The Ontario Building Code | Design Requirements design Requirements

(1) The area of a Type B dispersal bed shall not be less than the minimum area determined in accordance with Clause (2)(a) or (b).

(2) For the purposes of Sentence (1), the minimum area is either of the following,

(a) the area calculated based on the loading rates for Type 2 effluent set out in the Column headed "Type 2" found in Table 2-8 of the BCMOH, "Sewerage System Standard Practice Manual", or

(b) the value determined by the formula,


A = the area of contact in square metres between the stone layer and the underlying soil,

Q = the total daily design sanitary sewage flow in litres, and

T = the percolation time of the underlying soil.

(3) The linear loading rates of the underlying soil shall not be greater than,

(a) the linear loading rates set out in Table 2-11 of BCMOH, "Sewerage System Standard Practice Manual", where the area of the Type B dispersal bedis determined in accordance with Clause (2)(a), or

(b) the following linear loading rate, where the area of the Type B dispersal bed is determined in accordance with Clause (2)(b),

(i) 40 L/m, for soil having a percolation timeequal to or greater than 24 min, or

(ii) 50 L/m, for soil having a percolation time less than 24 min.

(4) The width of a Type B dispersal bedshall not exceed 4 m.

Section 8.8. Class 5 Sewage Systems

8.8.1. application