formed Stainless Steel Structural Members,” except that load factors, load combinations
and load combination factors shall be in accordance with Subsection4.1.3.
A- Design Basis for Glass. The load factors in Tables and must be applied to the adjusted
wind load before designing in accordance with the referenced standard. Additional information is given in the Commentary entitled
Wind Load and Effects in the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”
A- Design Basis for Parking Structures and Repair Garages. See the Commentary entitled Live Loads in
the “User’s Guide – NBC2015, Structural Commentaries (Part4 of Division B).”