The Ontario Building Code | Emergency Operation of Elevators Emergency Operation of Elevators

(1) Manual emergency recall shall be provided for all elevators serving storeys above the first storey.

(2) Key-operated switches for emergency recall described by Sentence (1) shall be provided in a conspicuous location at,

(a) each elevator lobby on the recall level, and

(b) the central alarm and control facility required in Article

(3) In-car emergency service switches shall be provided in all elevator cars.

(4) Keys to operate the switches required by Sentences (2) and (3) shall be,

(a) provided in a suitably identified box conspicuously located on the outside of an elevator hoistway near the central alarm and control facility required by Article, and

(b) kept at the central alarm and control facility.

(5) In a building that is not sprinklered, automatic emergency recall operation shall be provided for all elevators serving storeys above the first storey.

(6) The automatic emergency recall feature in Sentence (5) shall be actuated by,

(a) smoke detectors installed in each elevator lobby on each storey, or

(b) the buildingfire alarm system.

(7) Smoke detectors in Sentence (6) shall be designed as part of the building fire alarm system.